aeh (38)in #sports • 8 years agoBADMINTON GAME SIMPLIFIEDBadminton a racquet sport played indoors on a court by two opposing players (singles) or two opposing pairs of…aeh (38)in #mypictureday • 8 years agoHOME VISIT - MyPictureDay SubmissionI'm on a visit to my hometown in Lagos suburb, Nigeria. I decide to take some pictures around and selected my best…aeh (38)in #memecontest • 8 years ago"MEME CONTEST - DISASTER CHIMP - ENTRY #2"#memecontest This is my second entry into the contestaeh (38)in #memecontest • 8 years ago"MEME CONTEST - DISASTER CHIMP - ENTRY #1"#memecontest This is my first entry to the contestaeh resteemedtimsaid (74)in #photography • 8 years agoMyPictureDay Challenge Round #9 + Winners announcement Round #8MyPictureDay #8 Contest Winners Thank you to everyone who participated in the eighth MyPictureDay photography…aeh (38)in #bwphotocontest • 8 years agoA#bwphotocontest ~ PlantsMy first entry into this episode of black and white photo contest are bushes along a minor path. Camera - Tecno phone (5MP Rear Camera)aeh (38)in #africa • 8 years agoGEOGRAPHY OF AFRICA - THE GREAT RIFT VALLEYTHE GREAT RIFT VALLEY WAS FORMED FROM THE DIVERGENT PLATE BOUNDARY BETWEEN THE AFRICAN PLATE AND THE ARABIAN PLATE…aeh (38)in #photography • 8 years agoBeauty of Black & White PhotosI took this pictures 2days ago while on UNILAG campus, Nigeria. This was taken while walking along the walls of…aeh (38)in #ecology • 8 years agoCARRYING CAPACITY & ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINTFrom my understanding of what carrying capacity and ecological footprint are I could say: CARRYING CAPACITY In…aeh (38)in #memechallenge • 8 years agoMEMECHALLENGE #27 - ENTRY#1This is my first entry in the #27 MEMECHALLENGE.aeh (38)in #animals • 8 years agoSACRED WORSHIPPED ANIMALS REDUCING THE LEVEL OF UTILISATION OF RESOURCESAnimal worship, also known as Zoolatry, is a religious ritual where animals are considered as deities. It forms a part…aeh (38)in #farming • 8 years agoDO YOU LOVE FARMING?HERE ARE TIPS ON KICK-STARTING A POULTRY FARM Some Popular Poultry Breeds For Farming There are some popular…aeh (38)in #education • 8 years agoDOES THIS EXIST EVERYWHERE?Does this happen in other countries other than Nigeria?aeh (38)in #contest • 8 years agoSTEEM CONTESTHere are contest topics I think my senior colleagues in steemit that run contest pages can include on their…aeh (38)in #education • 8 years agoSTRANGE BUT TRUEEARTH IS NOT ROUND Aristotle and other ancient Greek scholars proposed that Earth was round. This was based on a…aeh (38)in #health • 8 years agoHAND HYGIENEHand washing is like a "do-it-yourself" vaccine—it involves five simple and effective steps (Wet, Lather, Scrub…aeh (38)in #geography • 8 years agoWHY STUDY GEOGRAPHYPlanet Earth is our home. It is awesome, diverse, inspiring and ever changing. Studying geography invites us to…aeh (38)in #design • 8 years agoCOLOR WHEEL FOMULAS IN GRAPHICS DESIGNHERE IS THE FULL DIAGRAM OF THE COLOR WHEEL FORMULAS www.freeimages.comaeh (38)in #design • 8 years agoMY GRAPHICS WORKHere is the advertisement design I made for the CEO 2am concepts.aeh (38)in #nature • 8 years agoLIVING BY THE SEAWHY LEAVE BY THE SEA ? THE FRESHEST SEAFOOD EVER For seafood lovers, nothing compares to the fresh catch of the…