iris08 (72)in #cn • 2 months agoWaikikiWaikiki is a great place to visit. I share my experience here. Hope you like it.iris08 (72)in #cn • 2 months ago在Costco订酒店,租车和买飞机票省钱策略今年我去旅游最多,在Costco租过几部车,在它的网站订酒店,再加上用在那里购买的礼物卡买飞机票,省了不少钱。 如果你也学着我在这里分享的策略,你也省下不少钱呢。 为了帮大家省钱,我今天制作了这条视频。iris08 (72)in #cn • 2 months agoFive must go places in Oahu夏威夷是一个人间天堂, 很多的我们去了一次又一次。 最美的沙滩,最好吃的食物,还有很有特色的人情风土。 我又从新制作了这条视频,加上中文。 希望这次我从夏威夷回来,看有没有新发现,更好的美景跟大家分享。 Hawaii is…iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoTrip to HawaiiHawaii is the paradise in the earth. A lot of us love to visit there, best beaches, best food, rich culture... I will…iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months ago日月潭之旅去台湾玩,怎么少了日月潭? 以前看到过太多描写日月潭风光的文章了。 台北的朋友很惊奇我们怎么能在日月潭玩这么多天,他们都是当天来回的。 我在这条视频介绍了我们的玩法,三天两夜的时间还觉得不够呢😀iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoJoin tour in Taipei不是一个对宗教信仰很执着的人。 但去了十分旅游,怎么都要体验一下那里放天灯的乐趣吧。 我把所有希望实现的愿望全部写在天灯上,把它放上天。 也是奇怪了,很多的它们都变得实现。 大家有机会的话,也要去试试吧。iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoSpent best time with elderly parentsMy father has difficulty to walk. I drove my parents from Los Angeles to Las Vegas. We stayed in a five-star hotel…iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoYouTube video of Taipan touring 台北旅游的经历My travel buddy and I traveled to Taiwan for the first time. The two of us felt that Taiwan was a great place…iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoChristmas Succulents wreathI made one Christmas succulent wreath in 2023 and hung it on my front door. It looked great! It's Christmas time…iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoAny containers can be used to plant succulentsI made the YouTube video to share some ideas how we plant succulents in cookie box, fish tank, broken water fountain…iris08 (72)in #cn • 3 months agoTour LA ArboretumAs a county employee long time ago, I went to visit this garden a lot. It's one of the best garden in the area. If…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months agoSucculents Arrangement DYISucculent free is very awesome. You can make succulent arrangements for birthday, housewarming, boss day gift...…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months agoHow to fix leggy succulentsIt's scary to fix a leggy succulent because we are afraid to kill it. I have tried two echeverias before I made this…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months agoHow to grow big succulentsA lot of people like to keep their succulents in the very small pots, so they show off their vibrant colors. For me…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months agoTalking early retirementIt’s a big decision when we want to retire. I saw a lot of government workers could retire early but chose not.…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months agoSucculents after raining dayAfter raining a whole day, I stepped outside of my backyard. I would not imagine how beautiful the succulents…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months agoRaining a whole dayWe don’t get rain here at all in Summer and mostly not in early fall. Finally, the raining season is coming. Today…iris08 (72)in #cn • 4 months ago室内植物现在已经很少买多肉了,主要是家里的多肉太多,很少见到新品种,但我是一个很难闲下来的人,最爱种种花草,那就来种室内植物吧。 看看家里的室内植物,每一棵的它们都很不同,不但可以令到家里的空气清新,而且把家里装饰的特别精致漂亮,我可就买不停手了,哈哈。iris08 (72)in #cn • 5 months agoWhat a fun Halloween game!We played three Halloween games in our Halloween party. Whoever won got a Starbucks gift card. The most fun game…iris08 (72)in #cn • 6 months agoHouse PlantsAfter I felt having enough succulents, I am growing houseplants! The benefits having houseplants are amazing. They…