Time goes fast...

in #20177 years ago

Well here I am. 17 years old and in less than 4 months from graduating high school. Im exited, but im also sad. I moved to a small texas school about 10 years ago from a elemetery in Los Angeles, CA and it was different but after time I have come to love it. Most of the people even though I disagree with them on almost everything on a political and socail level I have come to love. I honestly can't wait for high school to end, but at the same time I want it to last for ever. The thought of saying bye forever to people I knew for 10, 11 years is just an odd thought. All the crazy memorys of us doing crazy shit are the best and im never letting them go. As we leave this school and start our lives i want all of them to know you are some crazy motherfuckers and im going to miss you.