PHOTOCHAIN Challenge TESTNET - Edition number 76 [ENG | ITA]

in Italy10 days ago

Puoi trovare la traduzione ITALIANA dopo la fine della versione in lingua INGLESE.

You find the new key-subjects after the rules section.

Usually, I tag the previous participants in the post. If you no longer want to be tagged, use the comment section to inform me. Thank you. :)

All rights reserved.
All the uses of the contents herein - and their derivatives - are strictly prohibited.

Hello World!

This is the 76th Edition of the Photochain challenge TESTNET on Steem. The Photochain Challenge is a blockchain-like photography contest. If you would like to know more about, read the Photochain TESTNET Edition ZERO on STEEM. There, I explained the functioning of the contest and how to join.

In this post, I'll announce the 2 (two) winners of the Edition Seventy-five of the TESTNET contest. Within the next 72 hours, I'll reward both of them with 1.5 STEEM - as previously explained - and will post in the comment section of the EDITION SEVENTY-FIVE.

And the Winner is...

The edition number seventy-five of the TESTNET phase counted 12 (twelve) valid participants.

The two Key subjects were:

Egg and Red

These are the 2 (two) winners of the edition:

Winner 1


with a nice egg face.

The personal subject is Flower.

Winner 2


with a dressed egg ready for the night life.

The personal subject is Smile.

Even this week we concluded with a good participation, so I though to add two special awards to two honorable mentions (for the just-ended edition): 0.75 STEEM each.

The first honorable mention is:

by @gems.and.cookies

and the second honorable mention is:

by @olivia08


Due to the creativity added by you in this edition, I decided to award the other participants with 0.25 STEEM each.

Congratulations to the authors of the photos.

Thank you EVERYONE for participating in this week's contest!
@bahrol @lupega @xiao-aine @wakeupkitty.pal @dipoabasch @henryclive @soulfuldreamer @hafsasaadat90

Thanks also to @cryptopie and @kafio, that tried the luck with an - unluckily - uncompleted entry.


I explained in the TESTNET EDITION NUMBER ZERO Post that you can participate by submitting a photo in the comment section: you must be the author of the photo.

The photo must contain the two Key-Subjects - I will write below - and another key-subject of your choice (the subject must be contained in the photo). I also explained HERE how the key-subjects will change and the criteria with which I'll choose them. Below, I'll mention all the rules. If you have any doubt, follow the practical examples in the TESTNET ZERO EDITION and learn about the contest there. If you post on your blog, remember to use the #photochain tag.

STEPS and RULES: first part


  • The photo that contains the two Key-Subjects;
  • A Comment with the two Key-Subjects + another subject of your choice but CONTAINED in the photo. (If you posted the image in your blog, you can post the link to that page, but you must add your photo in the comment section anyway);

2) ONLY IF YOU WANT: mention another person you think would like this challenge;


4) WAIT FOR THE NEXT WEEK: time limit to join is to 3 hours before the edition post Payout; I'll announce the winners after that moment.

RULES: second part

  • You can join with 1 (one) photo only each edition.

  • The PHOTO MUST BE TAKEN BY YOU (any device, like professional camera, smartphone, and so on).

  • Key-subjects must consist of a single word; multiple words are allowed only if the combination indicates a well-defined object/subject (for example "street lamp").

  • The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the two key-subjects indicated in the launch of the edition.

  • The entry photos MUST CONTAIN the third key-subject indicated by the participant.

  • The third key-subject has to be different from the first two key-subjects.

  • The duration of the contest is: from the start announcement post to 3 (three) hours before the post payout time of that post.

  • I'll advance with the prize-sending 3 (three) days approx after the finish of the weekly edition. I'll write the transaction ID in the winners' announcements post (practical example for educational purposes only: after 72 hours about from the winners' announcement, whoever wins the 10th edition will find a comment under the launch post of the 10th edition, containing the transaction identification link).

  • Participation is open in Italian and English. Not having knowledge of different alphabets, I ask those who want to participate to first make a translation of the proposed key-subjects together with the photo.


