brianwong (53)Free Poetry Writerin Freewriters • 8 months agowhile missing youWhen darkness has not yet dissipated and dawn has not yet arrived When the first morning star is still bright and…brianwong (53)Free Poetry Writerin Freewriters • 8 months agoHomePeople live in houses Houses are built in rice fields Rice fields, farms are in villages Villages are pieced…brianwong (53)in Popular STEM • 8 months agoP≠NP ProblemThe P≠NP problem is a core problem in computer science and is considered one of the most important and profound…brianwong (53)Free Poetry Writerin Freewriters • 8 months agofriendYou and I You and I will be good friends for life They used to say this I remember one time We hadn’t seen…brianwong (53)in Popular STEM • 8 months agoRiemann hypothesisThe Riemann hypothesis is one of the most important and famous unsolved problems in number theory, proposed by German…brianwong (53)in Newcomers' Community • 10 months agoAchievement-1Hello, friends on Steemit, I am Huang Yanbin and my username is @brianwong. I am 28 years old and live in a small town…brianwong (53)in STEEM CN/中文 • 10 months ago父母对孩子的爱关怀和呵护: 父母会尽全力保护孩子,给予他们身体上和心理上的关怀,确保他们的安全和健康。 支持和鼓励: 父母会鼓励孩子追求他们的梦想,支持他们的兴趣和努力,给予他们信心和勇气。 教育和引导:…brianwong (53)in STEEM CN/中文 • 11 months ago除草机的10个技巧1.选择正确的除草机: 不同类型的植被和草地可能需要不同类型的除草机。确保选择适合你需要的功率和功能的机器。 2.穿着适当的服装:…brianwong (53)in #cn • 11 months ago"劳斯莱斯 vs 宾利:奢华与运动的较量"劳斯莱斯(Rolls-Royce)和宾利(Bentley)是两个备受尊敬的英国豪华汽车品牌,它们在汽车界都有着悠久的历史和丰富的传统。虽然这两个品牌在早期有着一些共同的历史渊源,但它们已经在过去的几十年里发展成了两个独立的实体,拥有自己独特brianwong (53)in #cn • 11 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.介绍一下微分方程微分方程是研究函数及其导数之间关系的数学方程。它是自然科学和工程领域中广泛应用的数学工具,用于描述变化和发展过程中的现象。微分方程通常包含未知函数的导数和函数自身。它们的解可以提供关于系统行为的重要信息,例如物理系统的运动规律、化学反应的动brianwong (53)in #cn • 11 months agosteemCreated with,我爱我的祖国在这片古老而又充满活力的土地上,我生长,我成长,我拥有无尽的自豪和深深的眷恋。我爱我的祖国,因为她有着悠久的历史和灿烂的文化。从华夏文明的发祥地到丝绸之路的起点,每一寸土地都沉淀着岁月的痕迹,每一座城市都承载着无数个故事。在这片土地上,有着brianwong (53)in STEEM CN/中文 • 11 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.让大家更好的了解微积分微积分是由17世纪的数学家、物理学家和天文学家牛顿(Isaac Newton)和莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm…brianwong (53)in STEEM CN/中文 • 11 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.下面的米你认识几种大米(白米):是经过去壳、去糠、去胚芽等加工处理后的稻米,通常是白色的。它是最常见的米种,常用于各种菜肴和主食。 糙米:是未经过精加工处理的稻米,保留了外层的胚芽和糠层,因此颜色较深,富含纤维、维生素和矿物质。…brianwong (53)in #garden • 11 months agoGo for a walk in the park with the neighbor's mistressGo for a walk in the park with the neighbor's mistressbrianwong (53)in #medical • 11 months agoTraditional Chinese Medicine KnowledgeMedically speaking, the root cause of human aging is deficiency of Qi and blood, that is, kidney deficiency. If you…brianwong (53)in #chinese • 11 months agosteemCreated with Sketch.The cherry blossoms are blooming, I have a date with the beautiful sceneryHello, dear friends! Spring is here, and the cherry blossoms are here as promised. How can you miss this romantic date…brianwong (53)in #knowledge • 11 months agoThe unsolved mystery that baffles everyone! Why do your shoelaces always come undone?For many people, loose shoelaces are a frustrating problem. No matter how carefully you tie your shoelaces, they…