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RE: Down 62 Pounds! Intermittent Fasting & My Fitness Challenge Check in!

Wow!!! Good for you! I have a friend who swears by fasting. He actually follows something called the Snake Diet (google it). He's on here as @deancarter. I love your profile description: "hurtle towards menopause"; I'm 52 and in the throws of it! I've always had to "watch" what I eat, exercise or I gain weight kind of thing, but suddenly I have a roll around my midsection that is near impossible to get rid of. I've been hoping for a #menopause on here to really start ranting haha Congratulations again; I hope you are very very proud of yourself! You should be!! Cheers!


I've seen things about the snake diet, but honestly it is far too strict for me to do. I am more about doing things that I know I can keep up long term, but it does seem like it might be good for a quick jumpstart just to begin a new plan.

I really need to write more about the whole menopausal things... I've only done it once so far! I guess I never quite know whether or not to blame things on the perimenopause or if it's just me being moody/emotional/OLD!!! :)

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

Take it from someone who knows....blame it on menopause!

This literally made me chuckle outloud. Then I had to explain to my husband why I was laughing !