Magic Mushrooms

in #steemexclusive2 months ago

The last few day have been pretty normal here for me in NZ, a bit of walking and Biking and maybe a tooth extraction just to mix things up.

So for the past two days i have not ridden my bike and went back to the Dentist today and got the all clear.

Tomorrow is my partners birthday and we are going out for Dinner to nice Restaurant tomorrow night.

Today we had her parents turn up so i have just been Gaslighting the Mother in law for the past few hours.

My partner made some more eclairs today and then iced the with Chocolate, filled with whipped cream and they were ready to eat.


Here they are iced about to be filled with cream.

Now some of you cats will remember i got a Mushroom grow pack for Christmas, its been in the bathtub for the past 7 days being sprayed with water 2-3 times a day.

This bathroom is the coolest room in the house and does get a little breeze, so this location was selected.

Today they finally showed themselves....i will get some better pictures!

They look cool though!

So the Watermelon in the Hothouse has a baby watermelon on it, shit picture i know.....but will do better next time.

Tomorrow i will be going for a Bike ride in hopefully some decent weather, the start to this year has been absolutely garbage!!

Rain then more Rain them more's Summer i thought!

Thanks for reading my post today!

all pics are mine
smudge approves this post
this post is 100% human made

I am @kiwiscanfly 🥝🐔



Didn’t know that mushrooms love a bath 🛁 #everydayisaschoolday
Keep that baby watermelon safe!

Yeh it was were should we put them, its Summer here (supposedly) ...i thought mushrooms grew in the dark but these ones love having Bath time 🦆

Yeah the Watermelon gotta keep that safe

Looking forward to your mushroom post when you sample them 🍽️

Thank you very much for that

have a good weekend!

Owh watermelon fruit is my fav.. hope its grow soon..

I am also looking forward to see how it grows.

Yes can't hardly wait...

Now some of you cats will remember

Even some Rats were waiting for those pictures.