Achievement 3 by @ibrahim303 Task: content Etiquette

#Achievement 3
Hello everyone and wish to all a happy new month i hope you all are good and enjoying your life

so today i read about the 3rd achievement and i learn a lot of new things so i am sharing my new knowledge about content etiquette and plagiarism.


#What is plagiarism?
plagiarism is defined when you copy some else content with giving him credit and without his/her permission is called plagiarism.
let understand the plagiarism is more detail let suppose some have been created the content with day and night effort.
it may be a video,written,blog,research,Art,graphic,design,picture or photo Etc. and you use these material in your own content with the permission of the creature this is known as plagiarism.
if some want to use the created content or give credit to the owner of the content,
this content is maybe any type of audio,video,text,image Etc,
now let understand plagiarism with an example , let suppose you are a youtuber and your make video for youtube with day and night effort ,you get up early in the morning and go for a shoot and then come the home and set on your computer for many hour's to edit that video and then you upload it, but someone without your permission download your video and uses it in their own content without giving you credit so yo will feel bad for it , but here is one thing of learning whenever some use your content with your permission or not give you credit this is called plagiarism , and it is not allowed in any online platform . the create have always right to take action against him.

(Types of plagiarism)
there are many types of plagiarism but i am explaining the most '8 Eight' common here.

  1. Complete plagiarism
  2. Source base plagiarism
  3. Self plagiarism
  4. Paraphrase plagiarism
  5. Mosaic plagiarism
  6. Accidental plagiarism
  7. Direct plagiarism
  8. Inaccurate authorship.


  1. Complete plagiarism : Submit another authors work in your name.
  2. Source based plagiarism : Reference an incorrect or non-existent source.
  3. Direct plagiarism : Copy text from another document word-to-word.
  4. Self or auto plagiarism : Reuse a major part of your own work without attribution.
  5. Paraphrasing plagiarism : Make minor changes and use other writing.
  6. Mosaic plagiarism : Interlay someone else phrase or text within your work.
  7. Accidental plagiarism : Unintentional paraphrasing or copy due to neglect.
  8. Inaccurate authorship : Authorship instead of acknowledge to contribution and vice versa.

Let me explain all these types in detail in my own words. all these types are described in very short but i am trying to explain in detail i will also try to add more and describe in a very easy way to understand everyone easily.

  1. Complete plagiarism : When you copy the content of another person and post it with your own name this type of plagiarism is called complete plagiarism.
  2. Source base plagiarism : Source base plagiarism is defined as when you post the other person's content and give the reference but the reference is wrong.
  3. Self plagiarism : Let under the self plagiarism with an example let suppose you write your own daily routine dairy but you post it in more then one community this types of plagiarism is called self plagiarism you're reusing your content.
  4. Paraphrase plagiarism : It is defined as when you copy someone else content and so some changes its means copying someone else idea and modifying it for himself.
  5. Mosaic plagiarism : Its means that you use some else content in your own content i mean you mix up the content.
  6. Direct plagiarism : This type of plagiarism is also known as copy some else content without any changes.
  7. Accidental plagiarism : Its means that you writing your own content but accidentally you use some paragraph that is already used somewhere.
  8. Inaccurate Authorship : This type of plagiarism happen when you mislead authorship about your content.

#My Own Suggestion for Avoiding Plagiarism
when you create your content but you take some help from online research so must check your content with plagiarism tool it you help you to find out the copy past writing in your content many online tool's are available for checking plagiarism always give a source to your content let suppose you copy the image from google so also give the link of the source image the example will you find in the above picture which i have been taken from google but i also give the source .
but remember one things let suppose you copy the text from wikipedia and you just mentioned the source is wikipedia so its wrong you must post the particular page link from where you copy it.
and it is a thousand time batter to develop your own content believe me it is not difficult you just closed your eyes and think your mind will give you a million ideas in a second you need just to work on it.

#what is citation?
citations are basically the reference from where you get the content it is also called the reference of source.
Example of citation :
Let's talk about health
The word health refers to a state of complete emotional and physical well-being healthcare exists to help people maintain this optimal state of health source.
" I have read and understood the steemit community and will do my best to embrace them"