Spare some upvotes?

A r e
y o u
c h e a p ?

Come on, don't beat about the bush, we haven't got that kinda time. No, I don't mean are you an easy type of person, that's perhaps for another post. What I do mean is - are you a bit stingy?
You can tell me, we all are sometimes. We all have one point in our lives where we figure we need to save some cash.
So, no worries about that. But what about on Steem? Are you being stingy with us?
The other day, I was reading through someone's post and I liked what I was reading, but I hesitated before giving him an upvote.
After Steemfest, I've been interacting a lot more on this platform (an excellent development, no doubt) and with a lot more people, which naturally means that my VP is going down a lot quicker.
And being at quite a low VP already, I thought maybe I shouldn't upvote this person, even if I liked their content. I can't afford it.
And then I realized how ludicrous that sounds. I'm being stingy about 7 fucking cents that aren't even technically mine - seriously?!
What kind of logic is that?
Well, one that a lot of us seem to have, as everyone is very careful with their slider and keeping their VP at a decent level. Which I get, in part, you don't want to end up at 20% VP and have to wait 3 days before you can give a decent upvote, do you?
It makes sense, but at the same time, it's stupid. How is this community supposed to thrive if we skim and bicker for a few cents?
I enjoyed your content. Or maybe I didn't, who knows? Maybe I just like you as a human being. Those few cents are my way of showing that. Little by little, of helping you build. And that's what Steem is supposed to be about - building together.
Maybe I'm wrong. I'm terrible at using the slider, especially in this bad market. Where a 30% upvote would've been acceptable before, now it's pathetic. So I find myself voting a lot of people at 100% or at least at 50%. I can't help it. It seems so shitty to give someone 1 cent (or nothing) when you had the possibility to give them more.
And for what? What am I gaining by giving you a small upvote? A higher voting power?
That's precisely what it's for - voting. It's meant to be used and depleted.
But I suppose it's one of those petty constraints that have carried over from our "real" society. Remember the good ole days when you didn't even have a cent to give (or a slider, for that matter)? You had nothing to worry about.
But come into the tiniest amount of power, watch that value go from 0 to 3 cents and you're already more considerate, always calculating how much you can afford to give without losing....
Losing what? Nothing. That's the point. You lose nothing but imaginary voting power that replenishes. And yet, you're doing it now, considering if you can afford to give that upvote.
Well, if you can't, the community is already fucked.
Thank you for reading,
I think it's cool that everyone has their own voting style. It's good to examine it though, and your article can get readers thinking about how they vote. That's a good thing! 👍
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I agree, I know a lot of people who don't see it the same way and that's great. It would be very dull if we all had the same outlook :)
Thank you, Kenny!
Same same same! I've found myself thinking about the same thing while reading someones post and liking, wondering with what percent I can upvote. But I do think most of us have been upvoting a lot of Steemfest posts with big percents, and found that the VP is draining much faster than usual. I'm sure everything will start to settle soon and then we are once again trying our best to find something good to upvote.
I’m definitely struggling mightily after SF in the VP department. I have my regulars prior to this trip that I dish out to regularly but now there is a whole new slew of folks that are deserving as well.
I honestly don’t envy the bigger accounts at all for this. Yes, while their wallets are bigger...they have more mouths to feed. It’s so difficult to balance and definitely takes some practice and juggling and even sacrifices.
I’m hoping to have an absolutely killer holiday season and to unload a lot of product. If that happens I’m going to be filling my Steem bags with as much as I can to help in several departments including what my upvote is worth. I’m in for the long haul regardless so the low prices currently are a blessing to me. I’ve also found that I take it a bit more seriously if I have some of my own skin in the game.
Exactly, and you have to somehow keep them all going, because that's what SF was all about, growing the community and meeting more people (and obviously, it worked great, since here we are, complaining about it :D).
Just what I was thinking while writing this. I would not want to be in their place right now. I mean, I have trouble dividing my whole 7 cents, I can't imagine doing 7 dollars :))) or 70! Good Lord...
Man, I love how into the community you are, how very invested <3 I mean, I don't think I've ever met someone who was so passionate (and so early on) about this and I just love that!! It's very helpful, particularly in this shitty market!
