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in Freewriters4 months ago


With his face overwhelmed by existence itself, without turning back, with the burdens of the years and the burden of an internal sadness, in an alarming solitude.

Only when he closes his eyes, to meditate and reflect with the wisdom acquired from the experience obtained in life, he meditates deeply about his existence, resorting to the presence of the sacred deity and divine presence of God as the only creator, who has accompanied him throughout his life and never left him alone.

That Faith is what has kept him firm in life and that until now has kept the flame alive and lit for many years.

But he already feels exhausted and tired, he only hopes that one day he will be able to reach the other plane, because he feels that his mission in this life will soon be here.

Perhaps that is his greatest desire to achieve, to reach the spiritual plane, to prove that he knows what is beyond the reality that at this moment he perceives as a burden, because nothing in this earthly and material world attracts him or causes him happiness.

Nothing excites him, not even the rays of the sun that appear every morning announcing a new day, the joy on his face has disappeared, not even the smile appears in memory.

Why so much unhappiness? …. On his face all trace of gratitude for each new dawn and for life at this point is non-existent.

What was it that he planted in his youth?

The fruits of that harvest he planted, he is now harvesting and now they could provide him with well-being and thus, take advantage of them like carob trees and store great joys together with the offspring he has engendered.

The chains interwoven by actions of kindness left along the path of his existence do not return or were not carried out in the past, and therefore, they are non-existent in a present return?

I appreciate the invitation made by

@wakeupkitty.pal a participar.

I invite you @blessedlife, @iqrabatool34, @zulay7059


Este es mi Logro I Para conocerme



La persona de la fotografía realmente transmite una gran tribulación y cansancio. Su texto especula con mucha lógica de lo que percibe en la imagen y nos surgen preguntas de cuál será efectivamente la razón.

Éxitos en el concurso, amiga. Gracias por la invitación.

 4 months ago 

Wow! That's all I can. If I could I would cry right now after reading this awesome expression of the human situation.... sometimes we have to hit bottom, realizing the futility of pursuing material happiness and security... How the material world is illusory and temporary. Like a dream only.

 4 months ago 

I want to post a link to this on my Facebook page. I hope that is alright with you. I am trying to interest some of my followers there to take part in the miracle that is Steemit...

Espero tenga suerte con sus publicaciones y logre promocionar Steemit asi como lo quiere hacer.

Saludos corduales.

Salam mam @zory,
I am very sorry that I could not be invited to your invitation. I apologize and I will try my best to be invited in the future.

Gracias amiga por la buena disposicion y amable.receptividad mostrada a la invitacion realizada.

It indeed is a long life and not strange to feel tired, even exhausted. I wonder if after such a long life, fighting to stay alive, the wished of the childhood are still remembered. Perhaps they are and they changed?

Pienso que despues de una larga vida, lls.añ en valde, se acumula en la memoria las experiencias que van añadiendo aprendizajes y mayor madurez que incluye mayor reflexion en lo.que se hace y se dice.
sobte todo la prudencia, en todos los sentidos y sin dejar por fuera el silencio como uno de los mejores aliados en la vejez.

En la.tercera edad, si la mentalidad se encuentra lucida, todo lo material se.vuelve efimero y va pasando a un segundo plano.

Se da por establecer y desarrollar mas esa dimension espiritual y trascendental de la existencia.

Saludos cordiales.

We all have those moments we feel exhausted, overwhelmed or see no way out. Perhaps at that very moment the photo was taken. A moment of depression and next reflection and who knows if the tiredness fades away she knows wjat the next step will be or a hand reaches out to her.


Cierto es un momento de incertidumbre y estatico, donde el tiempo quizas esta detenido.

Y como dices en ciertas circunstancias puede suceder en cada uno de nosotros ante una situacion inesperada, donde se tiene que aclarar la mente para decidir que hacer o como lo mencionas en la espera de alguien que pueda dar luz y claridad retirando el velo enceguecedor que lo nubla todo

Saludos cordiales y gracias por la sustentacion otorgada.