hery0823 (11)in #steemkitchen • 5 years agoTOMATO CREAM SOUPIngredients : 4 tomatoes, boiled and blended without water 2 wartel cut into squares Boiled chicken…hery0823 (11)in #hive • 5 years agoSambal Pete Udang Telur PuyuhBahan yang harus disediakan 6 papan pete kupas Udang secukupnya kupas Telur puyuh secukupnya, rebus dan…hery0823 resteemedabialfatih (77)in #indonesia • 5 years agoPENTINGNYA IMUNISASI BAGI CALON PENGANTINWASPADA CORONA JAGA IMUNITAS Tinjauan Teori Maqashid Syari’ah Terhadap Syarat Imunisasi Tetanus Toksoid Bagi Calon…hery0823 (11)in #esteemapps • 5 years agoPromotin Club Indonesian Leaguage 1Persiraja Banda Aceh bukanlah sebuah team yang diunggulkan di Liga 1 Indonesia. Tapi dengan 3 pertandingan tanpa…hery0823 resteemedforykw (64)in #hive • 5 years agoThe HIVE FAQ 😲⚠️📢Motivation... Since I have seen lots of repeated questioning out there (comments, discord, etc) and attempting to…hery0823 (11)in #sportstalk • 5 years agoPersiraja Banda Aceh Kembali LatihanHari ini Persiraja sudah menjalani latihan kembali untuk persiapan lawan Bali United pada tanggal 4/3/2020 di Stadion…hery0823 (11)in #steemit • 5 years agoWedding organizer Adat AcehFoto ini adalah salah satu bentuk pelaminan adat Aceh.hery0823 (11)in #steemit • 5 years agoOlymptradeDo you ever trade???hery0823 (11)in #esteemapp • 5 years agoalways gamingthis is my activity..everyday i play this game my hobby everyday salam sehobi thank you for votemy posthery0823 (11)in #esteemapp • 5 years agoOfficially Join AC Milan, This is the Schedule for Zlatan Ibrahimovic vs. Cristiano Ronaldo in the Italian LeagueZlatan Ibrahimovic had the chance to face Cristiano Ronaldo again after he officially returned to AC Milan. Both, will…hery0823 (11)in #steemgc • 5 years agoThis is the Strongest Hero of the upcoming Mobile Legend 2020, Already Have? Among the many heroes available in Mobile Legend, some of them are considered to be very strong and able to last a…hery0823 (11)in #zzan • 5 years ago알아야합니다! 신체의 촌충을 감지하는 방법촌충의 그림 몸에. 촌충은 보통 잘 모르거나 익지 않은, 심지어 감염된 고기를 자주 섭취 할 때 발견됩니다. 일반적으로 신체에 미치는 영향에 대해 생각하지 않고 먹습니다. 신체의 존재를 감지하기가 매우…hery0823 (11)in #zzan • 5 years ago건강 문제가 아니라, 이것이 일본인이 마스크를 쓰고 싶어하는 이유라고 밝혀졌습니다.일본은 사람들이 열심히 일하고, 훈련을 받고, 질서 정연하며 항상 건강과 위생에주의를 기울이는 나라입니다. 많은 일본 시민들이 종종 얼굴 마스크를 사용하는 것을 보는 것은 놀라운 일이 아닙니다. 사무실…hery0823 (11)in #sportstalk • 5 years agoChampions League: Salary of Atalanta is only half of Ronaldo's wagesAtalanta made it through to the last 16 of the Champions League with the team's total salary material only separate…hery0823 (11)in #sportstalk • 5 years agoPassed to the Big 16, Atalanta No More Need to Concern Player SalaryAtalanta president Antonio Percassi does not need to be too dizzy to find money to pay his players for the time being.…hery0823 (11)in #sportstalk • 5 years agoReject Arsenal, Rodgers: I Already Have a Top JobBrendan Rodgers (c) AP Photo Brendan Rodgers hinted he was reluctant to move to Arsenal because he had gotten a good…hery0823 (11)in #esteemapp • 5 years agoMARTABAK MINI EGG FROM INDONESIANMARTABAK MINI EGG . . Material: To taste springroll skin / spring roll skin ready to use 4 scallions, finely sliced 3…hery0823 (11)in #esteemapp • 5 years agoCome Back to SteemitSudah lama saya tidak bermain steemit dikarenakan harga sbd lagi melemah dan postingan kurang vote dri pengguna lain.…hery0823 (11)in #steemit • 6 years agoUser steemit where youSteemit sekarang tidak populer lagi ada apa ya?hery0823 (11)in #steemit • 6 years agoWelcome back to.steemitNow i comeback to play steemit... After my account banned by steem Now i can read and vote the post Big thank to steemit