darrenych86 (48)in #actifit • 6 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: September 21 2018Sometimes you just have to stay dedicated in exercise, until it become your daily routine. It never get easier, but…darrenych86 resteemedjourneyoflife (67)in #steemmonsters • 6 years agoSteemMonsters Card Giveaway #4: Contest + Last Weeks WinnerWelcome to the fourth annual Steemmonsters card giveaway !! I have decided to give back to the community by haveing…darrenych86 (48)in #actifit • 6 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: September 19 2018This time, it took me 10 minutes faster to finish walking the hiking trail, nothing to brag about, but I shall keep…darrenych86 (48)in #steempress • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 9: Stir Fried Cabbage with Fermented Bean Curd (腐乳炒高麗菜)Direction: Cut the cabbage into wedges then peel them. Slice the carrot. Prepare some small shrimps. Rinse them…darrenych86 resteemedbitrocker2020 (77)in #teammalaysia • 7 years agoVote Selling | How I helped my friend earned SteemHey Steemians, When I started out on Steemit , there was hardly not much tools around for Steemit. I remember one of…darrenych86 resteemedyanyanbebe (61)in #steempress • 7 years agoYL Travels#001-香港大澳/HK Tai O/홍콩 타이오旺角, 尖沙咀外, 其實香港還有很多景點值得看一下!今天想要介紹的就是-大澳!Today is Hong Kong's travels!Other than Central, Mong Kok, Tsim Sha Tsui, There…darrenych86 (48)in #steempress • 7 years agoReview of Perak Lane Fish Head Rice Vermicelli 【霹靂冷魚頭米粉】An old classic cafe with exceptionally good food is always irresistible to a foodie like me. This cafe at Perak Lane…darrenych86 (48)in #wei-story • 7 years ago敏感【第一屆 deanliu X Partiko 微小說競賽:42字】月圓之夜,小華特別覺得空虛、寂寞、冷,因此決定去叫雞,到了KFC,考慮到吃雞胸會敏感,所以點了一塊雞腿。 〖參加方式與規定〗 ・必須以Partiko平台發帖,並使用 #wei-story以及 #cn的tags,或者...…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 8: Stir Fried Shrimps with Fermented Soy Bean Paste (豆醬炒辣蝦)Ingredient: White shrimp 250g白蝦 半斤 3 Red chilies & 3 Green chilies青紅辣椒各3條 5 Thai Bird's eye chilies泰國小辣椒 5 條 3…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 7: Assam Prawns (乾煎亞叁蝦)Ingredient: White Prawn 1.5kg白蝦1.5公斤 Tamarind Paste 1 chunk羅望子膏一塊 Half tsp of white pepper powder白胡椒粉半茶匙 1 tbsp…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 6: Stir Fried Pineapple with Chicken Giblets (雞雜炒黃梨)Ingredient: 1 Pineapple黃梨1大個 1 Large Cucumber大黃瓜1條 5 Big red chilies紅辣椒5大條 2 Chicken livers雞肝2塊 5 Chicken…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 5: Deep-Fried Chicken Wings (炸雞翼)Ingredient: 10 Chicken wings雞翼10隻 1 Egg雞蛋一顆 A pack of all purpose seasoned flour炸雞粉1包 2 tbsp of soy sauce生抽2湯匙…darrenych86 (48)in #steempress • 7 years agoTesting 1,2,3借用星爺金句,測試一下在steempress初次發文。 你以為你匿喺度就搵唔到你咩?冇用架!你啲咁出色嘅難忍,無論喺邊度,都好似漆黑中嘅螢火蟲一樣,咁鮮明,咁出眾。你憂鬱嘅眼神,唏噓嘅鬚根,神乎其技嘅刀法,同埋嗰杯Dry…darrenych86 (48)in #animal • 7 years agoCute monkeys at play (猴子大混戰)It's super common to see bunch of monkeys all over the hiking track on the way up to Penang Hill. it is basically…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 4: Sambal Belacan (叁巴醬)Sambal Belacan, as known as shrimp paste chili sauce, is popular among countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and…darrenych86 (48)in #actifit • 7 years agoMy Actifit Report Card: September 6 2018This is my first time using actifit, seems like its sensitivity isn't high enough to be used in hiking. I have spend…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 3: Stir Fried Winged Bean (Kacang Botol) with Dried Shrimp Sambal (叁巴炒四角豆)Ingredient: 4 handful of Winged beans四角豆4把 8 red shallots紅蔥頭8顆 10 dried chilies乾辣椒10條 2 tbsp of dried…darrenych86 (48)in #photography • 7 years agoPenang State MosqueBeautiful, is it not? Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webdarrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 2: Stir Fried Pumpkin With Dried Shrimp (蝦米炒金瓜)I always believe that scrumptious food often comes with a sophisticated recipe. However, there are always some…darrenych86 (48)in #food • 7 years agoGrandma's recipe # 1: Yam Rice (芋頭飯)Ingredient: White rice (10 people's portion)10人份白米 25-30 Red shallots25-30顆紅蔥頭 A handful of dried…