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RE: One Week FITNESS Diary [Weight Loss Journey] [Fitness Blog #22]

in #dtubefitness7 years ago

You have a lot of things to do! I have been lazy for two years and didnt go to gym. Actually when I tried yoga I found it better for me than gym. But your are working hard and will be rewarded the way you want :)


Thank you! Posting this motivates me and the quality of this blog depends on how often I go to the gym :P

You should try this yoga position. They say it works well for the stomach.

Believe me that photo was the one that mostly caught my attention :) Looks very difficult and tiring lol

I had a hard time doing it for one minute straight the first time. Now I can do up to 2 minutes haha

Hhhh you are giving me hope now. Will try at least for 1 minute everyday and see how it goes :)