eosone (31)in #eos • 7 years ago节点排名惊现黑马?宇宙最全的节点排名进来了解一下!EOSONE节点评审报告第二期本报告大纲如下: 01.前言…eosone (31)in #eos • 7 years agoStand-by BPs Standing Out! EOSONE Report on Re-ranking the Top 83 BPs on 5 Dimensions#2The outline of this report is as follows: 01 Preface As a non-profit supervisor of BPs and builder of EOS…eosone (31)in #eos • 7 years agoBitfinex牵一发动全身!EOSONE超级观察第14期我们的宣言是:不为资本折腰,只为事实代言! 超级观察,超级节点;欢迎转载,请注明出处。 [本文数据截止至2018年9月6日11点] 01 Bitfinex多帐户、多代理布控影响力…eosone (31)in #eos • 7 years agoBitfinex Triggering Big Fluctuation in BPs Ranking by Changing VotesSomething you need to know before reading: Our declaration is: not for the capital, but for the facts! Please…eosone (31)in #blockchain • 7 years ago超级节点真的合格吗?这是EOS主网上线以来最专业的节点评分!EOSONE节点评审报告第一期本报告大纲如下 一、背景与意义…eosone (31)in #eos • 7 years agoAre EOS BPs Really Qualified? Re-ranking the Top 40 BPs on 5 Dimensions! #1The outline of this report is as follows: 1、Background & Significance Since the EOS is based on the DPOS…