  • No SPAM!

  • Basic editing is allowed.

  • Each color cover is allowed, including Black and White.

  • You mustn't use graphic design and/or add part of other image and/or use deep editing like Photoshop-guided rebuilding processes: this is a photography contest!

  • GIFs are allowed only 1) if the duration is less or equal to 10 seconds; and 2) if it represents a view of the same objects/subjects and not a rebuilt-video; and 3) if the key-subjects remain in the foreground for the whole duration of the GIF.

  • I ADVISE you about the photo you want to propose: there are some Law rules in each State, and I know that using photo of people or photographing private properties could get you into some troubles. Make sure you're not infringing on anyone's rights when you post your photos on the web.

  • Each Theme is allowed: no censorship except for extremely explicit content. The nsfw contents are allowed but, if I choose a nsfw photo as a winner, I will not insert it as an image in the official post (only as a mention or a link to the published post).

  • IMPORTANT: I invite the participants to use fairly large categories as subjects so as not to sabotage participation. You mustn't use proper names (of cities, places, mountains, species, etc).
    Another example: don't use words like London, or Danube, or Mark, or Blue Crab; or don't use the snow bear subject, just animal or bear. Naturally, in case of equally deserving photos, I will consider a photo of an animal that isn't often photographed in a more relevant way than a simple domestic cat.


The more general the category of the meaning of the word used as a subject is, greater the participation in the competition will be, greater the prizes and the fun will be in the future.

Are you Ready?


This weekly edition is the:

76th Edition of the Photochain Testnet

The KEY-SUBJECTS for this week are:


A great edition again this week, with a turnout at the highest levels and a group of entries full of creative ideas. I thank you all for your willingness, including those who were excluded due to some overly stringent rules. I hope to see you in future editions. Now, we can launch a new opportunity, made up of a pair of subjects perhaps already seen but which could reserve some surprises: Flower and Smile. We'll see what happens this time. I wish you a good week and I give you my...



Now it's your turn.

Quella di seguito è la traduzione ITALIANA del post.

Puoi trovare i nuovi soggetti chiave dopo la sezione contenente il regolamento.

Di solito taggo nel post i partecipanti delle edizioni precedenti. Se non volessi essere taggato nei prossimi post, usa la sezione commenti per informarmi. Ti ringrazio :)

Tutti i diritti riservati.
Tutti gli utilizzi dei contenuti qui presenti – e ogni loro derivato – sono strettamente proibiti.

Ciao mondo!

Questa è la Settantaseiesima edizione della Photochain TESTNET su Steem. La Photochain Challenge è un concorso fotografico dal funzionamento di base simile a quello di una blockchain, cioè "a catena". Se vuoi saperne di più, leggi l'Edizione ZERO della Photochain TESTNET su STEEM. In quel post spiegavo il funzionamento del concorso e come poter parteciparvi.

In questo post annuncerò i 2 (due) vincitori della Settantacinquesima edizione della versione TESTNET del concorso. Entro le prossime 72 ore ricompenserò entrambi con 1.5 STEEM - come spiegato in precedenza - e pubblicherò nella sezione commenti della SETTANTACINQUESIMA EDIZIONE.

E il vincitore è...

La settantacinquesima edizione della fase di TESTNET ha visto 12 (dodici) partecipazioni valide.

I due Soggetti-chiave erano:

Uovo e Rosso

Questi sono i 2 (due) vincitori dell'edizione:

Vincitore numero uno


con una simpatica faccia d'uovo.

Il soggetto personale è Fiore.

Vincitore numero due


con un uovo imbellettato pronto per la vita notturna.

Il soggetto personale è Sorriso.

Anche per questa edizione abbiamo avuto una buona affluenza, per cui ho pensato di aggiungere (per l'edizione appena conclusa) due premi speciali da assegnare a due menzioni d'onore: 0,75 STEEM per ognuna di loro.

La prima menzione d'onore è:

di @gems.and.cookies

e la seconda menzione d'onore è:

di @olivia08


A seguito della creatività che avete aggiunto in questa edizione, ho deciso di premiare ognuno degli altri partecipanti con 0.25 STEEM


Grazie a TUTTI per aver partecipato al contest di questa settimana!


