fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 6 years agoDNATIX REVIEWWhat is DNATX? Dienaetiksa, dynasty, transparent, and see, that clients work together, researchers, laboratories and…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoENTRY.MONEY: A blockchain based banking serviceENTRY is a modern block-chain based banking platform, which is made to boost the flow of digital asset in the economy.…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoVERTEX: YENİ ICO’LARA GÜVENLE YATIRIM YAPMA PLATFORMUBizlerin hayat standartları gelişen teknoloji ile devamlı olumlu olarak artıyor. Yaşam standartlarımızın artması ile…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoINNBC REVIEWBioresearch innovative, the clinical data base BioResearch in Italy is an innovative biotechnology company whose…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoINNOVATIVE BIORESEARCH - AIDS Cure ResearchHello everyone, in this new dipostingan I want to introduce about INNBC project, and for more details let's just go to…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoBIDIUMWHAT IS BIDIUM? BIDIUM is a decentralized cryptocurrency exchange which combines the power of Advance Auction with…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoDIW Stands For “Digital Encoder With An Index”The improvement of the universe of digital money ought to be an administration that is extremely helpful and will…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoReview on DIWReview on DIW nozokiumi (25) in ico • 9 days ago Since bitcoin, the first token was invented, more and more…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoSAFEIN: A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT PLATFORMSAFEIN: A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT PLATFORM Is there anyone who wants all his needs complicated? and is…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoCASHBAG.CO - Lebih Dari Sekedar Situs Web PenghargaanHallo Semua, Apa yang salah dengan model cash back tradisional? Biaya & waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk menabung ke…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoSAFEIN: A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT PLATFORMSAFEIN: A BLOCKCHAIN-BASED IDENTITY MANAGEMENT PLATFORM Is there anyone who wants all his needs complicated? and is…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoUCHIT - Verteilte Peer-to-Peer-Plattform für Kollaboration und Kommunikation (P2P)Abstrakt Uchit ist eine Peer-to-Peer (P2P) verteilte Kollaborations- und Kommunikationsplattform, die in ihrem Kern…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoBELAJAR # ISOMateri ini diposting untuk referensi Anda. Halo semuanya, teman-teman terkasih! Hari ini kita akan berbicara…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoUchit- connecting people and connecting profitMuch of this year’s growth in internet users has been driven by more affordable smartphones and mobile data plans.…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoTicks digital (ICO)Ticks digital adalah produk pertama dari pertukaran crypto, yang dirancang sepenuhnya untuk para pedagang. Ticks…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoDigital Ticks Bounty Campaign Will Boost Your Crypto PortfolioHave you heard of Digital Ticks? If not, you should. They pride themselves on being the first ever commodities to…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoDigital Ticks Exchange [ICO]What is Digital Ticks? An exchange well designed by traders for traders. Digital Ticks exchange would be power packed…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoSAFEIN - Blockchain Based E-Commerce PlatformE-commerce business approaches are constantly changing while humanity entering the age of globalization and…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoSafein - Control Your Data with No Cost of ComfortWhat Is Safein ? Safein is a blockchain-based single sign-on identity management platform ensuring security, comfort…fauzan1117 (7)in #fauzan1117 • 7 years agoAPPLICATIONS AND FEATURES UCHITUchit is predicated Center for Communication and Collaboration Technology Blockchain. Uchit presents interchanges…