iqrammullah resteemedanroja (79)admin🆙 Founder ⭐⭐| Club5050in Steem SEA • 8 months agoThe Diary Game (23 Juli 2024) - Membimbing Mahasiswa PKLiqrammullah resteemedanroja (79)admin🆙 Founder ⭐⭐| Club5050in Steem SEA • 4 years agoRapat Board Member Steem Amal Dan Steem SEAHari ini saya dan tim Steem Amal Wilayah Pidie Jaya berangkat ke Kota Lhokseumawe dari Meureudu untuk menghadiri acara…iqrammullah resteemedanroja (79)admin🆙 Founder ⭐⭐| Club5050in Steem SEA • 4 years agoT-shirt Steem SEA Tahap Ke-8 Sudah ReadySetelah tertunda sekian lama karena kesibukan saya yang luar biasa di tempat kerja (dalam bulan Mei dan Juni saya…iqrammullah resteemedabduhawab (79)mod【 Chief Executive Mod】✴️✴️✴️in Beauty of Creativity • 4 years agoBlack Markings Ladybug on the TwigLadybug is considered a useful insect as many other species prey on herbivorous homopterans such as aphids or scale…iqrammullah resteemedabduhawab (79)mod【 Chief Executive Mod】✴️✴️✴️in Beauty of Creativity • 4 years agoPaper Wasps (Mischocyttarus mexicanus cubicola)Another fascinating insect I found in the bush near the beach is a paper wasp. It is one of the common wasps that we…iqrammullah (44)in #photo • 4 years agoTutorial Editing Greeny Soft(sebelum) Hallo kawan, nah dsini saya ingin berbagi tentang dua foto hasil saya edit dan sebelum di edit ya, cukup…iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 4 years agoPhotography hunting ramadhanWelcome back to my steemit, seperti biasa ini kegiatan tahunan dibulan puasa bersama komunitas photography…iqrammullah (44)in #indonesia • 6 years agoPhotography #22 Huntingiqrammullah (44)in #indonesia • 6 years agoPhotography #21 Vintage PreweddingIni adalah salah satu dan pertama prewedding yang saya kerjakan dengan sang mempelai wanita memakai NIQAP (memakai cadaar) .iqrammullah (44)in #photograhy • 6 years agoPhotography #20 Nikah Kolaseiqrammullah (44)in #photography • 6 years agoPhotography #19 PreweddingNever attempt to fix what makes you regret in the past for repeated back, don't overlook the back so that your life is not broken.iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 6 years agoPhotography #18 Wedding NaturalWedding day, ini dalah pakaian adat Aceh dengan perpaduan dua warna, kuning dan hitam. jika anda kurang berkenan…iqrammullah (44)in #indonesia • 6 years agoPrawedding #17 Vintage TangseIni dia penampakan editing baru saya hasil dari coba-coba, hehehe buat kawan-kawan yang kadang ingin belajar edit…iqrammullah resteemedjeulamei (54)in #travel • 7 years agoAroma Kari di Tepi Sungai GeuniHarum kari kambing menyeruak dari tepi Sungai Geuni. Aroma khas gulai makin pekat di hidung, asap tipis mengepul ke…iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography #16 Jagd Duf den FastenmonatCamera Nikon D7100 Iso 250 F 4 Exsposure Time 1/200 sec Die Worte von John Lennon, Liebe…iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography #15 Mie Caluk Aceh | European Specialties Namely Spaghetti.Mie Caluk is typical of Aceh that is often found in traditional markets and sales regions in the region of Pidie…iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography #14 The Customs Of AcehThis is the appearance of the custom of aceh, used for authorized any event party. No exception in aceh did not wear…iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography #13 Hunting Workshop Fhasion & Wedding Fajar KristionoHunting workshop fhasion & wedding Photography by master @fajarkristiono From communitas FOKUS On the road Aceh 2017iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography #12 BW The Combination Of DifferentA different mix of black and white, i love black and white, and black and white unity agricultural products. This…iqrammullah (44)in #photography • 7 years agoPhotography #11 Prewedding Wild with Efect In Black And WhiteSee you like to listen to a song for the first time and find out if it will be my favorite. You holds me.…