Confessions Of A Minnow and Other Such Folly

in #community6 years ago



It's been over thirty days now since joining this wonderful community and I have to say, "Wow!" I mean, this site, when I first signed up was quite overwhelming to say the least. There's so much to take in and learn, as there normally and usually is when embarking on any new adventure. It's like stepping into the great unknown and ever expanding vastness of my own inexperience without map nor paddle. But this is something I fully and openly intend to do with anything new; jump in, head first!

The main reason for my joining was to create an alternative income to my job. I don't hate my job, but have always had this 'thing' about being told what to do, when to do it, and why it should have been done better etc. It seems that our superiors are more pissed off than the rest of us because, perhaps they realize they are even more trapped and entrenched in an uncaring and greedy system than their 'lowers'. They think that this gives them permission to become first class arseholes and 'fly off the handle' or 'spit the dummy out' when things aren't going their way. I'm sure many of us can relate to having so called fully grown and apparently adult bosses who sometimes behave like naughty little obnoxious shits.

Maybe, deep down, they unconsciously know the whole monetary system is fraudulent and their careers are as secure and desirable as a very wet tissue in a nose blowing contest. Maybe not. But the point is this; they were all human once (well, some of them perhaps) before the 'system' took away their dreams and hopes of bettering themselves. The 'slow kill' of working for a living (more like survival) has taken its toll on them and yes, I forgive them, but not the false system which suckered them in and did spate on their trifle, no!

So, finding Steemit as a possible alternative to that, has been very exciting and refreshing indeed. At first, I found a video on youtube where I was told to post every day and ask for upvotes at the end of my posts and followers etc. But the only thing is; I don't have a 'switch' that can be 'clicked' at will, and wonderful quality content flows forth from my creative and juicy daily typings, no. I will post when there's something to say/post about, and who knows, in the future, this may happen more frequently until I may be posting daily. So, for the time being, I'll attempt quality over quantity and frequency.

One thing I did do, and am trying to undo, is following all the people who have followed really popular posters, in the hope that they all followed me and upvoted me and I retired from my job within a month and all lived happilly ever after. THE END. Again, this was advised on another youtube video where someone had followed over 70,000 people and ended up having around 6,000 follow him back. I thought that was an amazing technique and dove right on in. But it didn't work for me and after checking this persons profile just recently, yes, he has thousands of followers, but there is no relationship or interaction with his community. He doesn't know them and hasn't taken the time to build a relationship with them, hence, he has thousands of followers but knows not their interests!

It was around this time I realized that I was trying to do this too quickly and should concentrate on building a solid and sure foundation of really relating to people by helping them and welcoming them to this wonderful site. So what I've been doing is going into the introduce yourself tag and new post section and commenting, resteeming and upvoting posts which I think are thought provoking and unique.

By doing this, taking one post at a time rather than mass clicking a mouse over a followers name etc., I give that person what I needed when I first joined; undivided and focused attention. I take my time to read through their posts and reward where appropriate anything which I think will benefit the community, and the amazing thing is; I'm getting more and more followers as a result of this and my curation eye seems to be getting sharper.

I also recently watched a video where @aggroed explained that minnows should comment, dolphins should post, and whales curate. Don't quote me on this but I think I have the general 'gist' from it now and my goal is to help, encourage and welcome minnows and potentially great upcoming authors onto the platform.


So it seems that I have a plan, or a working sequence of things that I feel comfortable doing and building. It appears, so far, to be working for me. And maybe that's the key, find what works for you. Take your time. Be in this for the long term. Build slow. Network. Share. Learn. Grow. Expand.

If there are any inaccuracies within this post or areas which need more clarity then "Hey! What do ya expect, I've only been doin' this a month!" lol

But seriously though; feel free to correct any of my minnow misunderstandings or perhaps share some of your own experiences?

I hereby conclude my confession and encourage others to find their 'truth' or place within this wonderful phenomenon we call Steemit.

All the best,



This is a well written and thoughtful post! Nice to meet ya! I'm in a few discord servers which aim to help steemians learn and network. They are great places. not sure if you are in them already. If you are i don't recognize your name. Anyway, you should come on over to the Peace Abundance & Liberty discord server and also would like to introduce you to my friend @vladivostok if you're not already aquainted. Vlad, is @helpie still doing daily trivia?

Thank you @phedizzle, and nice to meet you too. I have heard of the PAL discord server and gladly accept your invitation to further check it out.

All the best to you,


Hey @phedizzle, I have joined the PAL discord server through your link and haven't a clue what's supposed to happen next...completely lost here. Can we get in touch with each other on there? And if so, how?

Thanks for the help,


Hi @phi23 what a great post. You have made some really good comments here I love the interaction I have with the community - it is actually more rewarding than the monetary side at the moment but things will improve - over the course of time we see ups and downs in the market and will all be happy to feel the next pump but every day I post every day no matter what and enjoy the community - I shall be keeping an eye open for more of your posts too from now on as I enjoyed reading this. Stay focused on your goal and it will be realised.
Namaste 💚💜❤️💛

Thank you @sallybeth23, and yes, I agree that the rewarding feeling or sensation we can get from simple interaction and/or helping/sharing with another person is priceless.

All the best to you,


Quite so - valuing and sharing within a beautiful community is amazing. I love steemit.

what a great posting. I am also roughly 30 days in and learning the ropes too. Its funny i started with a niche in mind, but i feel that steemit is all about being yourself - so my blogging is less crypto related and more about me. I will see over time what people like from me. I am looking forward to following you as we both progress.

We both have similar number of followers and reputation score. I have followed a lot less than you and have posted more. Always interesting to compare what each person gravitates to when learning a new thing like steemit

Hey @ozkdawg, thanks for the support.

I will see over time what people like from me.

Yes, whatever I may think a large group likes and what the group actually likes may be completely different things. Let the wisdom of the crowd guide.

All the best,


Post more, post about things that you enjoy, and be yourself. You'll figure it out and there are lots of people who are around to help.

I love this place! Thanks for the encouragement!

@ozkdawg Have you checked out the #homesteadersonline, #permaculture, #gardening tags? I see in your description you mention gardening. There's a very strong sustainability presence on steemit. As for skating, which I see you post a lot about, @stickchumpion is trying to help build skating presence here. Do you know him?

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He might have used bots, but it's a well written and thoughtful post @honesteem. Just because someone uses bots doesn't mean they're a shit poster.