Radiator v0.2.2 - STEEM Ruby API Client Update: Performance and Reliability

in #radiator8 years ago


STEEM Ruby API Client

Radiator is an API Client for interaction with the STEEM network using Ruby.

Fixes in v0.2.2

  • Gem updates
  • Improved support for datatypes and handlers.
    • UTF-8 handled more smoothly.
    • Simplified operation construction.
  • Improved keep-alive defaults.
    • Better streaming reliability.

Quick Start

Add the gem to your Gemfile:

gem 'radiator'


$ bundle install

If you don't have bundler, see the next section.



$ sudo apt-get install ruby-full git openssl libssl1.0.0 libssl-dev
$ gem install bundler


$ gem install bundler


require 'radiator'

api = Radiator::Api.new
response = api.get_dynamic_global_properties
=> "135377049.603 STEEM"

Follower API

api = Radiator::FollowApi.new
response = api.get_followers('inertia', 0, 'blog', 100)
=> ["a11at",

Here's an example of how to use a streaming instance to listen for votes:

require 'radiator'

stream = Radiator::Stream.new

stream.operations(:vote) do |op|
  print "#{op.voter} voted for #{op.author}"
  puts " (weight: #{op.weight / 100.0}%)"

The output would look like this and continue until interrupted.

richman voted for krnel (weight: 100.0%)
rainchen voted for rainchen (weight: 100.0%)
richman voted for exploretraveler (weight: 100.0%)
jlufer voted for michaelstobiersk (weight: 100.0%)
jlufer voted for michaelstobiersk (weight: 100.0%)
patelincho voted for borishaifa (weight: 100.0%)
richman voted for vetvso (weight: 100.0%)
jlufer voted for michaelstobiersk (weight: 100.0%)
richman voted for orcish (weight: 100.0%)
demotruk voted for skeptic (weight: -100.0%)
photorealistic voted for oecp85 (weight: 100.0%)
meesterboom voted for rubenalexander (weight: 100.0%)
thecurator voted for robyneggs (weight: 40.0%)
richman voted for originate (weight: 100.0%)
helikopterben voted for etcmike (weight: 100.0%)


You can also just stream all operations like this:

stream.operations do |op|
  puts op.to_json

Example of the output:


Transactions are supported:

stream.transactions do |tx|
  puts tx.to_json

Example of the output:



Even whole blocks:

stream.blocks do |bk|
  puts bk.to_json

Example of the output:


Transaction Signing

Radiator supports transaction signing, so you can use it to vote:

tx = Radiator::Transaction.new(wif: 'Your Wif Here')
vote = {
  type: :vote,
  voter: 'xeroc',
  author: 'xeroc',
  permlink: 'piston',
  weight: 10000

tx.operations << vote

You can also post/comment:

tx = Radiator::Transaction.new(wif: 'Your Wif Here')
comment = {
  type: :comment,
  parent_permlink: 'test',
  author: 'your-account',
  permlink: 'something-unique',
  title: 'Radiator Can Post Comments!',
  body: 'Yep, this post was created by Radiator in `ruby`.',
  json_metadata: '',
  parent_author: ''

tx.operations << comment


tx = Radiator::Transaction.new(wif: 'Your Wif Here')
transfer = {
  type: :transfer,
  from: 'ned',
  to: 'inertia',
  amount: '100000.000 SBD',
  memo: 'Wow, inertia!  Radiator is great!'

tx.operations << transfer


Radiator also supports Golos. To use the Golos blockchain, provide a node and chain_id:

tx = Radiator::Transaction.new(wif: 'Your Wif Here', chain: :golos, url: 'https://node.golos.ws')
vote = {
  type: :vote,
  voter: 'xeroc',
  author: 'xeroc',
  permlink: 'piston',
  weight: 10000

tx.operations << vote

There's a complete list of operations known to Radiator in broadcast_operations.json.


  • Clone the client repository into a directory of your choice:
    • git clone https://github.com/inertia186/radiator.git
  • Navigate into the new folder
    • cd radiator
  • Basic tests can be invoked as follows:
    • rake
  • To run tests with parallelization and local code coverage:
    • HELL_ENABLED=true rake

See my previous Ruby How To posts in: #radiator #ruby

Get in touch!

If you're using Radiator, I'd love to hear from you. Drop me a line and tell me what you think! I'm @inertia on STEEM.


I don't believe in intellectual "property". If you do, consider Radiator as licensed under a Creative Commons CC0 License.


@inertia, have you done anything with "smart contracts" in Ruby or Javascript? As a Rails guy, I'm attempting to develop a contract application via a web interface using the Steem block-chain on the same concepts as Ethereum's smart contracts, and as such, would you have any thoughts, pointers, tips, or example code that might be helpful? Thanks!

I haven't done that. You might take a look at @eosio. They're going to offer smart contracts in wren.

@inertia, you're invoking nostalgia for Ruby in me...

Your library is shaping up quite nicely, for the future influx of Ruby developers to Steem.

@inertia, can all this solve Steemit Glitches?
I just spent almost 5 hours on my post -This One and only see half of it. The other half vanished.....😢😢😢

I think it will mitigate issues related to ruby projects. But I think there might be multiple issues all happening at the same time. Yes, it's very aggravating.