Ho spiegato nel Post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET che puoi partecipare inviando una foto nella sezione commenti, e che devi essere l'autore della foto.

La foto deve contenere i due Soggetti-Chiave - che comunicherò più avanti in questo post - e un altro soggetto-chiave a tua scelta (il soggetto deve essere contenuto nella foto). Ho anche spiegato QUI come cambieranno gli argomenti-chiave nel corso del tempo e i criteri con cui li sceglierò. Di seguito menzionerò tutte le regole. Se hai qualche dubbio, segui gli esempi pratici che trovi nel post dell'EDIZIONE NUMERO ZERO della TESTNET e scopri tutto quello che hai curiosità di sapere. Se pubblichi i post sul tuo blog, ricordati di utilizzare il tag #photochain.

PASSI da seguire e REGOLE: prima parte


  • La FOTO che contiene i due SOGGETTI CHIAVE;
  • Un COMMENTO con i due Soggetti chiave + un ALTRO SOGGETTO a tua scelta che sia contenuto nella foto. (Se hai pubblicato l'immagine sul tuo blog, puoi pubblicare il link a quella pagina, ma DEVI COMUNQUE AGGIUNGERE la tua foto nel commento). La ricerca sui tag o le notifiche hanno spesso mostrato problemi e non posso garantirti che riuscirò a trovare la tua partecipazione se non segui questa procedura;

2) SOLO SE VUOI: menziona un'altra persona che ritieni possa apprezzare questa sfida;

3) NESSUN FOLLOW, UPVOTE, RESTEEM RICHIESTI (ma sarò più che felice di riceverli);

4) ASPETTA LA SETTIMANA SUCCESSIVA: il tempo limite per partecipare è fissato a 3 ore prima del pagamento del post di lancio dell'edizione; la proclamazione dei vincitori verrà effettuata dopo questo traguardo.

REGOLE: seconda parte

  • Puoi partecipare con 1 (una) sola foto per ogni edizione.

  • La FOTO DEVE ESSERE SCATTATA DA TE (con qualsiasi dispositivo, come fotocamera professionale, smartphone, e così via).

  • I soggetti chiave devono essere costituiti da una singola parola; sono consentite più parole solo se l'insieme indica un oggetto/soggetto ben definito (per esempio "street lamp" che è la traduzione inglese di "lampione")

  • Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE i due soggetti chiave indicati nel post di lancio dell'edizione.

  • Le foto proposte DEVONO CONTENERE il terzo soggetto chiave indicato da ogni utente che proponga la propria foto.

  • Il terzo soggetto chiave deve essere diverso dai primi due soggetti chiave.

  • La durata del concorso va dalla pubblicazione del post di lancio di ogni edizione fino a 3 (tre) ore prima dell'orario di pagamento di quel post (che avviene circa 7 giorni dopo).

  • L'invio del montepremi avverrà circa 3 (tre) giorni dopo la conclusione dell'edizione settimanale. Comunicherò il codice identificativo della transazione in un commento al post di lancio dell'edizione vinta (esempio pratico a scopo soltanto didattico: chi vincerà la 10a edizione troverà un commento sotto il post di lancio della 10a edizione, contenente il link alla transazione).

  • La partecipazione è aperta in lingua italiana e inglese. Non avendo conoscenze di alfabeti differenti, chiedo a chi voglia partecipare di effettuare prima una traduzione dei soggetti chiave proposti assieme alla foto.


  • Niente SPAM!

  • È consentito l'editing di base (colori, saturazioni, luci e ombre, nitidezza, contrasti, eccetera).

  • È consentita qualsiasi versione cromatica, incluso il bianco e nero.

  • Non è consentito utilizzare grafiche e/o aggiungere parti di altre immagini e/o utilizzare editing profondi come per esempio processi di ricostruzione di immagini guidati da Photoshop o da altre intelligenze artificiali: questo è un concorso fotografico!

