cute-animals (47)in #nature • 5 years ago奇趣動物園#3 – 萌skr的小飛象章魚嗨,大家好! 歡迎來到奇趣動物園,大千世界,無奇不有,今天為您帶來的是小飛象章魚(英文名:Dumbo Octopus)!正文之前先上兩張圖片,欣賞一下這比楊貴妃還楊貴妃的小小萌物!圖片來源…cute-animals (47)in #life • 5 years ago碩果累累的果樹難得的超長假期,回了一趟遠在鄉下的老家。脫離出城市叢林的束縛,恍然間有了一種回歸自然、回歸兒時的感覺,家人團聚,總是讓人期待和愉悅!不過更讓我感到驚奇的是,老爸精心呵護的兩顆果樹,之前我不會相信能把果實結成這樣的!cute-animals (47)in #nature • 5 years ago萌寵俱樂部#2 – 誤入人間的仙女,布偶貓!嗨,大家好!…cute-animals (47)in #nature • 5 years ago奇趣動物園#2 – 世界上最溫柔的鯊魚深藍無限、殺機四伏!廣闊的海洋中,孕育了萬千的物種,其中就包括鯊魚這一種類。提到鯊魚,大家的第一印像是不是都是血盆大口、張牙舞爪(應該是有牙,爪兒就沒有)、兇殘暴虐、嗜血如命?就像下面這樣的?圖片來源…cute-animals (47)in #cn • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.萌宠俱乐部#1 – 哈士奇有话说,我的梦想你永远不懂!二哈,一种充满传奇色彩的狗狗。在我们两脚兽的眼中,颜值那是没的说,但其在犯二的道路上好像也是越走越远了。不过换个角度,哈士奇是不是也认为自己在犯二呢?让我们倾听一下哈士奇的心声吧。…cute-animals (47)in #nature • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Trolltech Zoo#2 - Adorkable Pampas FoxHi,my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals (47)in #nature • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Unexpected surprises, when you really focus on one thing!Hi,my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals (47)in #introduceyourself • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Self introduction from #cute-animalsHi, everyone! I am Yong Zu from China. I am very happy to enter the Steemit community, to satisfy my interest in…cute-animals (47)in #animal • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Trolltech Zoo#1 - The most beautiful Peacock tail mantis shrimpHi,my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals (47)in #animal • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Defective articleSorry! The original article has defects and has been re-released.cute-animals (47)in #animal • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.To dear readers!Hi, dear readers, everyone! Most of my articles have been withdrawn due to flaws (including image usage issues). I…cute-animals (47)in #animal • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Moe pets party#4 - Cat crashing when seeing a doctorHi,my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals (47)in #animal • 6 years agoTrolltech Zoo#4 - Adorkable Pampas grassland foxHi,my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals (47)in #animals • 6 years agoTrolltech Zoo#3 - Do you know who is the happiest little cute in the world? HahaHi,my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals resteemedflamingirl (78)in #palnet • 6 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Amazing nature #85 - Fabulous matamata turtlesHi Steemit family! In the nature section I bring you an animal that is worth knowing, as I said in previous post…cute-animals (47)in #pet • 6 years agoThese are the cats that are going to become pigs. What do you think?Hi my friends! Dear reader, I am very sorry, my English is very bad, it may affect your reading experience, I hope…cute-animals (47)in #animal • 6 years agoLet us look at this beautiful birdI don't know how to call this bird in English (scientific name: Paradisaeidae), but in China, they are called bliss…cute-animals (47)in #pet • 6 years agoIs the cat solid or liquid?It is said that the cat is a liquid, and it is said that researchers have written a paper to elaborate. Cat, it is a…cute-animals (47)in #pet • 6 years agoThe most mysterious black cat is coming!statement: I'm very sorry, My English is terrible Black cat is coming! Let us look at the most mysterious cat in the…cute-animals (47)in #prt • 6 years agoVery interesting huskyHusky, a very beautiful dog that everyone is familiar with. Originally belonging to the Siberian Husky, sledding is…