How I Reprogramed My Subconscious Mind From Years Of Damage

in #life6 years ago

''Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and nourish with repetition and emotion will one day become a reality.''


Happy Sunday loves!
What are you guys up to for the day?
On my part, I woke up early (like every other day actually) to take a walk in the beautiful nature before the world fully wakes up!
Early mornings are no doubt my favorite part of the day!


What do you regularly plant in the garden of your mind?
Flowers or weeds?
A mixture of both?

When I first started to heal my traumas and emotional wounds that stem from my childhood, I decided to take a look into my old journals.
I was lucky enough to have documented many periods of my life.
A constant I have noticed is that throughout the years, no matter what would go on in my life, I remained more or less suicidal.
Some periods were much more intense than others, but it was always a thought that would stay in the back of my mind.
I also wrote many many times how unfair life was, and that it should not be, because all I did was being kind, and got shit thrown at my face in spite of it.

I knew for a fact that this is no longer how I wanted to feel internally.
Beginnings are always the hardest, especially when you want to repair something that you've been doing your whole life.
Nevertheless, I did not lose hope and decided to take it day by day.

Today officially marks the 7th month since I started my gratitude journal!
An average of 210 days of writing every night, three things I was grateful for that day.
Today also marks the 5th month since I have started my reframing journal, and the list of things that make me proud about myself each month.
Gratitude really made a difference in my attitude!
Scientific studies have shown that practicing gratitude affects our brain's reward system.
What better reason than to start now!✨


You may already have heard that 90% of what we do comes from our subconscious mind.
In other words, 10% of our conscious mind works against 90% of our subconscious.
The biggest part of what we do on our day to day existence comes from below our conscious awareness.
And unless we become aware of it, our subconscious will keep on ruling our lives, and many times, not in the most desirable way.

Our brain is implicated in every thing we do.
Each thought, thing we hear, see, what we choose to feed our mind and body with, every little thing, as trivial as it may seem, matter.
And if we repeat these things over and over again (whether consciously or not), they slowly become conditioned into our subconscious mind.


As you may know, meditation has played a crucial role in my training program for changing my inner world, and the toxic way by which my mind has operated my whole life.
As harmless as some thoughts may seem, they contribute to build our inner world, which then directly impacts our personal reality.


Earlier, I mentioned how I have been using a reframing journal for the past five months to date.
Albert Ellis, one of the most renowned psychologists of the 20th century, was the person who inspired me to do so.
He uses the ABCD reframing method to change how we feel and view an unpleasant event that has happened to us.
What I personally have been doing is that each time a significantly unpleasant situation comes up, I write down a brief resume of what went down, how I reacted in the moment, how I could have improved my immediate reaction, and (as hard as it can sometimes be) I try to find something good about this.

This is really a powerful exercise, and I have noticed how positively it has affected my mind from doing it consistently.
Patience is a simple word of 8 letters, but its application isn't quite so!
However, patience was the tool that has helped me to stick with these habits in the long run.


Ever since I changed things around in my life, I started to practice something new.
To give you an example, I have a very sensitive skin.
And unfortunately for me, this summer I had a breakout of poison ivy, after 10 years of being free from it.
It started when I was on vacation (which was such a bummer, not gonna lie).
As much as the itch and the pain was intense, was I going to let these bad boys ruin my vacay?
I chose not to.
This is where the hardest part came into the picture.
Just like I would do if I had bunch of mosquitos eating me alive, I tricked my mind into thinking that this was my new normal.
That focusing on the pain was only going to make it worse.
So I would thank the pain for letting me know it was there, and giving me a sign (as annoying and painful as it was) that my body functions properly.
I can't say it was easy, but I can definitely say that it changed how my mind felt about it.


Everything starts and ends in the mind.
If you want a different outcome in your life, you can't think the same way you've always been thinking, act the same way you've acted for the past 10 years, and expect a different result.
For instance, if you want to install more positivity in your mind, you will first need to feed your mind with more positive experiences.
That can happen by practicing gratitude every day, surrounding yourself with people who lift your spirits and inspire you, meditating, using self-compassion toward yourself and others...
Nonetheless, it surely won't happen if you watch the news every day like you've have for the past 5 years, host a pity party with your friends every night, and blame the world for being so dark and ugly.

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Thank you so much for taking your time to read me!💜
I will leave you on my gift of the day!
I was lucky enough that he'd let me get this close to him!
(I used a secret method though😉)
Love you guys! Enjoy your Sunday !💜💚


Sorry for the trauma. If I pummeled their head in would it help the recovery process? lol Hopefully you can totally stay away from bad stuff now.
I like the bunny. lol
Maybe eating more would help your mind? ;) lol
My burger emoji isn't working.

