Midnight Discussion: Dragging A Hard Bargain With The Poor.

in #discussion6 years ago

Okay!! This is going to be some sort of discussion, so I won't write much, instead I'll want to listen to your views on this matter.

My story is very simple. 'We were leaving church with a friend of mine when he stopped by the roadside to buy ripe banana from one of those women who sell by the roadside

We picked about three sizeable bunch of bananas, the lady gave a prize of #1200. To my surprise, my friend started his own end of the bargain at #500.'

After some minutes of dragging, begging, fighting and all. We ended up buying the bananas at #650. My friend was happy that he got a good bargain but the woman was sighing even as she concluded the deal with us. I was boiling inside me and couldn't wait till we get to the car so I could talk some sense of humanity to my friend.

This is a very common practice among us. People do it all the time. You will always notice someone stop by in a ten million Naira car to drag an extra #20 price issue with an orange seller - sometimes, with kid hawkers.

My friend justified his action because he believed he didn't point a gun at the lady to get the banana at that price. But I keep wondering, 'Why do people often practice their bargaining skills with the poor and needy?' If my friend was to stop by a supermarket or mall to buy that same banana, he would've paid exactly the amount the stamped on the goods no matter how high it would have been.

I learned something from Mrs Mayen, one of the very first lady I worked for. she once said;

Do not strike a hard bargain with the poor, because they do not sell to be wealthy but just to be able to buy food and survive.

It has been my guiding principle since I learned that from her. The poor people who sell in the market or by the roadside often times are there just to get their daily food but that is often where we always decide to show how good we are at negotiations.

Well, I'm not here to justify or condemn any action. Like I said in the beginning, I have a lot more to say no this issue but it's a midnight discussion, so I just want to hear from you.

  • Why do you think people do this?

  • Is it justifiable to press down prices with the poor when you can afford to pay at a better price because you know they have almost no other choice but to sell at any price just to survive?

  • Do you think that it's a responsibility of those who can afford to sometimes leave out extra tips with sellers?

  • Do we really feel happy after striking a hard bargain with the poor? Do we think they are happy to sell at those prices?

  • What do you think of this whole matter at hand. Let's hear from you.

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Wow, these post is for the strong in mind and it requires wisdom @lordjames. But, one after the other I will tackle it. Starting with these,

Is it justifiable to press down prices with the poor when you can afford to pay at a better price because you know they have almost no other choice but to sell at any price just to survive?

These, question has two answers. It's has a NO and a YES answer.

I say it's not right, because most of them only have these as there source of living and nothing else. Just to eat and survive and anytime it's time for them to leave the world they would.

They look to the rich people, and the government as a source of lively hood to them. They believe that, they are a little angels sent to help them by buying there goods from them. And when they are cheated, they feel betrayed and unhappy and God won't be happy with us, instead buy it at the prize they require, even if we prize it shouldn't be to our own gain.

Cause, like it or not the poor would always be in our midst and we the wealth, we are given a responsibility to use our wealth to affect lives in a positive manner.


In business, it's always good and it pays to be honest in business. Honesty in everything you or we do makes us outstanding.

Sometimes, the poor has a way of hyping the price of goods when they know that, it's not what the price seems to be. If a bunch of bananas cost $3 and you know that very well, cause you have been buying it that way.

And you do hear a different price from what you know. You will be forced to beat down the prize to the normal price you know. So that's my own opinion. @lordjames

You are right in both and I do not support buying at an elevated price. The issue is when we try to take advantage of someone situation and profit ourselves. In business deals, it's allowed. But there's for instance a situation we wanted to buy vegetables in the market and my friend said we should go to the section where there are old poor women, that we will have a better market with them. So I think the rule is, don't cheat and don't be cheated.

You are right bro, your friend is really crazy in his own little way. But sometimes, we do have reasons we do things in our own way. Stay blessed bro. And let's endeavor to a light and joy to the needy out there @lordjames

I think the altitude of the wealthy people are so debasing at times when it comes to bargaining and buying something from the poor. They fail to realize that anything you buy from a poor man that you are putting foods on his family table also. Bergaining with the poor when it comes to buying things is really bad, encourage them by paying at the right price rather than taking advantage of their situation to exploit them

That's right, taking advantage of the situation to exploit them.

Smiles.....d fact remains that 70% of the rich people are somehow stingy up to the extent that they can't even give out their little remaining change to the poor seller....

This has been in existence for so long, I still wonder why some people prefer to buy recharge card from their bank instead of blessing the seller who are selling just to survive and in search for daily meal

#may God have mercy on us

This one touches, I think I'll have to consider the option very important.

I completely agree with you my friend.
I don't understand why we bargain like this with the poor only. The poor are desperate to sell what they have so that they can trend to their basic needs. We should stop this activity

Hello, I think we do it because we make the direct purchase with the owner and they know if they can make a discount on their merchandise. And the poor people are mostly humble

Okay, I get your point. We feed on their humility knowing they will want to sell it out or risk not selling it to anyone at all.

Exactly, they are conscious.

Honestly this happens in the US too, but most of the time with us its at stores people penny pinching when they have millions, so at least it isn't affecting the person's pockets directly.

I can't imagine having the cruelness to bargain when you are rich when its affecting the person right in front of you!

It's a common practice and most people don't see it the way you see it now. They believe we are free to price as we want. But you understand with me that these people are not selling to be wealthy but just to survive.

I don't even know to bargain and most times my friends and family complain about my purchasing prices.

I think some people bargain just to beat the odds for example they know something is say #10 and they will be like I'll buy 2 for #19 damn!

Do not strike a hard bargain with the poor, because they do not sell to be wealthy but just to be able to buy food and survive.

Noted! This is so true. Thank you!

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There's nothing bad with bargaining. In fact you have to learn the art of bargaining. My issue is when someone decide to drag a hard bargain with someone we know is just out there to afford his/her daily meal.

aww! Now, I get your point clearly

I think this is also a call on the poor sellers to step up their packaging... they really don't need a mall or Halloween to do that... They can start by stamping or gumming prices to the skin of the fruits or bottles containing the groundnuts on the table...

The quote is so touching...

As you say, this practice has already become quite common in society. I would say it depends on the person, sometimes I seek to lower or negotiate the price slightly, because I really can't afford it at the moment and the truth is I've been interested. The difference is minimal. Although what you're saying is very true, they're usually low-income salespeople who earn their daily bread from these purchases, so we shouldn't overdo it if we can spend a lot more on other things!

However, we can see the other side of the coin, when they make us a special offer at a low price and tempt us to accept. That would be more acceptable.

Very good topic, I like humble people, have money or not, humility enlarges the heart and generates a lot of love.