databasedna (34)in #qanon • 7 years agoImportant Message For #QAnon Followers#StopWaitingForASavior Collective Consent is our greatest power.databasedna (34)in #inpowermovement • 7 years ago#SmartMeters #TakeBackYourPowerdatabasedna resteemeddollarvigilante (76)in #money • 8 years agoYou Won't Believe What Jeff Berwick Talked About On Tim Preuss' PodcastI recently had the pleasure of being on Tim Preuss’ podcast to talk about several topics including how, interestingly…databasedna resteemedx22report (75)in #economy • 8 years agoThe Econonic System Is Moving From West To East, This Is The End Game: Bill Holterdatabasedna resteemedmaxigan (69)in #dtube • 8 years agoWhat if Everything You Thought Was True Is a LieMax Igan - Surviving the Matrix - Episode 300 - American Voice Radio, July 21st, 2017 - Support The Crowhouse:…databasedna (34)in #911 • 8 years agoGreat 911 Critical Thinking from James Perloffdatabasedna (34)in #poleshift • 8 years agoAntarctica PoleShift PlanetXSome great dot connecting from Dahboo7. Should you really be more concerned about Charlottesville than continents shifting?databasedna (34)in #royalrife • 8 years agoRoyalRife #Spooky2Want to pick up where #RoyalRife left off? … You can w/ #Spooky2 @Spooky2Rife @truthstreamnewsdatabasedna resteemedsgtreport (70)in #news • 8 years agoThe Nature of Reality & The 5G Beast System -- Max Iganby SGT, Max Igan from returns to SGT Report to discuss the nature of reality and…databasedna (34)in #poleshift • 8 years ago#Schuman ResonanceThere is something going on with the earth's heartbeat.databasedna (34)in #trump • 8 years agoWhat If #Trump Never Expected To Win The Election? (It Would Explain So Much)Donald Trump has lived his entire life in the public eye; he loves it. There would be no better way to build his…databasedna (34)in #cern • 8 years agoWarning About CERNThe #PyschopathsThatBe are using CERN as their own personal time travel experiment. The only problem is that it can…databasedna (34)in #steemit • 8 years agoTagline Suggestion For New Steemit Logo"Money For Blogging." it's a variation on the Dire Straits song, "Money For Nothing."databasedna (34)in #truthers • 8 years agoEmail I Sent To Max IganIf you watched the video from my last post by Max Igan, this topic will make more sense. I sent Max the following…databasedna (34)in #maxigan • 8 years ago#Introducing #MaxIganHe's not on steemit yet, but until then, you can find him here: He does a weekly video. Latest one here:databasedna (34)in #fourdchess • 8 years agoBecause #4DChess means shooting down jets bombing #ISISdatabasedna (34)in #deweyblarson • 8 years agoIf You Like Tesla, You'll Surely Like, #DeweyBLarson!humans do have an emf field around them, probably what anchors the pineal gland to the cosmic dimension.databasedna (34)in #health • 8 years ago#RawMilkdatabasedna (34)in #freeenergy • 8 years agoWhat Would It Be Like If Electricity Were Free?This is the kind of stuff we should be working on...databasedna (34)in #steemit • 8 years ago#FeatureRequest: Trending Tags (Like on Twitter)Would be nice to see which tags have the most activity at any given time. Also a good way to see if any censorship is…