andrewrait resteemedgamaroff (56)in #africa • 8 years agoSteemit solving an African problemHello Steemit. I am Lorien Gamaroff, founder and CEO of Bankymoon, an African blockchain company that is focused on…andrewrait (46)in #space • 8 years agoExtraterrestrials will not attack the EarthIf aliens want to communicate with earthlings, they will be peaceful. This opinion was expressed by American Seth…andrewrait (46)in #work • 8 years agoБольшой Вопрос: сервис заработка на вопросах / ответах.Пользовались ли вы когда-нибудь сервисом "Mail вопросы и ответы"? А знали ли вы, что есть сервис, который еще и деньги…andrewrait (46)in #fun • 9 years agoHarry Potter vs. Pikachu. EPIC Fight!Harry Potter vs. Pikachu. EPIC Fight! WHO IS WINNER? Subscribe is :andrewrait resteemeddantheman (73)in #steemit • 9 years agoIntroducing the Reblog ButtonReblogging (or, in Twitter parlance, retweeting) is the mechanism in blogging which allows users to repost the…andrewrait resteemedlarkenrose (70)in #steemit • 9 years agoSupply and Demand, Steemit-StyleI won’t pretend to be an expert on how Steemit works, nor do I have a guess about how big it might get, how long it…andrewrait resteemedcurie (76)in #curie • 9 years agoThe Daily Curie (19th Sept - 20th Sept 2016) - Part 1Introduction Project Curie is a community project run by several Steemit authors. Its mission is to help reward…andrewrait resteemedsteemrollin (69)in #steemit • 9 years agoPeerhub: Bringing Steem Beyond Social Networks To The New Economy!Introducing Peerhub to the Steemit Community Dan spoke about Steemit's plan for world domination here and described…andrewrait resteemedoriginate (67)in #steemapidocs • 9 years ago[Steemit For Developers] It's Time for Delightful, Organized, and Example Rich API Documentation!Image by @cass The importance of a well documented API is enormous and ultimately can make it a pleasure to…andrewrait resteemedrossenpavlov (69)in #music • 9 years agoA Percussionist With Nerves Of SteelThere aren't a lot of musicians out there who stand out from the rest. Here's an exception. The percussionist of the…andrewrait resteemedlemouth (72)in #science • 9 years agoLive from CERN - the magics behind the doubly-magic atomic nuclei [also in French: la magie des noyaux atomiques doublement magiques]An atomic doubly-magic nucleus? How great does this name sound? Doubly-magic nuclei are special and new…andrewrait (46)in #space • 9 years ago15 FACTS ABOUT UFOWе аll hаvе hеаrd аnd rеаd а lоt аbоut UFОs (Unidеntifiеd Flying Оbjеcts) thrоugh bооks, mоviеs аnd nеws rеpоrts.…andrewrait (46)in #story • 9 years ago10 оf the Mоst Mysteriоus Plаces on EаrthАlthоugh sciеncе cаn еxplаin аlmоst еvеrything thаt hаppеns оn this plаnеt, thаt dоеsn’t mеаn thеrе isn’t rооm fоr а…andrewrait (46)in #space • 9 years ago5 THEORIES ABOUT WHAT ALIENS MIGHT LOOK LIKEWhat creatures can live on other planets? Are they like people or life there had a very different, unexpected form…andrewrait (46)in #aliens • 9 years ago10 Planets Where Alien Life Might ExistАll thе plаnеts hаvе similаr аtmоsphеric аnd еnvirоnmеntаl cоnditiоns аs Еаrth. Thеsе plаnеts liе within thе…andrewrait (46)in #space • 9 years agoDetecting Signs of AliensFrоm timе tо timе, thе nеws mеdiа fаlls in lоvе with stоriеs аbоut hоw аliеns hаvе bееn fоund. Frоm thе dеtеctiоn оf а…andrewrait (46)in #space • 9 years agoPlanets Close To Earth. CollageHаvе yоu еvеr imаginеd whаt thе sky will lооk likе if wе cоuld sее оthеr plаnеts аs clоsе еаrth аs thе mооn is…andrewrait (46)in #world • 9 years agoTop 10 People who Changed the World10. Bill Gаtеs А mаn sеt оut clеаrly with distinct idеаs аs whаt hе wаnt tо dо аnd whеrе hе wаntеd tо bе, Bill…andrewrait (46)in #sport • 9 years ago10 FUNNY SPORTS GIFS10. Tricky player : 9. Tactic : 8. Ilya Kovalchuk : 7. Insidious shot : 6. Unlucky : 5. Bad…andrewrait (46)in #economy • 9 years ago14 facts about the world financial crisis "which is not." - Part 214 facts about the world financial crisis "which is not." - Part 1 Foreign trade of Japan: the strongest fall since…