Fat Decimator System Review - DOES IT WORK? What i Like and don't Like ?

in #26 years ago

Today I'm making a review of the Fat Decimator System so I wanted to give people an honest review what's nice about this review is I actually bought it and I think that's gonna be able to give you a more honest perspective about what this is I'm gonna tell you what I do like about it I'm gonna tell you what I don't like about it as well and that way it will help you make a decision as to whether this is something you want to use for your weight loss journey so let's talk about what I did not like first so when I first bought this thing I pay the money and normally that's it however with this thing you it says 20 or 20 percent complete and there is a Tejano of sales when you've got to go through at least I'd say by the 7 pages of up sales before you can finish your order and I understand marketing you know it's probably probably works for them but that's in the way that it's something that you need to be aware of the not all the upsells are bad um actually I wasn't saying even really bad I just don't like that they force you to have to go through them before you can actually get the product so upsell that I probably would buy would be the audio version because there's also a lot of information in this plan mine was about 131 pages and that's a lot to read I I'm a busy person so I really would like to have something I can just put on my phone listen to in my car so I can real picky and get all this information because it's good information it talks about your body mass ratio talks about the real you know carbohydrates and carbohydrates just really as bad as they say they are how there is no bad food group at all it's just a matter of how much you eat and when you eat intermittent fasting there's a lot of good stuff and then organifi is also a good well known product as well so some of them are good but I just wish they didn't try to force you to go through so those are the main things I don't like what I think like is they have some as I said they have some really good information and also what I like it's very it leaves it open for what you want to eat so it doesn't it's not like a big list of recipes like I was expecting it just gives you aloud fruits allowed vegetables allowed these things like that and it just gives you a frame or and from there you create your own menu and I think that's best because a lot of diet plans just have these really straight menus on what you can eat and what you can and I understand that logic because you know people just some people just one of those bump-bump-bump of them and just do what it says to do but I like that it gives you the flexibility because if you can decide how you want to eat then you're more likely to stick with it so it just gives you a guideline just so you know it's broken up into four phases phase one is where you're basically cutting out your carbs you're only drinking water just so you know a lot of cook low carb diets that you drink milk this one no you're drinking so for you soda fans you know be prepared for that okay and then your phase two that's what you're gonna start doing your fasting so you can do you're gonna do a 24 hour fat fast you can anything with that there's some other fasting in there as well phase three is where you're gonna be doing different kinds of food groups that they want to have in their phase four is where is towards the end of the 21 days that's another thing it's 21 days where you will begin to ease back into the normal world and what a another thing I really like is that it gives you a plan and how to base back into a little while to prevent you from gaining the weight back because that's one of the biggest things I mean any diet you can lose weight a problem is once you get off the diet rule you're right back to where you started or more for worse in a lot of cases so this gives you good you know good tips on what you need to do in order to prevent yourself from gaining that weight back and still living a relatively normal eating life and then it has some really good exercises in there um now one thing that some of them women may not like is there's not a lot of cardiovascular exercise in there and they're actually right to do that because cardiovascular exercises are the least effective exercise when it comes to those anyway because if you do some sort of weight training something that will build up your muscle mass you will burn more fat you'll turn your body into a you know more of a fat-burning machine whereas you say you spent an hour on the treadmill well once you get off the treadmill you'll you'll keep burning fat for about maybe an extra thirty minutes whereas if you built those muscles up you're gonna be both you're gonna be burning fat for hours and hours so that is important and you do need to know that other than that I would say this is actually a pretty good system it is something that I would recommend it may not be for everyone I would definitely check it out first know yourself and make sure that it is something that is right for you I also like that it has a 60-day money-back guarantee so if you going through this you like this is not working for me you can just sit in the back and get your money back on your credit card they just do Clickbank so yeah that's a that's a vendor that I'm aware of so you know I bought through them before and I had a good experience so anyway thank you for your time I hope it works for you

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