
in Freewriters5 months ago

A bit upset after a not-too-good night I finally come to writing. I wonder if I would start writing at all because honestly I am not in the mood and that didn't happen for a very long time. Is it the change of environment, the change of weather or the mood of those surrounding me infecting me? I opened the window and although I had planned to visit a theme park made by an artist I didn't feel to it.
Once downstairs my daughter said we can't go because they are closed (summer is over so only weekends and Mondays). I intend to write about that park but not here and not today.


Because the sun suddenly shows I decided to do the laundry and later I will see if I can buy tea, take back the empty bottles (all bottles are 15 cents or who knows more) and see if I can find affordable vitamin C (Action). Yesterday, I sent a package to my son and a second one (December 5th) is planned. It's expensive but so is taking an aeroplane and dragging it around. Interesting, is that DPD is faster than and cheaper (sorry, you are too expensive).

Yesterday I went with the youngest to a second-hand shop. Terribly expensive but the entry was free (unlike groceries and not to mention a can of whipped cream). Endless was the chat with the cashier. I tried at least 3 times to escape from her flood of chit-chat but she didn't give me a chance. So I listened to her stories, how hard it felt to get out of bed (I said: well you did and smiled), the muscle pain after moving her daughter out within 1.5 days and how nauseous she stood on a ladder to paint walls and ceilings of the villa 3.60 meters high her daughter bought (there was also something about Poland but I forgot. It happens if people talk a lot I shut my ears just like I did as a child as my mother kept repeating herself).
She painted the picture very well. The high walls she mentioned reminded me of the villa of my grandparents although not one of us ever climbed a ladder to paint (I remember once someone came to paint some walls, just like today that must have been expensive. I doubt the difference was noticed since all walls were white).
You did a great job, I complimented her, take your rest. She smiled delightedly and showed me how big the box with Merci chocolate is her daughter gave her as a thank you while I held the door in my hand.
Lucky you, I said, you have chocolate for at least 6 months. She looked happy and the next customer showed up telling her she having the same issues (rather staying in bed than getting out).

My gosh, I said to my daughter as I finally escaped outside. What was that?

She's always like that, she said, it's hard to get away if she works.

Some people make you think and she's one of them. No matter how she feels she is kind and helpful but lacks attention and some compliments. It's not different from commenting on Steemit. We listen, say a few words, make a gesture and someone is happy. No need for all the extras. A box of chocolate is the prize she received for doing all that work. In a way, it sounds a bit.... and I hear her last words as she says kind of sad: All those things we do for our children.
I know why it is she dragged herself out of bed and went to (volunteer) work. Is the box she received as big as .... (you know those men showing the fish they caught, that size) or did she make it better than the reality is?
If it comes to that box I believe @patjewell is better off with a trip to Ireland.

Prompt @freewritehouse - a can of whipped cream

@vwrites @bluelavender @bahrol how do you feel?


Kalau anda bertanya dengan perasaan saya ini, sebenarnya lagi kacau balau. Rasa gundah selalu menyapa, pikiran kurang fokus dalam melakukan suatu hal, seakan beban berat ada di pundak ini.

Apakah ada beban berat di pundak Anda? Kita dengan mudah mengatakan tidak ada, tapi bagaimana jika ada dan kita mencoba untuk mengabaikannya karena kita tahu tidak ada yang mendengarkan atau mereka menyuruh kita untuk berhenti mengeluh atau lebih buruk lagi 'jantan'.

Teman, ada batas maksimal dari apa yang dapat kita tangani dan kita semua memiliki beban yang berbeda.

Selalu cemas adalah beban yang berat untuk dipikul. Kita sering berbicara tentang bagaimana memiliki kehidupan yang lebih baik dan seperti Anda, banyak orang yang bergumul dengan kecemasan, tidak yakin dengan masa depan dan tidak tahu apa yang harus dilakukan.

Sulit untuk memberikan solusi atau bahkan trik bagaimana merasa lebih baik dan menyingkirkan beban di pundak Anda, tetapi cobalah untuk menuliskan apa yang membebani Anda sehingga dapat ditemukan cara untuk memperbaiki hidup Anda. Hal ini tidak akan selalu berhasil dan saat-saat kita merasa sengsara tidak akan hilang selamanya, namun ada kemungkinan untuk mendapatkan cara yang lebih baik. Selain itu, menggunakan perasaan-perasaan ini untuk menciptakan seni juga memungkinkan.
Kita bisa menggambar bola itu di knack4buzz. 🤔 Jika simpul di perut atau dada memiliki wajah, mungkin simpul itu akan mengecil dan lebih mudah ditangani.

Pelukan hangat untukmu.🍀♥️

#wewrite & #comment

Terimakasih sahabat. Walaupun pundak terasa berat, aktifitas tetap harus di jalani dengan semangat, biar terlihat seperti tidak ada apapun.

Dirimu memang seorang sahabat yang bijak, dan bermurah hati yang mau mengurangi beban sahabatmu, dan mau berbagi kesedihan dan kesenangan bersama.

Semoga kebaikan dan kerendahan hati selalu datang kepadamu. Serta hidupmu di jauhi dari sebuah beban yang tidang sanggub ditanggungi.

I wouldn't feel like saying anything to her if I were in your case and it would be so awkward.

I wouldn't know what to do. I guess the only thing I might do is just to smile and make facial expressions.

But maybe she's a lonely person. Maybe she doesn't have a gist partner. Maybe people don't want to listen to her chitchat. Or it could be that she's just a talkative.

I believe she isn't only a lonely person but also a lovely one. It takes energy to feel sick, be in pain, get out bed and be kind to customers.
I believe she needed someone to listen and to hear she did something great and the daughter shouldn't take her hard work for granted. In a way I believe she does and also that she feels ashamed for her mother.

Awkward it is but if someone openly approaches me I listen although it takes energy.

Let's hope it helped her and gave her a good feeling.


I also hope it helped her.

Listening takes a lot of energy but I think it's worth it.

I might feel awkward because I don't know what to do with my hands and what to say after they're done anyway.

Well, I held a shopping bag so my hands were full and while I moved into the direction of the door a new customer showed up and said she felt sick as well. The two could talk together. Indeed it takes a lot of energy so I will stay home for the next weeks or months. 😐

Congratulations! - Your post has been upvoted through steemcurator06

Curated by : @bonaventure24 - Selective Team

Thank you team 4, good luck to you. 🍀♥️

We will never understand our fellow human beings.
Each person's experiences, emotions, and perspectives are shaped by unique backgrounds, making true understanding a challenge. This can lead to empathy, as we recognize that everyone has their own struggles and joys. Or should I rather say a "hunger" to feel heard?

You are right, Ireland it will be for me. (•ิ‿•ิ)

If it comes to it we might not even understand ourselves. 😉

With you I am looking forward to Ireland

Thanks for stopoing by.
A lovely day

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