draksh (44)in #steem • last yearDo not weigh meDoc who's that, Luc wanted to know. Indeed there's a new kid in town, or should I say on the sixth floor. Ask him…draksh resteemedteam-cn (66)in STEEM CN/中文 • 4 years agoPinned【公告】「新手村基金」从币安定期户口转至Pancake Swap质押,以备新手村的未来发展用途半年前,新手村将Steem户口里的4237.554 Steem 转为美元稳定币,并设立「新手村基金」以备新手村的未来发展用途。原存入美元稳定币金额$4789.25 (以USDT稳定币保存)…draksh resteemedsusanli3769 (74)Susanin STEEM CN/中文 • last year【生活】海鲜晚餐夫妻两有共同的食物爱好是件很幸福的事,让生活变得容易多了。…draksh resteemedwilhb81 (76)小智與小白in STEEM CN/中文 • last year智白中文谚语学堂系列之吃了湿的拿干的各位亲爱的鸭鸭好, 小智和小白条灰常开心,依旧能够为大家讲解,博大精深的谚语。 我们再次衷心感谢各位这些年来,对智白组合的包容与支持。咱俩废话就不多说鸭,马上进入主题啦! 《吃了湿的拿干的》…draksh resteemedlovequeen (76)愛情女王in STEEM CN/中文 • last year貴氣十足的101月餅禮盒一盒要價一千多元台幣的月餅吃過嗎?哈哈,在這之前我也是沒吃過的,因為聽老娘講起收到一盒一千多台幣的月餅,所以便叫老娘拿出來給我開開眼界,順便看一下這月餅裡頭包的是不是珍珠還是金子之類的,結果老娘果然不藏私地把收到的月餅拿出來,紫色包裝盒上印draksh resteemedrecursive (62)in #eos • 7 years agoRant about EOS low-security launch processEOS lack of standard key generation tool and offline registration instructions this close to launch is an embarassment…draksh resteemedtrafalgar (87)in #tauchain • 7 years agoThe Power of Tau - Scaling the Creation of KnowledgeOhad Asor, creator of Tau Chain/Agoras, has recently published the long awaited blog post detailing his vision for…draksh resteemedsteemitblog (77)in #steem • 6 years agoImproving the Economics of Steem: A Community ProposalHello Steemians, today we would like to disclose our public support for a proposal that we believe would improve the…draksh resteemedtrafalgar (87)in #steem • 6 years agoEIP FAQWhat are the Economic Goals ? To get people to vote in a way that honestly reflects their own opinion of a post's…draksh resteemedkevinwong (76)in #steem • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.HF21/HF22: Back in the Game! Let's Take Steem to the Next Level?Okay I'm feeling somewhat confident again after seeing the effects of the EIP taking place. Time to come back home…draksh resteemedtrafalgar (87)in STEEM CN/中文 • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.少林武僧的生活他们是中国武术的象征,以其深厚的武艺和精神修养而闻名于世。…draksh resteemedjeff-kubitz (69)in #writing • 2 years agoHome Improvement Project part IIIWhy are there so many train wrecks? My asked me. You don't know? I asked her No. We're at war. How do you know…draksh (44)in #programming • 2 years agoAdvice From a Software Engineer With 8 Years of ExperienceHello, and welcome! My name is Benoit. I have been a software engineer for the past eight and a half years. I stayed…draksh resteemedavle (69)modin AVLE 코리아 • 2 years agoavle 지분율 (기준일자: 2023.9.7)2023년 9월 7일 기준 @avle 지분율입니다. 임대량(ksp, 1천sp = 1ksp)과 임대일수의 곱으로 표시되는 비중값을 이용해서 @avle 자본금에 대한 지분율이 계산됩니다. 실제 계산은 스팀파워가…draksh resteemedgreentree (83)adminmodin AVLE 일상 • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.태양이 작렬하는 어느 날의 산책길태양이 작렬합니다. 그 햇볕의 따가움이 피부를 파고 듭니다. 양산과 햇볕 가리개 마스크를 쓰지 않고 길을 걷기에는 무리가 있습니다. 다행히도 여름에 내려 쬐는 햇볕과 같은 느낌이 조금 다르네요. 가을이 다가와서…draksh resteemedgreentree (83)memberin AVLE 코리아 • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.23/9/7. Avle 사모펀드 자본금> 1스파당 큐레이션 보상 현황임대지분과 본인의 큐레이션 수익을 개인별로 정리한 내용은 매일 @avle이 자동으로 게시합니다 9/7 자본금 : 168099-166860 sp(전일대비 +1239), 트론(0) 9월 7일 임대량 :…draksh resteemedbeemengine (61)in #promotion • 3 years ago🙏 Getting More Vote TractionIf you are willing get extra votes from our community Please join the Vote Pool by allowing @beemengine to vote on…draksh resteemedgreentree (83)memberin AVLE 코리아 • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.23/9/4. Avle 사모펀드 자본금> 1스파당 큐레이션 보상 현황임대지분과 본인의 큐레이션 수익을 개인별로 정리한 내용은 매일 @avle이 자동으로 게시합니다 9/4 자본금 : 164476-163316 sp(전일대비 +1160), 트론(0) 9월 4일 임대량 :…draksh resteemedkevinwong (76)in #tau • 4 years ago#1For more info:- Website: Whitepaper: Github: Tau Meta Language (alpha): Community-maintained…draksh resteemedjustyy (83)in Witness Activities • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Steem To TRX Swap Online!Last year, the Steem to USDT was made, and with today, I am happy to annouce that the Steem to TRX is also…