Ever since the beginning of life on earth, humans have always been in search of tools and techniques to make life easier. It was lighter that replaced the stones to generate the fire and wheels to ease the transportation and movement of goods from place to place. With all the inventions the life simpler than before but that didn't satisfy humans. Greater and sophisticated solutions were invented and technology was devised to further simplify the life. The present day's technology is the most refined and advanced that is greatly helping in leading a joyful life, but the dependence on the technology greatly rose as result.
With developed technology at hand, most of the services were replaced and simplified. The invention of computers can be accounted as one of the game-changers. The computers as a base many later inventions were resulted and inspired the newer discoveries. The powerful device was enriched with the creation of internet; the world at once became connected and understood the capability of technology. The internet further boosted and aided many inventions. Today, every organization is definitely dependent on the internet to run their operations and services. Though the internet is a boon to many, in recent times its cons began to appear tough.

The cyber crimes are a global concern and its high degree of threat is something to work on. As almost every organization's functions are web-based the data is vulnerable to cyber crimes, the important and precious data is to be stored and protected from illegitimate access. Hackers all over the world with unethical deeds steal the data and subject to illegal usage, the websites are hacked and are demanded huge ransom-ware in return. The cyber crimes alone are going to cost about $6 trillion by 2021. With the growing concern, the need for a secure and protected internet generated.

The ever-changing threats and creation of newer algorithms to hack the data are difficult to keep a track on. The only possible method to restrict and counter-act the data breach is to be prepared in advance and studying the new trends in the cyber crimes is the most productive way to hinder the hackers. The Uncloak is a platform powered by Blockchain and AI that assists and aids in restraining the cyber threats. Uncloak performs security checks from time to time and updates the security mechanisms with respect to the present trends. The platform makes the process seamless and easy to use.
As a possible solution, the Uncloak created a Blockchain powered cyber security team that continuously updates and works on any vulnerability to the security mechanisms. The expertise team will contribute in renewing the security system from time to time and in maintaining an impassable cover around the systems. Uncloak will also use AI innovatively to analyze the latest threats and classify based on the severity. The AI also checks if any vulnerability is present in the systems. Uncloak uses a set of top-notch cyber solutions contributors who keep an eye on all the changes and latest transformative measures in the crimes, they are also rewarded with tokens for preserving and preparing the platform to work against any possible attacks or breaches.

With time, the technology turned to show it's underneath power and the destructive nature it is enriched with. The over-dependence of humans on technology resulted in building a scenario where a day without technology's involvement is hard to imagine, this raised our vulnerabilities to the threat and hence hackers are cashing the enslavement. The threats can only be avoided prior to attacks so all possible measures are to be practiced well in advance. Uncloak assures to provide the solution to latest threats and promises to stay a step ahead of hackers. Any good security scheme must have prior planning to any future threats as it always advised to
Website -- https://uncloak.io/
Whitepaper -- https://whitepaper.uncloak.io/
ANN -- https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3375925.0
Telegram -- https://www.t.me/uncloakio/
Published by smithjones
Btalk profile - https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1936039