golfturat (50)in #youtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Authoritarian (n.)(a.) - The authorized author of authority.Watch on YouTube Watch the rest on BitChute: Definition Authoritarian adjective…golfturat (50)in #education • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Calumny (n.) - An old word for a modern problem.Calumny noun An inaccurate or misrepresentative piece of information intentionally spread to harm the reputation of…golfturat (50)in #vlog • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Independence (n.) - Happy 4th of JulyIndependence noun The state of being free from outside control, or not subject to authority. Also, not relying on…golfturat (50)in #youtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Propaganda (n.) - It’s half the battle.Propaganda noun Information distributed with the intended purpose of creating widespread agreement with a…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Religion (n.) - The Church Is The StateReligion noun Devotion to or veneration of a particular set of morals or moral authority, usually of divine…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.June (n.)June noun The sixth month of the year. Visit The Video Dictionary Website: For more info on this entry…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Media (n.)Media noun Television, newspapers, radio, webpages, or any system or apparatus that organizes, selects and delivers…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agoLaconic (a.) - IFLaconic Adjective Using very few words to get a point across. Visit The Video Dictionary Website: For more…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Yeet (v.) - Yank, Yoink, Yeet!Yeet Verb To remove or throw something with great speed or intensity. Visit The Video Dictionary Website: For…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Politics (n.)Definition Politics noun The process by which communities decide who will give the orders, who will follow them…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Equanimity (n.) - A quality I need to keep up this pace of video productionDefinition Equanimity noun The quality of remaining calm and composed in stressful or difficult situations.…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Trump (v.)(n.) - It's all in the cardsTrump noun A card whose suit gives it a greater value than others. Also, a resource or option that will overcome…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Nerd (n.) - It's what I am.Nerd noun Someone who focuses much of their attention on something that others might consider a waste of time.…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agoNationalism (n.) - Untangling A Twisted Definition - with special guest Justin TroubleNationalism Left Definition noun The idea that one's nation is superior to all others and deserves to hold power…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Grifter (n.) - Sargon Of Akkad is a GrifterGrifter noun One who misuses her position in public or political life to reap dishonest gain or advantage.…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Fact (n.) - Quick EntryFact noun Something that has actual existence, or has actually occurred in the past. Visit The Video Dictionary…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Suborn (v.)Suborn verb To secretly incentivize another person to commit a crime or misdeed, through methods like bribery or…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Pedantic (a.) - Pretty well describes what I do herePedantic adjective Loudly and proudly proclaiming minor points of learning and minutiae. Visit The Video…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Easter (n.) - Sunrise, Direction, or GoddessEaster noun A Christian holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Visit The Video Dictionary…golfturat (50)in #dtube • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Clown (n.) - It's a Clown World!Clown noun A performer who wears outlandish clothes and behaves like a buffoon to humorous effect. Visit The…