SLC | S22W1 : Learning Through Play

in Teachers & Students3 months ago


Continuous learning without play/fun or entertainment as an additive can make you dull; this same sentence can be written in different ways; in a more advanced level of education, a lecturer may not add playing directly into learning because even some students who are agile enough with more attentiveness will be assumed you are a joker.


Learning through playing increases students' active participation in the class. This learning process is strictly against the lecture method because the full attentiveness and participation of the learner are needed. In this kind of learning, it makes it easier for teachers to keep track of their students performance because in playing, everyone can always be involved, and as such, creating room for more participants practically performing some concepts.


There is a chance of making a change from someone else's idea; for instance, if a singing play was introduced and graded, the first person's trial may sing to some point, so will the next person. At least in a new game, one person may likely miss some part of the lyrics, and the other notes were misleading or take correction in the parts he or she didn't get right. So, with this point, I would say learning through playing is or may be effective, but what should be considered before introducing it is the level of education it is introduced to because the higher the class, the more advanced and entertaining the game should be.

Game without tool

The game without tools, which I was able to introduce, was by composing a song and asking the student to sing with me; this song comes with a demonstration, i.e., as you sing, you demonstrate, so that it may stick easily to the brain. Before doing this, I set up my learning objective because, without this, it may seem hard to memorise because the students or pupils may be hearing this topic for the first time, and without a pre-introduction to the topics there may just be singing. Without it making meaning to them.

SING SONG DEFINITION: This is my definition of the games, and in this game, the student sings the definition as well as the parent. Since we have an objective, every player is singing the same song, and a sweet is always there to take home.

The RULES of the game are simple;

  • The player sings the song completely without mincing words and gets a reward, and the song is to be sung thrice, which means the player has three lifelines, and once this elapses without perfection, he or she is declared the loser.

Game with tools.

This other game is a bit simple and shows how attentive the learner has been.

How to play

I titled this game WORDS IN MY DEFINITION. In this game the learners are to choose an alphabet from A-Z; this alphabet is not exposed; they are inserted into an opaque nylon, and if the user chooses, the player is expected to pick one out; picking, he called out the alphabet, and after calling, he or she is asked if there is a word in the lesson or definition that has that alphabet; if he says yes, then to prove it, he/she needs to spell the word; if he doesn't spell it correctly, he/she loses.


  • You are expected to choose one paper slip in the opaque bag.

  • You are expected to choose one word that starts with the alphabet, meaning you can't choose two words at a time.

  • Another person next to you can decide to help you out if you fail, and if that happens, half of the point you should have earned belongs to him/her.

My Review


From my how-to play the rules, you can see how engaging this game is for the game with tools.

Since I was to teach photosynthesis, the process is explained in the course of the lesson. I didn't just ask them for a repetitive response after me, but I took them out to show and explain the concept better. So far in my course of lessons, I was told that a more practical approach to different concepts leads to easy memorisation, so as they sing, they focus on leaves or have leaves around to hear. There is this feeling of happiness whenever we sing definitions, because in examination we can easily take off our caps.

I would love @okere-blessing @sahmie and @pea07 to join in this contest soon or take part in the next class

 2 months ago