So They Put Me In Charge
My brother and I joined the boy scouts after moving to a new part of town. During our first camping trip with the troop, I decided to organize a game of "Capture the Flag."
I had previous experience in a different troop, and I knew what to expect from everyone. I knew if I didn't organize the game and set up the parameters, it would not have happened. Since I loved playing the game, I asserted myself.
This made an impression on the adults with us, specifically the scoutmaster. He saw my assertiveness and decided to make me Patrol Leader even though I was extremely green.
Looking back on that day, I remember giving orders and having the kids follow my orders. I also remember being mocked but having my orders carried out. Then we played the game, several times if I remember correctly, and then we were done.
Apparently, I made an impression on the adults. This impression lead to an ongoing role that I did not expect.

I only had the rank of Second Class. They knew this was a little irregular. I never really felt comfortable in my formal role. I don't know why. I wasn't worried about lacking authority because that wasn't the issue. I guess I just didn't see the point in the ongoing role. I had duties that I didn't feel invested in.
The adults reminded me I could do it based on that one game of Capture the Flag. But it didn't help me, at the time.
I eventually got them to reassign me to Assistant Patrol Leader or something, and I was much happier.
Looking back, I'm glad I had that experience. Sometimes we can assume certain roles under certain circumstances. We say it's not a good idea to generalize. But we usually mean between multiple groups of people. Well, that's true even for the individual.
I really appreciate your sharing your story!
Reminds me of my days of scouting. Became a Webelow and got the Arrow of Light badge but went into music from there. We have many fond memories. I decided to follow you. Thanks for your posts. I will share one of mine for you. Hope you like it. Troy
Ok article. Capture the flag is one of my favorite games from childhood.