in #steemchurch6 years ago


David means Beloved.

He was the second King of Israel (The First was Saul). The Old Testament contains numerous accounts of his exploits, especially the books of Samuel, Kings and Chronicles. It is mentioned about eight hundred times in the A.T. Only this man is attributed the name, that is, no one else in the Bible is mentioned with the name of David, probably to make known the lineage of Jesus.

David was the youngest son of Jesse of a total of 8 brothers, grandson of Ruth and Boaz, he was a shepherd from Bethlehem from an early age and in that region he spent his youth taking care of the flocks of his father. He gained fame for his musical skills and his courage, which reached legendary overtones for his confrontation with the giant Philistine Goliath. As his reputation grew, he was summoned to court, where Saul, first king of Israel, named him his squire. After covering himself with glory in the wars against the Philistines, he married Mikal, daughter of Saul, and won the friendship of Jonathan, his brother-in-law. However, his growing popularity aroused the envy of the monarch, who expelled him from court. David spent the next period of his life in exile, at the head of a band of warriors who paid tribute to the landlords of Judah. After a stay in the city of Adullam, near Jerusalem, and in the deserts of Judah, he entered the service of Akis, king of the Philistine city of Gath. As a reward for his collaboration with Akis, Akis appointed him governor of the city of Siquelag.

David returned to his native country after the death of Saul, Jonathan and two other of the king's four sons in a battle against the Philistines. Crowned king of Judah in Hebron, he ruled there for seven years, until about 993 BC when he was anointed king of Israel. Thereafter, David defeated the Philistines, Moabites, Arameans, Idumeans, and Ammonites in rapid succession, thereby consolidating Israel's independence and vastly expanding its dominions. One of its main conquests was that of the Jebusite fortress of Zion, which became the nucleus of its capital, Jerusalem, often called the City of David. There he built his palace and installed, under a tabernacle, the Ark of the Covenant, with which Jerusalem became the religious and political center of the territories united under his person.

During the siege of Rabbá Amón (present Amman, Jordan), the Ammonite capital, David committed adultery with Bathsheba, wife of the military Uriah, whose death was indirectly responsible. The episode, which is often considered the greatest sin of his life, was followed by repeated problems with his children, one of whom - Absalom - died during a rebellion he had organized against his father. The last years of David's reign were marked by family problems, especially in the dispute with the eldest of his surviving children, Adonijah, who emerged after having appointed Solomon (born of his union with Bathsheba) heir to the throne.

David was a brave warrior and a remarkable leader. He showed a religious devotion to all proof, that is why David is the symbol of the courage and the aspirations of his people, whose prophets considered him the model of the promised Messiah. In both the Old and New Testaments (Luke 1:32), the Messiah is referred to as the Son of David. The tradition attributes to him the authorship of 73 poems of Psalms. However, specialists argue that it is a questionable claim. Islam also reveres David as a prophet. But above all the mentions and considerations towards King David is undoubtedly the own consideration of God (... CONFORMING TO HIS OWN HEART) 1st. from Samuel 13:14

With my voice I cried out to God, I cried out to God, and he will listen to me.

To the Lord I searched in the day of my anguish: My evil was running at night and did not stop: My soul refused consolation.

Remember me of God, and I shouted: I complained, and my spirit fainted. (Selah.)

You had the eyelids of my eyes: I was broken, and I did not speak.

He considered the days from the beginning, The years of the centuries.

Remember my songs at night; I meditated with my heart, And my spirit inquired.

Will the Lord forsake him for ever, and will he not love again?

Was his mercy finished forever? Has your word finished for generation and generation?

Has God forgotten to have mercy? Have you confined your pieties with anger? (Selah.)

And I said: My illness is this; I will bring back to memory the years of the right hand of the Most High.

I will remember the works of JAH: Yes, I will make memory of your ancient wonders.

And I will meditate on all your works, And I will speak of your deeds.


This was a very great topic about king David mate

Thanks for sharing with us


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The man after God's heart. The person of David has taught me many great lessons and one of it is my reaction after having sinned against God.

This message is very deep. Thanks for sharing.