doggieandfoodie (46)in #food • 8 years agoWeight Gain and Mood Boost Protein Shakes for Skinny GirlsHello Steemit Friends, how are you guys today? Me, personally is a skinny girl who has underweight all my life…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago《超級大超市》俄亥俄州的辛辛那提之三十六小時 (3)上一篇講到我們吃晚飯,之後我們就去了一間什麼都有的超市,沒 有 在 誇 張 的!真的是什麼國家的東西都可以在這裡找到! 香港,印度,德國,俄羅斯,墨西哥,台灣,越南,英國,南非……doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago俄亥俄州的辛辛那提, 三十六小時 (2)謝謝你和我在這個旅途中呆在一起,Steemit朋友們。 現在讓我帶你到當代藝術中心吧~當代藝術中心在市中心區,找車位有點混亂。 入場是免費的,但不是所有的樓層都會開的,看運氣, 哈哈。…doggieandfoodie (46)in #travel • 8 years ago36 hours in Cincinnati, Ohio Part 2Thank you for staying with me on this journey, steemit friends. Now let me bring you to the Contemporary Art…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago俄亥俄州的辛辛那提, 三十六小時Hello steemit的朋友們下午好! 上星期去了俄亥俄州的辛辛那提,拍了一些照片和影片留念,把當中一些回憶分享一下給你們吧! 從舊金山飛往辛辛那提大約四個多小時,一下機已經是晚飯時間了,嘻嘻~…doggieandfoodie (46)in #life • 8 years ago36 hours in Cincinnati, Ohio (Part 1)Hi all steemit friends, I have visited Cincinnati this weekend and would like to show you the places I went to. My…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago風災無情,人間有愛接上一篇文章,雖然這些天災和政府造成的人禍令澳門變成了廢墟一片,可是澳門人的團結精神令澳門很快便回復原狀。…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago八月二十三日,澳門人都會記得的一天 part 1八月二十三日,十號風球天鴿登錄澳門。大家也來不及做準備,只因天文台遲遲不肯改掛風球信號,以致今次澳門的悲劇。…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago如果你去澳門...其實今日想介紹去澳門可以吃吃的食物: 葡撻不用說,一定要吃,還要趁熱吃,因為層層酥片非常酥脆,冷了口感就不一樣啊 蠔仔肉碎米,武二從小到大都愛,配合辣椒醋才是皇道!…doggieandfoodie (46)in #life • 8 years agoEnglish Songs Tuesday (1)Hi Steemit friends, I hope you all have a great start of the day! It is 6 pm in my country now and it is still very…doggieandfoodie resteemedtan90 (42)in #cn • 8 years agoSolar Eclipse in the US 美国的日食Today is a special day for American people. Because there is another solar eclipse go across the United States after…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago週一之粵語歌曲 (1) - 九十後青春歲月苦情歌 Songs for the week在車上聽到電台播著熟悉的歌曲...回憶一擁而上。 Me when I was a teenager 音樂陪伴著我成長...…doggieandfoodie (46)in #food • 8 years agoChinese Family DinnerI want to share tonight's dinner with you! We have one famous Chinese dish which I think is worth sharing : Braised…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago自我介紹 introduction哈哈 上次自我介紹太草率 玩了steemit一星期後發現原來寫一個成功的blog是要很用心的 從今以後 要用敬佩的眼光去看待每一個blogger的認真 好 開始自我介紹一下 我來自澳門,是朋友@tan90…doggieandfoodie (46)in #life • 8 years agoMake Up Remover Comparison 卸妝產品比較Hello Steemit friends, I hope you all have a wonderful afternoon. Today I would like to compare 4 different types…doggieandfoodie (46)in #photography • 8 years agoLas Vegas 拉斯維加斯doggieandfoodie (46)in #travel • 8 years ago香港長洲.Hong Kong Cheung Chau上船 下船 到了BnB 黃昏 食咩海鮮好?doggieandfoodie (46)in #food • 8 years agoMicrowave Ready Food vs My Own Version of Pepper Beef RiceI recreate the pepper beef recipe Recipe of the microwave ready food I use the same ingredient for the…doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years agoSolvang, California 加州丹麥小鎮圖片分享全都是自己拍攝的照片 all photos are taken by me 丹麥小鎮美哭了doggieandfoodie (46)in #cn • 8 years ago一個女孩一晩成田.日本 Travel Alone to Narita, Japan從澳門回來三藩市在成田留下一條腳毛~ 出成田機場後就乘車到酒店 由於語言不通,手機又上不到網,用我的身體語言和電車職員溝通終於找到我提前訂了的酒店。 因為已經晚上十點多,就在便利商店買了飯團當晚餐~…