  • Le GIF sono ammesse solo: 1) se la durata è inferiore o uguale a 10 secondi; e 2) se rappresenta un'inquadratura degli stessi soggetti/oggetti e non un montaggio video; e 3) se i soggetti-chiave rimangono in primo piano per tutta la durata della GIF.

  • UN CONSIGLIO riguardante la foto che vuoi proporre: ci sono alcune norme di Legge in ogni Stato, e so che usare foto di persone o fotografare proprietà private potrebbe metterti nei guai. Assicurati di non violare i diritti di nessuno quando pubblichi le tue foto su Internet.

  • Ogni Tema è consentito: nessuna censura, tranne che per contenuti estremamente espliciti. I contenuti nsfw sono ammessi ma, se scelgo come vincitrice una foto nsfw, non la inserirò come immagine nel post ufficiale (ma soltanto come menzione e con un link al post pubblicato).

  • IMPORTANTE: ho invitato e invito i partecipanti a utilizzare come soggetti chiave categorie abbastanza ampie e "generaliste", così da non sabotare la partecipazione. Non è consentito usare nomi propri (di città, luoghi, montagne, specie, ecc.).
    Un altro esempio: non utilizzare parole come Londra, o Danubio, o Mark, o Granchio blu; oppure non utilizzare l'oggetto orso delle nevi, ma soltanto animale o orso. Naturalmente, a parità di risultato, considererò più meritevole la foto di un animale che non viene fotografato spesso rispetto ad un semplice gatto domestico.


Più il significato della parola che userai come soggetto chiave sarà generale e ampio, maggiore sarà la partecipazione al contest, maggiore sarà quindi il divertimento ed eventualmente il montepremi per le edizioni future.

Sei pronto?


Questa edizione settimanale è la:

SETTANTASEIESIMA edizione della TESTNET Photochain

I SOGGETTI-CHIAVE per questa settimana saranno:


Una grandissima edizione anche questa settimana, affluenza ai massimi livelli e un gruppo di proposte ricche di spunti creativi. Ringrazio tutti voi per il vostro impegno, compresi coloro che sono rimasti esclusi a causa di qualche regola troppo stringente. Spero di vedervi nelle future edizioni. Iniziamo fin d'ora a lanciare una nuova opportunità, fatta di una coppia di soggetti forse già vista ma che potrebbe riservare qualche sorpresa: Fiore e Sorriso. Vedremo che cosa succederà questa volta. Io vi auguro una buona settimana e vi lascio il mio...



Adesso è il tuo turno.


Hi everyone ! This is my entry. @davidesimoncini

I am crying a lot of because of the onions I am cutting and frying for the food of the wedding party later night . It popped up in my mind using the sliced onions to make a smile for this week challenges. In a big black plate , I started arrange the onions and it looks so good for me. How about you ? What can you say about this?

Special keyword is spoon

Another try but not the entry;


Thank you everyone and good luck.

Inviting @jiva34, @jurich60, @sarimanok to join here.

What a creative entry!!! Not in a million years will I ever think of something like this. It's so unique and unexpected. I like this so much. I think all the tears shed for slicing onions is worth it. Nice one. Good luck to you 😀

I just played my mind while preparing their foods, I supposed to smile and hold a flowers but when I shed tears from slicing the onions., it was so hard to smile while crying or tears were falling like having a heartbroken🤣🤣🤣

Congrats for the win. Very creative entry gyud. See you in the next Edition. Don't miss it! 😊

Awesome. We have to change your name from Olivia to Vidalia... :>)

What a great entry. I like it very much. Very creative.

Thank you so much

A new nice creative finding, Olivia. Thank you to join again. Welcome to the edition and a big good luck! :D

Welcome and have a great day creative people .

LOVELY !!!!! and, indeed, very creative. My sincere congratulations - might be the best entry this round!

Thank you so much @jpegg, , there are so many good idea . No worries, let us just enjoy.

Hi @davidesimoncini. Let's begin this Edition. Here's my entry.

