drphil.rb - Voting Bot - Mac InstallationsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #radiator8 years ago (edited)

Before you can use drphil, you will need to install bundler. If you are using the system version of ruby, you need to use sudo to install bundler:

$ sudo gem install bundler

On modern versions of macOS, attempting to use git will prompt its installation, which is a neat feature. Just type git in the terminal and hit enter. You'll get this dialog:

Then you can proceed to do the normal installation steps.

$ git clone https://gist.github.com/61bcc2b821aa5acb24f7fc88921950c7.git drphil
$ cd drphil
$ bundle install

Then run it:

$ ruby drphil.rb

To configure drphil, you will need to modify the drphil.yml. You can edit it by typing open -e drphil.yml in the terminal.


Thanks, will check this out