iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoAPPOSTLE PAUL QUALITIESHe was a beloved brother. In our generation where men have become title conscious (or is it title crazy?), rarely do…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoTHE POWER OF TRUTHTruth is very powerful! It liberates and delivers from deceit, manipulation and death. God wants us to know the truth.…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoTHE MASTER'S VOICE PART 2Many a time, we put the cart before the horse. Instead of staying with God and His word so to get clear direction on…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoTHE MASTER'S VOICE PART ONEIn his or her daily life and service to God, the Christian worker needs to hear, be sure of, and follow God's voice…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoMAXIMIZING EACH DAY IN HIS PRESENCEOur God hears and answers prayers John 14: 14-15. It is said that a prayer-less Christian is a powerless Christain.…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #christain-trail • 6 years agoFaithfulness part 2Second, he who is not faithful in another man's business will not be, even with his or her own. I believe the Lord is…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #christain-trail • 6 years agoFAITHFULNESS part 1First, that he who is faithful in small, will also be faithful in much(by inference) be faithful in much. There are…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #cheetah • 6 years agoMY CHEETAH BLACKLIST. MY APOLOGY TO THE STEEMIT COMMUNITYI write this appeal letter with pain and regreat in my heart to the steemit community and also to @cheetah and…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoGOD'S PURPOSEIn terms of placements, God arranged it that Joseph would not be born before his time. He came as the 11th son to…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoLETTER TO THE CHURCH AT EPHESUSThe city of Ephesus was known as the market place of Asia. It was also an important religious city. It had the temple…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #christain-trail • 6 years agoTo My Fellow NigerianHappy new week, happy new month and happy Independence. In this month of October the Lord shall perfect everything…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 6 years agoTHE WORKER AND REWARDSIn Matthew 19:27, Peter, probably the most senior Disciple of the Lord Jesus, asked his Master a very important…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoCOMMITMENTThe word 'Commitment' has been variously described as "the trait of sincerity and focused purpose ". it is also said…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoHIS SPIRIT AND BLOODAs Christian workers we surely need the Holy Spirit. In fact, without Him we cannot be said to be workers indeed (see…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #christain-trail • 7 years agoBALANCING PRAYER WITH STUDIESWhile it is true that prayer does tremendous things and has power to change people, situation and society, it is never…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoPRAYER FOR OUR CHILDRENJoin me to pray for all our children. Especially as they are going back to school. Please take a moment to say this…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoPRAY FOR YOUR SPONSORSEducation is financially intensive. Nothing is financially free as far as education is concerned. To compound the…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoTAKE CHARGE OF YOUR SCHOOLOne thing you must know about prayer is that prayer is as powerful as God because it belongs to and affects God. Let…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoSTUDENT GOD WILL ANSWER IF YOU PRAYNotwithstanding it is joyful to know that amidst all these challenges befalling students, God has promised an answer…iloegbunamagnes (26)in #steemchurch • 7 years agoKNOWLEDGE OF THE WORD OF GODOne important thing we must understand about God on prayer is that God does not just respond to our words emptied of…