This oil painting is a self portrait by my daughter in one of her earlier forays into oil and acrylic medium. I realized she had a smile which fit our keyword for this week. The rose and heart are souvenirs from Valentines.


My Personal Keyword is PAINTING.


I am excitedly waiting for your entries @olivia08 @dim753 @lupega @jpegg.

your daughter such a talented painter @gems.and.cookies it's not a contagious smile

It's a small smile, the way I see it. Somewhat like the Mona Lisa. Thanks ☺️

Beautiful smile of a daughter is priceless plus the valentines flowers .. Good luck for the win.

Thanks @olivia08. Maayo na lang kay naay smile. Kung wala, dili ma-enter sa contest 😆 Naa na imu?

Gahimo no na horror man 😂

Smile and Flower nga horror? 🫣

I supposed to make it smiley but it turned bad

 6 days ago 

A perfect entry.
A smile that warms the heart,
Colours blending gracefully -
’Tis indeed a work of art.


Lovely poem, William 😁 Thanks for the very nice words and appreciation ☺️

Hoping this helps you find the inspiration to show us a Flower with a Smile. 🙏

 5 days ago 

Let me see if I can find me a real flower...for Auggie😁

 4 days ago 

Great portrait!

Thank you. Hope you get your entry in. I'm excited to see what wonder the cave will bring 😊

An awesome artwork, a perfect choice. Thank you to join the contest again, Gems. Welcome also this week and a big good luck! :D

 4 days ago 

Congratulations to the winners.
This is my entry

You looks so gorgeous and a beautiful model in steemit

 3 days ago 

The model smiles a little, but I couldn't get another photo.

The smile? Where is it? I like the photo though.

Agree, the problem is the theme Smile

 3 days ago 

As @lupega says, we will have to imagine it hahaha, it is the only photo I managed to take

Wow. This looks like an ad for a footwear done very professionally. It is good that your model agreed to this photoshoot. She's perfect for it. 👍

Best of luck to you on this beautiful entry. 😊

 3 days ago 

It is indeed an advertisement, the model smiles little or not at all hahaha, but I wanted to participate and I couldn't get another one

Good one. Thanks for participating 😊

Very nice picture for this round, I like it a lot. Flowers!

 2 days ago 

The words are simple, I'm going to compete again

Great entry, Dim753. Thank you for coming back this week too. A big welcome and a big good luck! :D

 3 days ago 

Grazie mille, volevo partecipare e ho potuto scattare solo questa foto.

Va più che bene. In bocca al lupo di nuovo! :-)

 4 days ago 


Nice shot. Is she an actress or a model? She's very pretty. Good luck to you 😀

 3 days ago 

I was jogging by and I looked at her and she looked at me, smiled at me and I smiled back, LIES hahaha, there is a dental clinic, I took the photo
A hug

Hahaha For a while I thought you will say you went out on a date after she smiled back at you 🤣🤣🤣

Nice ad. It would really make you remember this dental clinic if you need a dentist 😊

Grazie di partecipare, Lupega. Scelta perfetta. Benvenuto anche questa settimana e buona fortuna!

 3 days ago 

È un piacere partecipare al vostro concorso, vi dico che ho trovato la foto per caso mentre facevo jogging di notte, l'ho scattata con calma, che miracolo hahaha, di solito scatto la foto e ne esco velocemente, beh stiamo migliorando.
Un abbraccio forte.
Ti auguro un felice inizio di settimana

A beautiful lady with smiling eyes plus the flowers on her head made her so adorable

 3 days ago 

I agree with you, she is a beautiful model.
I wish you a happy start to the week


Oh-oh! Nice idea. Thank you for joining also this week, Serdak. A big welcome and a big good luck! :D

Yay! Another one of your creative interpretations. My grandson couldn't help but smile when he saw this. He immediately told me "Upvote. Upvote. Quick."

I like how you make use of the glass as props for your entries. Great thinking. Best of luck to you 😊

I am very pleased to make your grandson smile 😊

Yes, he was quite happy with your entry 😄 Congrats for the win 🏆

Thank you

It is a charming entry, creative, simple, elegant. Minimalism rules!

