A headmaster must be an example for his teacher and students

in #writing6 years ago

The story of a school principal who exemplifies his students and his teacher

As the headmaster of the school must be able to be a leader who can in the example of his behavior and actions. The leader becomes a transeter or intertainment in education. So everything from the leader's actions or can be done in accountability.
Because, the principal is the main example in school. If the school has good management, then what is called the principal can be an example for the underlings.
Leaders must possess and carry out various conditions that can be said to be leaders. So those who like to tell are those who are ahead, role models and everything that can be accepted by subordinates and the work environment. In this case the teacher, students and staff.

What real examples give give an example?

Give examples or do before people do their subordinates, not just do writing but must be realized. So before you can do the principal you must always have a good idea to be realized. A leader can be respected by subordinates whose behavior manuals we can follow.
This in itself subordinates will be reluctant and make the principal of the example good to imitate. Although this is difficult and takes time to do, the principal will continue to provide a positive example for subordinates to imitate. Good in behavior, speech and personal. In school, the principal is like an intertainmen or artist. So that everything that is done will be the round or example.

What does the example do?

The principal must be able to perform perfectionally or perfectly and is expected to be used in decision making. Always cheerful and professional will be used as an example and build school comfort. The school principal who is extropet is the principal who is often used as an idol and an example for subordinates.

  • For example by coming every morning before students or teachers come, then there are teachers who are late, tomorrow they will be refugees because they are reluctant with the principal.

  • Helping cleaning staff pick up trash scattered around the school, from examples like this, members or residents of the school will consider the principal's attitude.

  • Always traveling from class to class and the KBM process runs smoothly, there is an empty class the headmaster is not angry, but invites students to class and tells a lot of things while waiting for the teacher to come.

  • The school principal does not have students, teachers, principals to communicate with each other as family or friends, with the requirements of authority and politeness satun must remain.

And there is still much that the principal can do as an example for subordinates and school residents. With such an attitude and example, the school will run better and a sense of family will be created by itself.
If everything goes then this school will become an example, not only in a school environment that can be copied by other schools as well.

Principal as a Driving Motor

The principal or the driving force of the source, and the tools available to the group of organizations. The leader must have good characteristics that can be used as an example in the school environment. One of them must be humble or simple, patient or have emotional stability, helpful, confident, honest and expert in his position.
The principal must be an example or example for his employees for good behavior, also in terms of discipline or in the academic field. For example in terms of discipline the headmaster can convey the rules. In the discipline, the principal can also do the discipline, in academic terms.
For example after checking or evaluating in learning administration. After that an evaluation is carried out in the learning process.
There is a teacher who is not successful in the learning process, can be seen from the results achieved by his students. The principal gives an example when making a lesson plan with methods and media that are appropriate for the students and the facilities in the school.

However, the facts that occur in the field of most principals cannot be implemented optimally. This can be done by the will of the principal or because the time is not yet fixed. The school principal should be able to apply it. If the supervisor can really do it according to his duties, the principal can carry it out.

Best Principal Practices in Giving Examples

For example private schools lack school operational funds so the principal must have ideas and solutions in the community. The thing that can be done is to ask for help from the education departments. However, this is not included in the best practice of giving examples.
Giving examples is in fact like the principal can make empowerment of food crops or medicinal plants that can be worth selling. There is no need to buy land but can use vacant land or school parks as land. For example, this does not need to be done by the principal himself.
However, it can encourage students and teachers to work together to create agricultural land. After the plants make money, the school will get another income to help with school operational costs. So the role of the principal is to set an example or act directly in the field. Don't just rule.

Another example is the principal proclaiming the teacher to include SBK (Art and Skills) subjects or local burdens such as those in the curriculum. Students who are truly creative or imagine making works that can later be sold.
The proceeds from this sale will help the school find funds. For example (key chains, table cloths, bags of used plastic etc.