Why half acquaintance is treacherous?

in Incredible India3 months ago

We often employ the proverb, 'Half knowledge is dangerous!'

  • Now, why and when do we use this proverb and for whom? Whether it's about private or professional fields;
    When we don't think before our lips, we judge perspective, and subjects share our opinions without comprehending the significance, or I would say without holding knowledge;
    At that juncture, we often employ the above proverb!

Why did I pick the topic in my title? Nowadays, I encounter most people sharing distinct opinions;
about affairs, they don't have the expertise nor have proper information related to the matter!
The most funny thing is they don't even pronounce the exact word!

(After holding various challenges mountain stands straight but never complaint and conveys the knowledge of courage)

Example:- On social media, I encountered a YouTuber who shared a video about a political topic;
After watching the video, I laughed out loud!

Though established on a serious issue
But then, why do I laugh out loud?
Because of the YouTuber half-knowledge and miss pronounces,
while pronouncing intuition the person pronounced intention!

When there is an opportunity to edit a video, the person didn't rectify the blunder means, the person doesn't know the dissimilarity between two words;
But the man specified a weighty topic!


The same variety repeatedly shares our opinions about various things;
without understanding the effort behind it.
It's not that we all will be experts in every field, but until we achieve the knowledge and put our feet in the same shoes, we shouldn't be judgemental and spread rumours by using half-knowledge!

If we gather knowledge and exact details thoroughly
and attempt to enhance ourselves for the subject we want to criticise or debate!


It's effortless and often to criticise but challenging to perform! Criticism is also welcome when it carries values;
And behind that, analytical progress can be seen!

I would consider them knowledgeable who study the subject;
and gather experiences from the root of it.

  • Now, those who count as a business tycoon must have acquired knowledge about the subject they want to grow.

  • Those are worldwide renowned singers
    who trained themselves for years to reach that position.

Simultaneously, if we want to share our viewpoints,
we must attempt to qualify ourselves for the same!
Otherwise, for those, the proverb will be applicable! Isn't it?

  • Compassion and forgiveness
  • Equanimity
  • Control of mind
  • Detachment from Lust, anger, greed
  • Wisdom
  • Selfless actions

All these are the roots that I learned from Lord Krishna's message!
If we predominantly find knowledgeable people, do not argue;
They first listen, observe, and apprehend the affair and then react!

So, while attempting something, we must try to acquire enough knowledge;
Otherwise, the proverb will apply to those who don't know the difference between the meaning of intuition and intention!
When people earn capital by utilising a social platform, they must learn how to operate it!



 3 months ago 

Sin duda alguna estimada amiga @sduttaskitchen, algunas personas no se informan lo suficiente antes de hablar de un tema, y por ello llegan a pasar esa pena de ser señalados.

En mi experiencia, le comparto, que como docente, he tenido que estudiar constantemente, para poder estar a la altura e las exigencias de mi s participantes, ya que, muchos de ellos profesionales de trayectoria y con experiencia, se darían cuenta de cuando no domino el tema.

Yo prefiero, hacer silencio, documentarme y luego hablar, con propiedad. Y si es en el mismo momento que me tocan un tema que no domino, lo digo, con humildad, "Déjame documentarme mejor para que luego hablemos de ello, en este momento no tengo suficiente información".

Con esto me he ganado el respeto y aprecio de los demás.

Gracias por compartir su experiencia.


 3 months ago 

Foremost, I apologise for the late reply, my friend!
Most people don't follow the guidelines you cited, and that's why people might become the jack of all but master of none!

From my perspective, we all are learners and can learn each day if we wish to acquire knowledge but the thing is we don't consider ourselves most of the time students rather we love to show our minds;
and from here the problem occurs!

We all are humans carrying baggage full of mistakes, some identity, but most fail to recognise them!

Being a teacher, you are following the correct path that somehow keeps you grounded and provides you the opportunity to learn something new, and that applies to all of us.

Thank you for your valuable presence and comment! Stay healthy; I believe now your high blood pressure is under control!



Congratulations! Your post has been upvoted through @steemcurator03. Good post here should be..


Curated by : @jyoti-thelight
 3 months ago 

@jyoti-thelight thank you for your support 💖
