changli-deng (51)in #cn • 8 years ago亿书发布激励方案征求意见稿,拍砖有奖励亲爱的小伙伴们,节前我们发布了《亿书激励方案即将面向全社区征求意见,N多福利等你来》,按照约定,这次发布征求意见稿,请大家使劲拍砖(不要骂人就好)。 一、《亿书绿皮书》是什么?…changli-deng resteemedcnfund (70)in #cn • 9 years ago【AFTER CREATION】(Chapter 32)(Chinese Original Fantasy Novel)/【创世之后】(第32章 创造修真界)(原创玄幻小说)Copyright notice: This novel is written by cnfund in Steemit. Without permission, is strictly prohibited…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years agosteemit用户粘性问题好久都没来steemit了,不来的原因是因为这里没有我想要的东西了,开始玩只是觉得发帖能赚钱,事实上也让赚了一部分。后来就渐渐的对steemit没了兴趣,究其原因大概有两点: 一:锁仓时间过长…changli-deng resteemedxiaohui (67)in #stats • 9 years ago[Daily Update] Daily Report of STEEM Exchange Transfer - Sep 21 | [每日更新] STEEM 交易所转帐分析日报 09-21Overview of Steem Exchange Transfer: From Steemit to exchanges: $76,060 From exchanges to Steemit: $46,580 Time…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years ago📌Steemit《简单说说自己炒币的过程三》Simple talk about my speculation in the coins!这两天有事情去忙就没来得及写第三篇,今天就给大家说说我于区块链的事情。 三:拥抱区块链…changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years ago📌Steemit《简单说说自己炒币的过程二》Simple talk about my speculation in the coins!昨天说完了第一部分,也是感慨万千,N多个试想,试想当初应该狠狠心从生活费中挤出来一些钱买点比特、试想问父母要点钱配置点比特等等吧,不过都已经成为历史。就这样有一段长时间的远离币圈,这中间大概有大半年的时间都在为毕业的事情忙碌、为找工作的事情changli-deng (51)in #steemit • 9 years ago📌Steemit《简单说说自己炒币的过程一》Simple talk about my speculation in the coins!自己一直想写下炒币的过程,也有好多圈外的朋友想让我把自己的经历记录下了,一直也没太多的时间去静下心来写,趁着这段时间学习中,就把自己的经历写下! 我的经历大体可以分为三段: 一:初识比特币 二:迷恋山寨币…changli-deng (51)in #introduceyourself • 9 years ago📌Hello Steemers!Hello everyone,my name is dan,from a rural of china!This is my,I am 3 years old.I am from shangqiu city henan province of china! Now I do every day is to play,But happy…changli-deng (51)in #china • 9 years agoHello Steemers!Hello everyone,my name is dan,from a rural of china!This is my,I am 3 years old.I am from shangqiu city henan province of china! Shangqiu city I have a sister,she is 6 years old.changli-deng (51)in #china • 9 years agoWhat a beautiful China!What a beautiful China! The most beautiful place in China!changli-deng (51)in #china • 9 years agoWhat a beautiful China!What a beautiful China! The most beautiful place in China!changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBEDSIDE CONFESSIONTed and Julie go to bed with each other for the first time.Julie: "I should warn you, Ted: I've got acute angina."Ted:…changli-deng (51)in #ebookchain • 9 years agoEBOOK CHAIN A new driving force for human creation! And Steem Be carefulWriting / collaboration is so simple To give knowledge a price tag, make writing more…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoLAST MUSICAL REQUESTThe inmate on death row is scheduled to be put to death by firing squad. He doesn't request a last meal or anything…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoA FATHER'S LAST REQUESTA husband and wife have four sons. The oldest three are tall with red hair and light skin while the youngest son is…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBLONDE'S APPENDICITISA blonde has sharp pains in her side, so she goes to the hospital. The doctor examines her and says, "You have acute…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoWALKS INTO A BAR... TALKING DOGA dog walks into a bar and hops up on a stool. He looks the bartender in the eye and says, "Hey, guess what? I can…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoWALKS INTO A BAR... HORSING AROUNDA farmer walks into a bar with a horse. He says, "I will give any of you $1,000 if you can make my horse laugh." A…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBirthday DisappointmentBecause it was my brother’s birthday, our mom wanted to do something special. She called his fraternity house and said…changli-deng (51)in #joke • 9 years agoBirthday JokesEvery year on my birthday, I looked forward to my aunt’s gift—a scarf, hat, or sweater knitted by hand. One year, she…