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RE: Monoprice MP Mini SLA 3D Printer Review

in #3dprinter6 years ago

You'd have better luck with a $200 FDM printer, and that's the low end of the price range even for those things. I came across a review for a $500 LFS (low-force stereolithography) machine, quite similar to the one you reviewed here, on YouTube while I was researching which machine to get for my own shop. It had most of the same problems you reported here (and I really wish I could find that video). Since LFS is a fairly recent development, the technology simply hasn't come down in price while retaining quality the way that FDM has. To put things in perspective, my first 3D printer was a Makerbot Replicator that I got back in 2012. At the time, they sold for $2500 (I got it as a graduation present, so I wasn't the one paying for it). Today, however, Dremel and other companies are selling FDM printers of nearly identical quality and capacity in the Micro-Mark catalogue for $500 - $1000. Meanwhile, I just dropped $3500 on a brand-new Formlabs Form 3 LFS printer, which I will take delivery of in about a month. I'll definitely be showing off and reviewing it before I start pumping out models. The Form 3 has only just been released, but the Form 2 has received widespread praise. I ordered the newer machine only because I need higher resolution.