 4 days ago 

Here it is a smile and flowers!
According to my sibling there are no smiles in the house, same for the cave, no smiles on book covers nothing. Nothing to laugh about. No idea where she found this one. The flowers are on a skirt



A smile and flower is asked this time.

Terimakasih undangannya teman,

Tak ada senyum di rumah? Apakah mereka sakit gigi semua? Saya tidak berani Membuat lelucon supaya semua tertawa, karena lelucon tidak akan mempengaruhi seseorang yang sedang sakit gigi, putus cinta dan uang di dompet kosong, jadi ketika kawanku terlihat murung saya akan bertanya, kenapa murung, kamu sakit? Jawabannya pasti tidak dan saya akan menggodanya dengan pertanyaan berikutnya yaitu, dompetmu apa kabar berisi atau kosong? Seketika dia langsung nyengir dan berkata " lho kok tau" dan saya jawab " jaman sekarang kalau terlihat murung segera periksa suhu badan kalau aman berarti periksa juga isi dompet 🤪, karena energi terbesar pasti keluar dari dompet hihihihi.....

 2 days ago 

Kata-kata bijak. Kurasa kita tidak tersenyum lebar, tetapi kita tertawa terbahak-bahak. Apakah itu penting? Aku akan mengingat dompet itu. Saatnya membeli satu. Mari kita lihat seberapa cepat dompet itu terisi jika kita tertawa terbahak-bahak 🤣🤣🤣 Dompet yang kosong adalah beban. Semoga harimu menyenangkan dengan tawa!

Untuk menghilangkan stres serta rasa tertekan mungkin kita harus sering menghibur diri, jangan pernah murung dan pelit senyum, saya selalu menghibur teman-teman saya dengan bermacam bayolan saya yang buat mereka terhibur.

Mereka tidak tahu kapan saya punya masalah karena mereka tidak pernah melihat saya murung, mereka tidak tahu kalau sebenarnya saya punya hati yang sangat rapuh, di rumah saya sering terdiam bila tinggal seorang diri dan memikirkan bagaimana saya akan menyelesaikan masalah saya tanpa harus orang lain mengetahui semuanya.

Terimakasih temanku....ya saya akan selalu tersenyum dan tertawa bersama dengan teman-teman saya mereka akan membuat hari saya lebih berkesan

what a smile, is that a doll?

 2 days ago 

It's an Anne Geddes doll or a fake one. You can look up this photographer. Famous for taking photos of babies in flowers or dressed like animals in a jumpsuit.

Good choice, Xiao.aine. Thank you for coming back also this week. Welcome and a big good luck! :)

I told you so. Your siblings are in on the Challenge already. No more tiptoeing into the cave of wonders. Such a happy happy entry. The doll and its furry outfit is truly a thing of joy and fun. Yes, same as you, I am wondering where your sibling got this one.🤔

I also love the print of the flowers on the skirt. The bright and colorful print is really a sight for sore eyes. Wonderful wonderful entry. Good luck to you. And thanks for inviting your fryends too. I hope they join us. ☺️

that's a great entry . The colorful cloths or bedsheets have a beautiful attraction to my eyes.


Your content has been successfully curated by our team via @khursheedanwar

Thank you for your valuable efforts! Keep posting high-quality content for a chance to receive more support from our curation team.


Ha Ha. No smiles in the house....


Hello... seems like my wife didn't open steemit for a while now, she's busy with the game and her religious group events. I think she'll be back in the game here soon. I found her picture in the google gallery that she shared with me, and I think it fit the key-subjects required this edition and I add my own key subject. One thing I remember about my wife is that she's always taking the flowers pictures anywhere she could find it, but she seldom takes a picture of her with the flowers around. So, this is a rarely found picture. it's not a selfie too.

Have a good luck, everyone! by the way, it's cici's signature smile!

You are a lucky and blessed man. Imagine everyday you go home to a smile like this welcoming you. Awesome.

