Ad Trackers on Online Stores can be used to De-Anonymize Bitcoin Transactions

in #-stay8 years ago

Recently, a research report was published revealing that data collected by ad trackers in online stores can actually de-anonymize digital currency like Bitcoin.

It’s easy for people who make Bitcoin transactions to hide their identity while buying various products online.

But with the new research report, it seems that the online platform can actually help to dispel that same anonymity.

Bitcoin is fairly transparent due to its very nature as a digital currency.

But at the same time, the anonymity it provides encourages criminals to prefer it over traditional currency, which can be easily tracked by the authorities.

Strange as it may sound, Bitcoin, in reality, provides far less anonymity than other cryptocurrencies, but criminals seem to prefer it over the rest.

With this recent discovery, they might start to consider using other digital currencies to make illicit transactions.1.jpg