Top 50 DTubers August 2019!
It's time to look at the top ten DTubers for July 2019! Here's a list of everyone who made it into the top ten (actually top 50 now thanks to a little trick I discovered), congratulations to everyone who made it! Make sure to check these amazing creators out and follow them if you enjoy their content! I also mention please donate 1 Steem or more to them to show that we can make a difference, even if Steem doesn't go viral!
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@joythewanderer 1.8425405226596094
@hafizullah 1.7829970228250083
@romafedorov 1.7433013562686073
@intrepidsurfer 1.723453522990407
@jodipamungkas 1.7201455507773733
@jeronimorubio 1.7201455507773733
@captainbob 1.6903738008600728
@dtube 1.6870658286470392
@bitrocker2020 1.6639100231558055
@thecastle 1.6374462454515384
@steemersayu907 1.515051273569302
@xr-hammergaming 1.4521998015216673
@josediccus 1.4257360238174
@elsiekjay 1.352960635130665
@mvd 1.346344690704598
@knowhow92 1.3364207740654979
@adetorrent 1.2801852464439298
@priyanarc 1.1743301356268607
@bowentroyer 1.1710221634138274
@ninjavideo 1.1544823023486603
@old-guy-photos 1.151174330135627
@jongolson 1.1147866357922593
@madushanka 1.0982467747270923
@teamhumble 1.088322858087992
@ivansnz 1.0750909692358586
@emiliomorles 1.0486271915315912 1.0453192193185576
@jaybird 1.0453192193185576
@joannewong 1.038703274892491
@phoneinf 1.0089315249751902
@alokkumar121 0.99900760833609
@sergiomendes 0.99900760833609
@yanirauseche 0.9956996361230566
@kaerpediem 0.9857757194839563
@dirapa 0.982467747270923
@d00k13 0.982467747270923
@rehan12 0.9725438306318227
@maneco64 0.9692358584187892
@atnazo 0.9493880251405888
@clixmoney 0.9460800529275554
@cryptospa 0.8997684419450878
@thekitchenfairy 0.8964604697320543
@gaborockstar 0.8931524975190208
@freedompoint 0.886536553092954
@nonsowrites 0.8567648031756534
@nathansifugaming 0.8369169698974529
@scottcbusiness 0.7641415812107177
@sharmlock 0.7509096923585842
@retrocommodore 0.7476017201455507
@tanbay 0.7112140258021833

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This post is manually curated by @azizbd and received an upvote from @SchoolForSDG4
School For SDG4
A School For Social and Educational Development of Underprivileged Children
Congratulations @joythewanderer for being first 😄
Thanks for sharing
Tweet for further promotion:
Congratulations Joy, well deserved. See you tomorrow.
Posted using Partiko Android
Thanks a lot!! see you
Posted using Partiko iOS
Thank you... Congrats everyone...
Thank you so much apu
cheers to all :)
Congratulations @joythewanderer
And thank you for the shoutout @tanbay :D
Happy to be in top 50. Thanks for sharing
Very cool, thanks for putting this together, and congrats everyone!
Posted using Partiko iOS