Icelandic Mystery Pills: Day 5 in Iceland

in #humor6 years ago


Day 5... Missed the beginning? start here

Missed the most beautiful town you have ever seen? go here

Now that you are all caught up, it's Day 5.

I typically don’t get headaches, so I didn’t bring any Advil on this trip. But I’ve had the worst migraine since last night.

Could be the constant daylight burning my eyeballs. Or it could be that I have had more bread in the last week than I have had in the last 5 years combined.

Back to last night...We were at the movies and a man pointed a shotgun to my head. My mom was narrating. I screamed, “I love you Chad!” before the man with no face pulled the trigger.

I woke up annoyed because my head still throbbed enough to give me nightmares. At least we know where my hallunicatory death bed priorities are...


In real life, Chad checks out the gas station. They don’t have any headache medication. The grocery store is closed.

I beg him to email the Airbnb host and ask if they have any pills.

We are in luck!

Moments later, our host from upstairs knocks on our door, presenting us with a white box of mystery pills.

She explains what they are to Chad in some Icelandic/English hybrid language. They sound to me like muscle relaxers. She generously gifts me the entire box.

I gleefully take 2 because the numbers on the box are in English and I decipher that I must take 2. Also I am desperate to get rid of this pain.

I’m a little sad to check out today. I love this Airb n b and I love Olafsvik....


In fact, I love everything! I can't feel anymore pain! I can't feel...anything! The muscle relaxers have kicked in and I am feeling groovy. And dizzy.


We aren’t sure of when we will see food again so we stop at a gas station for some grub. We each have a smoothie, Nakd bars, and Chad grabs a bag of pepperoni.

I try the pepperoni and immediately spit it out the window. Our rental car is home to all of our accumulated trash, dirty clothes, and now this rancid pepperoni. It smells like a rolling dumpster until I make Chad throw out the pepperoni.

Thank goodness my headache is gone because Chad decides to go a different way to our next Airbnb, and hopes we'll see different more jaw-dropping scenery.

Instead, we drive on a bumpy dirt road (for 2 hours) that requires a car with hydraulics like this one:

Finally, we find a REAL road (without rocks, bumps or gravel) and both hop out of the car to pee in the wilderness like a bunch of animals for the 12th time.

Our audience...


Finally, We arrive at our third Airbnb...and I feel like pimp! No offense, hoes.


Chad has outdone himself. Each airbnb is getting better and better. This one has a hot tub! And real beds! (However, we opt to sleep on the couches because the mattresses are so thin)


We find a nice restaurant with incredible views and share chicken and vegetables. Chad gets his own lamb soup because I'm still traumatized by the stench of the first soup he ordered a few days ago.


We try out the hot tub. I told you I would leave out the X-rated parts. Moving on...

We’re exhausted. We watch “As Good as it Gets” on TV. This really is as good as it gets.

Day 6

Although this airbnb is pretty magical, the shower situation is not.

The shower is a tall tin box next to the front door. Picture elbows banging on metal as you shampoo your head with alternate blasts of scalding hot and icy cold water in the dark.

I opt to shave my legs in the tiny bathroom sink and “dry off” on the same wet towel I’ve been using for 2 days.

I miss my bathtub at home. And I miss having more than one towel!

Chad makes eggs with peppers and potatoes for breakfast. This Airbnb even has salt! I shake a handful of salt onto my hand and lick it off like a rabbit before dumping a bunch onto the delicious feast Chad has prepared.

Today we visit a dormant volcano filled with crystal blue water. The climb requires us to climb more miniature stairs.
We are rewarded with this view at the top:




I decide, in my drugged up state, on the top of this super craggy crater, to see if I can still do crow pose after years of only doing Wake Up With Rodney Yee aka yoga for 80 year olds...


We check out an Eco village and more importantly, a real bathroom.


We check out the famous Archyway thingy that spells out UNO if you look really hard:



We check out the geysir. I vow to stay far away after seeing dozens of people get soaked.



We (and thousands of other tourists) visit the largest waterfall I have ever seen.



We go food shopping at Bonus. Chad makes pepper steak and Tika Masala rice for dinner.

I know what you are thinking..."Chad is being forced to cook." Honestly, I am a tolerable cook and Chad wants to eat a decent meal tonight and save money by not going out to eat every day.

We try to go to bed early because we need to check out the in the morning. Sleep is hard to find when it is still light outside.

Plus we're excited to go to The Blue Lagoon Tomorrow...


Happy journey to the blue lagoon :D

Thanks @obak121 :) We will!