This is a very festive entry with all those beautiful and colorful flowers and a happy smiling face greeting everyone. Well done with the keyword presentation. Good luck to you 😀

A beautiful finding @dipoabasch. But I noticed that... the photo looks unrealistic, created by editing two photos. The contrast of blur on the flowers and the image of Cici is unreal. Am I wrong?

 4 days ago 

A smile is no matural behaviour but something that is taught (copied) and we call a sign of happiness. This is the reason why laughing including the sound differs between races.


Someone laughs and the flowers are present.
It was a lot if scrolling through hundreds of photos to find one. 🤔
People have no longer fun?


@tezzmax @krucekoncept @naina9 @jiya99

All perfect, thank you for joining also this week. Your comment... you're right, I think it's the reality. Then... welcome to the current edition and a big good luck! :)

 3 days ago 

Thank you and a super start of the week!



Congrats to the newly weds 🎆🥂🎇🎉🎈Though I am sure this must have been years ago if you had to go through hundreds of photos for this. But still, every moment of married life should be like the wedding day with so much love, hope, Smiles and Flowers. Hopefully, it is the same with this couple living together like newly weds. You related to them?

I like the thought behind this entry. I am sure all the married "Chainers" can relate to this and think back on their own wedding day and how it has been throughout the years. Are the feelings still the same? Did things turn out for the better? Or worse? Still each has a story to tell about their journey, their ups and downs, their dreams and realities, and their happiness and sacrifices. 😊

Good luck to your entry. I like it very much.🙏

 3 days ago 

No it wasn't years ago (1 year) and most of my photos I delete after taking them. Holidays and travelling are good for many shots. I better delete them my phone is a mess.

They married after knowing another 30 years? She and I share the same name and we are friends and so is he (because he lacks family I adopted him as my brother) LOL

I am not sure why the priest had a good laugh (her sportshoes perhaps?)
She only married because of her father (terminal cancer) otherwise she wouldn't have done it. I am not sure if that's a good reason but they survived a lot so will it change something? I hope it will someday at the end of the run. It's mainly sacrifices for her.

most of my photos I delete after taking them.

I should practice this. My phone has memory problems now and sometimes I cannot take pictures spontaneously because of space limitations. I don't want to use cloud to store my photos. The last time I did, I had difficulty accessing the really old ones. And then I eventually lost them all somehow. I'm so non-techie with these things 🥲

Thirty years before they got married? That beats me 3 times. I got married 10 years after first going out with my wife. In our country, honoring the wishes of a dying parent is so sacred that only a few don't follow. It's an old old tradition. So if that's what the father wanted, that's good enough reason to do it. I doubt, though, if it changes anything with their relationship. But what changes is they now have the blessings of the Lord which sanctified their union and made it possible for them to live with Him at the end of their days. Excuse me but I am Catholic and I had to mention that to explain why I am so happy for them.

Was she really wearing sportshoes in that photo? 😁

Well describe and a perfect entry for this week. How I wish to be in a wedding gown hahaha

A Priest's smile, wow. (Could be pretty hard keyword for the next round! Window is more realistic and straightforward option,-> relief.)

Yes! Everybody wins again. So generous of you @davidesimoncini. Thank you so much.

Now on to your Flower and Smile photos 📸 @soulfuldreamer @xiao-aine @wakeupkitty.pal @henryclive 😀

 4 days ago 

Was Steemit down? I tried but couldn't sign in.

Not that I know of. Hope you can sign in soon 🙏

 6 days ago 

Still couldn’t come up with anything 😅

I just posted my entry 😊

 6 days ago 

Saw it 😃 Was that your daughter's idea?

Nope. It was mine. But she gave me the green light to post it 😊

 5 days ago 

I always find it hard to tell which is which - seems like the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree😊

This is my entry for FLOWERS Orange Portulaca Grandiflora


A beautiful photo but there is a problem @devi2021, the photo must contain both key subjects: FLOWER and SMILE. Then, you also have to share a third key subject of your choice, as long as it is also contained in the photo.
I hope I was clear in my explanation, write me if you don't understand something :)

ok ok i´m sorry i didn´t understand i´ll do it better next time