You are always too funny and sweet at the same time, and I can't help but smile every time you take the time to write your unique/epic/too-cool-for-school comments.💛💛
Isn't he so cute!!! Obsessed with animals!

And your two last sentences made me laugh so hard. 😂 😂
(I kinda wish your 🍔 emoji would have worked, not gonna lie😉)
It's funny because from an outside perspective, I know I look extremely skinny, I'd say even so in an unhealthy way. But the truth is that it was really not something I wanted, it happened because of how bad my mental and physical health was for the past couple years. And it sucks because when you destroy your body, it takes a lot of time to get it ''back''.
But hey I accept uber deliveries, so feel free 😂 xoxo

I know. 😉
Did you give him a carrot? lol
🍔 I'll try it again. It was weird that it didn't work.
So you need me to feed you? lol
Do some of the airlines have good food? ;) lol 😘

Awww are you saying this cuz you remembered I gave one to this big guy right here? 😍 😍 38457897_270848680167751_8779550543350595584_n.jpg He was my fave!!! But I did not give one to the tiny one ;)
HAHAHAHAHAHA dead! Send me a private jet 😏 I'm sure they do 😎 they give pretty good pizza with Air Canada :P

I think you gave him too many carrots! lmao That is one fat rabbit! lol
Your feeding system is out of wack. lol Skinny humans and rabbits need more food and fat ones need less. lol
It might take me a while to save up for the private jet rental. lol

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH dead out of wack😂😂:P I know right LOL! He was my big chubby bunny😻💘
Yeah, will it?
I'm broke af so 🙃

I am usually allowed to drive into to your country but not fly to it.

Wait what!?😳
Do you have a record 🧐😉

Garden of mind? That's an interesting and new way of looking at our thoughts. I guess I will plant a few beautiful flowers; no weeds... no thanks!

Journal-writing is therapeutic. I used to keep a daily one when I was in High School and University. It's just so much fun reading your thoughts and events that happened so many years ago. You find out how much you have changed as a person over a period of time.

I am sorry to hear about dark past. I had a wonderful childhood full of love and good times. The darkness of the world (if I may put it that way) started to show itself in my mid-late 20s. However, I still maintain a positive and happy outlook.

Btw, did you notice that the iceberg photo is actually the African continent?

You're so sweet!!!💗
I know right, such a cool way to put it!

You seem like such a cool and wise person!😊
I secretly stalked your Quora account hehe 🙊
And thank you so much for your kind words, they are much appreciated!💜

And I have to say that you're the best observer ever....🙌
I completely failed to notice it !!!🙉

Let's agree that we are both cool and wise. 😎 I am pretty active on Quora answering away people's questions. It's a different form of journaling, I guess and also therapeutic.

About the African continent iceberg lookalike, I was thinking no way... but whoever did this had the island of Madagascar too. 😄

Haha you're too nice! That's my fave emoji hehe 😎
I know I definitely noticed that! I don't understand half the questions haha :P 😂
too much crypto and math knowledge for me😌
You seem to have many jobs btw! Accountant, engineer and educator?
Do you have 4 degrees?😲 😳

I had no clue about emojis in replies but now I have started using them. It makes the writing more lively. 😁

I did not plan it this way but here I am. I have a Bachelor's and Master's in Engineering, Associate's in Business and Accounting and certificates in Real Estate. I have about 300 college credit hours by now and probably will have a 5th degree next year. ✅ I always enjoyed studying (Valedictorian and all that) and that's what brought me here to US after High School in Dubai. Education was pretty serious when growing up.

Actually, I am completely free now 🎁 after working as an Instructor/Educator for a private college here for about a year. This gives me plenty of time to meditate, sleep, relax and not get overwhelmed with responsibilities. 😝

Damn it!!! That is very impressive mister!
I'm jealous!😌
Wow and you grew up in Dubai?😍💲💯
That sounds awesome!
By saying yo are completely free does that imply you work part time? Or not at all 😍 😍 😍 (my dream LOL)

No FT/PT work. About 6 months now... 😁 I do keep myself busy with personal projects.

Yes, I spent the first 19 years of my life in UAE. It was a wonderful childhood. 😊✨Where did you grow up?

So are you retired?🤩🤩🤑😍 haha:P
That is epic wow! How is it up there? I remember as a teen I flirted once online with a dude from Dubai 😂😂 he told me he could sleep on his balcony at night cuz it was hot enough, and he’d see the stars:P is it expensive ?

I am born and raised in Montreal and it is where I currently live! You’re in Texas, right? Not too dangerous?😉🤠