Dear @Dayleeo // 11th Aug 2k18 // Saturday Rolled in Quickly - It’s time to Ramp Up!

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

if there is one thing we have both been really good at it’s the ability to turn up collectively when we needed to get something resolved, when the odds were against us at a number of junction points we always found a way to get to the destination even if it broke us to get there.

I feel the rest of the months until the end of the year will be that way, maybe it’s tied to the fact that just a week ago we hit that point in the year where the planet consumed more than we are able to replace, it’s been very much like that in recent months.

but regardless of the eventuality of the world and our own situations I’ve always known that as long as I can piggy back on the back of a wifi network that I can reach out and chat to you (the world is made for two after all right?) it’s certainly a few months ahead to kick that downsizing vibe into touch, getting everything into a backpack is a smarter move than ever!

regardless, that plan we started to pull together is fire and I think if I’m putting in applications and you are, plus whatever demo’s we make I can put up as jobs on other sites as well the more spread, the more coverage the better!

on the upswing I’m genuinely excited for the near time future, at least for travelling over to see you and for steem fest 3, it’s gonna be an interesting one this year for sure — if there is one thing to get sorted on the calendar for the year it’s going to an event like that, I’m also pretty pumped about us sorting out and looking at that visa stuff — at least we have prices and timescales and order of events on that, seems to have been improved.

I’m glad you had plenty of time with poppet yesterday on your chill day, I was pretty spaced out by the end of the day if I’m honest, not sure why maybe the spin around of the week, I certainly know what I should be doing now going forward - four courses locked in and that landing page with content and we should be good to go — think I needed a down day too! :)

hard to believe that it’s the end of the second week of the six week holidays, next week half way through the whole thing and poppet goes to the new school, wow, this year has really woke me up to everything around me for sure — I’d love to re-discover that mind crypto sleep technique that I seemed to have finely honed because I’m sure I was partly asleep for part of it, can you believe three years has rushed by like that? TIME TRAVELLERS!

props for the food prep, second week right? that pad thai looked fire and those little wraps looked awesome too, must be great not to worry about mentally processing to acquire foods for the day, just pop a few in the fridge overnight and the next door is sorted — how perfect is that? — I’m kinda jealous of that prep and store life, mini freezer and freezer flat packs and that aircon v2 and I’d be set with that! :)

poppet proper slept in this morning, she was ‘catching flies’ with her mouth open and was out until about 8:30am, I’m glad she got the rest thou but she’s struggling to get going this morning over breakfast, I bought my laptop with me so I could write to you but the wifi is off so she’s resorted to going through her photo library of ‘events’ to keep her entertained.

we got a few bills to get sorted over the coming days that will set us up for the next three months and my aim is to make that money back from the outlay of that within the next two months to level that out but also to cover the next one — we were lucky with the residuals that I covered that three months ago but with the heat less people are inside watching courses, getting them done now will set me/us up for the end of year / start.

been really enjoying getting together for the podcasts as well, we should certainly start cracking through those excellent topics you put together - we have at least another ten episodes alone from that lot and I’m certain we can get that months worth of hosting paying for itself too, we need to check how many hours we have of encoding time and do that many episodes.

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


yaya! lovely post as always my mouse- i know what you mean about time flying by and real time adapting. At least as you said its a skill we're awesome at, and have tone of practice, maybe the new economy will change from attention to adaptation as the currency of the day.

Really looking forward to stepping through that new note with you and cranking out some mockup sites, designs videos for upworksearch. going to be the power move that gets us through the rest of the year I think.


I love you.

yes mam, love ya too! :)