WhoTakesCoin: A Website Destination for Mass Adoption

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

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Man, we love cryptocurrency don’t we? It seems to be the only thing we want to talk about and our friends and family out in the real world are about done hearing it. One of the many moments we surely remember where our family has looked at us with confused eyes, wondering what we are doing with our lives.

Not long ago I was invited to serve as the Editor of a new Discord server and its community. I always have my ears open for new opportunities and once I heard what the purpose was, I happily signed up. That community is WhoTakesCoin. The website by the same name may play a key role in the future we cryptopians dream of.

WhoTakesCoin is a website directory that one day will list every single place of business, service provider, etc. that accepts cryptocurrency as a payment option. And that is just one of the services WTC will provide. Right now, for who actually takes coin, the list is pretty small. We can count more Bitcoin ATMs than actually brick and mortar locations who take it.

For those of us who remain optimistic of digital currency being adopted by the masses, WhoTakesCoin will be a vital tool in that future.

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If you are not familiar with Discord or you only know it because that is where all the World of Warcraft nerds hang out, then you are seriously missing out on some high quality crypto action. Tons of developers network and work together through Discord. Tens of thousands of investors flood servers looking for the next big investment. Life long friendships are formed even though borders and oceans separate us.

This desktop and phone application is a great tool to connect investors, developers, and visionaries of the cryptocurrency space. WhoTakesCoin has set up shop with their own server and has set out to create a hub for all things crypto. News stories feed into their own channel. Articles are shared (including mine). Technical Analysis is gifted to those of us who are not quite there yet in our trading skills.

Young and new is the best way to describe the community right now. There are not many users present but the team behind WhoTakesCoin is committed to the vision of the platform. Led by the two men with eccentric usernames ‘proshark’ and ‘batfinksuperstar’, hailing from California, USA and the United Kingdom respectively. Their goal is to take this freshly minted community and turn it into a resource that all those interested in cryptocurrency will use on a regular basis.

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WhoTakesCoin Website

Designed by ‘proshark’, who is a professional web developer by trade, the WhoTakesCoin website is a high quality destination. The front page is a blunt reminder of what this website was created to do, help you find the establishments that accept cryptocurrency. User friendly and fast, you cannot ask for more than that.

Now, if you go through and search for something, you will see that there is not much to actually find. And that is okay. I am not telling you about WhoTakesCoin because it is a finished product ready to be used. I am telling you about it because it is a tool that, if mass adoption is coming like we hope it is, then this will be extremely useful for those who seek to spend some of those precious coins they have spent months and years accumulating.

The other reason I wanted to share this with you is because it is partly crowd-sourced. You can contribute right now. Under “Create Listing” you can see that WhoTakesCoin is not just a directory. Add a business, add a service, add a product, list a job or resume, buy a promotional plan. Hold on… this is getting exciting.

If you are a business that accepts cryptocurrency, you can come here and buy a promotional plan. So you can let the world know you’re open for crypto business. Selling a product and accept crypto as payment? You too. Offer a service that you will accept crypto too? You are included as well. Add in an internal job and resume interface for projects and professionals to connect.

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Am I bias? A little bit. But I do not get paid to be the Editor. I joined because I really enjoyed what this project could mean to the crypto-verse in the future. If you have time, please go to the WhoTakesCoin Discord server or website. Look around, contribute, drop a message and see what is going on. Maybe you can even help bring even more to the platform. I am sure the team will be happy to hear your ideas.

We love cryptocurrency. We want to see it stick around for years to come. I want to pass along ‘Bitcoin Platinum 2.0 Redux’ to my grandchildren some day (Yes I know that is not a real coin). At the end of the day, we the people will push the digital currency train closer to the Grand Decentral Station. And that begins with new platforms like WhoTakesCoin.