arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoMakan bersama setelah kegiatan baksos di aceh besarSetelah melakukan tugas bakti sosial di daerah aceh besar kami melakukan masak dan makan bersama. Kegiatan masak…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoCop Coffee Arabica AcehCop coffee is a typical coffee from Aceh which is precisely in the western part of aceh or tenom, from the habit and…arfie (40)in #indonesia • 7 years agoAceh food Beulekat Srikaya,Aceh Rayeuk IndonesiaBeulekat or pulut often we encounter in every region in Indonesia, also various names of each region. If in aceh…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoAC maintenanceAC "air conditioner" is a machine designed to stabilize both hot and cold air. At the time of global warming that…arfie (40)in #indonesia • 7 years agoMie Balap (Mie Tiaw)Hai teman steemit jumpa lagi dengan saya, apa kabar kalian semua semoga selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan Y.M.E Hari ini…arfie (40)in #indonesia • 7 years agoAsam KanaHai teman steemit jumpa lagi dengan saya, apa kabar kalian semua semoga selalu dalam lindungan Tuhan Y.M.E Hari ini…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoTata Cara kerja Konsultan Event OrganizerHallo teman steemit semua.. Apa kabarnya semoga sehat dan selalu mendapat lindungan dari tuhan yang maha esa.…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoBahaya Dampak Rokok Bagi Kesehatan!!!Hai sahabat steemit apa kabar.. Semoga kalian sehat dalam lindungan tuhan yang maha esa. Kalian tahu dampak merokok…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoKecerian pawai anak sekolahan pada tahun baru islamHallo teman steemit semua apa kabarnya. Bagaimana acara tahun baru islam di tempat kalian??? Ini aku kasi ulasan…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoPersandaran kapal di pelabuhanHai semua teman steemit apa kabar??? Semoga sehat dan sukses selalu ya!!! Bercerita tentang kapal pasti tidak…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoWaiting for the Strike From the Fishing RodIt is nice to wait for the fish from the fishing rod, sometimes have to be patient and calm. Regard, Steemit Community Indonesiaarfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoSenja di sore hari penutup untuk hari iniSenja menjelang sore adalah hari penutup untuk hari libur hari ini. Berjalan - jalan menikmati nikmatnya sore ini…arfie (40)in #steemit • 7 years agoRainbow PoleHi guys!!! How are you steemit friends? Today I walked the city of aceh banda precisely in one of the most beautiful…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoBorubudur tample travelingHy sahabat steemit apa kabar semua?? Hari ini saya berbagi pengalaman dan info tentang peninggalan sejarah dan…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoSahabatHallo temam- teman steemit apa kabar kalian semua??? Kali ini saya membahas mengenai sahabat,. Bicara masalah sahabat…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoNagarasi cake Feat CoffeeNagasari cake is an appetizer when it is served for a wedding in Aceh and at the moment nagasari cake is present at…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoGuppy fish "Poecilia reticulata"Guppy fish or Poecilia reticulata is a fish that is easy to breed. The native habitat of guppies in lakes and rivers…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoMorning coffeeIn the morning it's time to move in with a cup of coffee and #steemit Coffee is not as to just a drink but coffee…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoWillem's Toren III Lighthouse, Breuh Aceh Island IndonesiaIndonesia This lighthouse is located at the point of zero western tip of Indonesia which becomes the entrance of the…arfie (40)in #steemit • 8 years agoTrading of fisherman catch at pier "LAMPULO ACEH INDONESIA"The pitch of lampulo aceh is the gathering place for the fishermen to sell the results of the response from the…