I try to keep that in mind whenever I check them, which is less and less lately :)))
It’s definitly a juggling act. I’m trying to be active daily with the voting but it’s so hard with so many good people and pieces that I see being put up. It’s going to take me quite some time to adjust to numbers that work. Argh!!!!!
Good point! But still, it seems that we've made a lot of new connections at SF and I think we'll want to keep encouraging those people, in which case we must definitely find a balance. Lately, seeing my VP at 80% makes me feel golden :))
You can have my full upvote...
Oh wait I don't have a slider. Well in that case you can have some of my imaginary money as a bonus.Thank you! :D It's all I ask for ;)
One positive thing about imaginary slider is that you can pick any
sizeamount you want.😝They just aren't worth much right now!
I know, that's the trouble! I like giving upvotes and seeing I can only give out a couple of cents is frustrating! :/
I feel the same way... it doesn't seem right. Maybe things will pick up next month. The end of Q-4 is usually good, there's usually an uptick.
We've got to hope...:)
I feel fortunate just to receive a vote considering I am not of the elite who attended Steemfest and my posts are not about Steemfest...I did mention Steemfest in one of my posts though so Steemfest still got some Steemfest coverage in my post about Steemfest despite me not being at Steemfest...
Come on, don't be like that <3 You know it's not "elite". It's just a happening. The people who attended this year may very well not go next year, depending on where it's held (although I hope that's not the case). And it's not just about SF... It was a great chance to meet people, many whom I look forward to reading even when they stop posting about Steemfest.
I know not going sucks, but I think community-wise, it was a good thing :)
That was just my Aussie sarcasm emerging. I usually rein it in where possible. It was a good post though as I think many people hold their vote back despite really liking what they read.
Someone else commented about your post saying that the vote is simply a show of appreciation. I agree.
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Oh, I know you're a big softie at heart, dude <3
And you probably saw I don't agree :P It is true, I believe, in part. But for a lot of people, these money actually mean something. I know a lot of people who hope to live off steem someday (I know, with these markets, but still...) and I know they care about that vote.
I mean, if you upvote my post at 1% or such a small upvote, well, you appreciated it, but obviously not enough to lower your precious VP. It's like saying you're going to help a friend, but only if it's in your way to do it anyway and doesn't take any effort on your part....Just my opinion :)
I'd never vote with no actual money...I mean I have enough SP to vote with money so I can I guess. Many people don't. But still, I agree with you. I was just pointing out that a vote is a show of appreciation I guess.
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Oh no, I agree, I'm not talking about the new users who don't have the option, naturally. I mean, it only makes sense, then, know, there's a lot of people who could vote with money and don't and I was thinking about them ;)
You're using Partiko, I see. I've heard a lot of good things, what do you think about it?
I use it sometimes, more just to see if there's a comment so don't miss it. It's ok, a few things I don't like but it means I see comments generally. I think they may develop it more and it will improve.
I still use Steemit mainly.
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Omw...I just gave you 12 cents! I liked your content. Please do a post about people not answering comments..ha ha
Mwahahah my evil plan is in motion :P Thank you, I appreciate that! I just might, everyone's upset about it, it seems and it's a very real and upsetting issue, particularly as it's leading a lot of content creators to just drop quality and shitpost (since no one's gonna bother anyway, why bother, you know?)...
You make some very valid points! I usually upvote posts that catch my attention with the full voting weight. I'll sometimes use the slider for post comments though.
Thank you :) And it's always appreciated (at least by me, but I'm sure by others as well!). I'm anxiously waiting for the market to pick up so that lesser votes can still mean something :)
You’re welcome! I’m hearing from those who can read charts that it looks as if we may’ve hit bottom today. I hope it’s true!
Really? God, I hope that is true! I mean, I really don't want to imagine a bottom lower than this (though obviously possible) :/
Today proved that we hadn't seen the bottom yet. : (
I was just thinking about our discussion earlier :( Hope for tomorrow? One day has to be the bottom :/
Haha, I can't even make a prediction at this point. I hesitate to sell during these downturns, no matter what. I actually bought some Steem this morning. Even if this isn't the exact bottom, Steem at $.38 will be a bargain in the long term. We must all support each other and stay strong now. This feels like a total manipulated shakeout to me.
I agree, definitely don't sell. It will go back up again. I love the overall atmosphere on Steem. While most people are pretty down, they're not giving up and I love that - it shows a great faith in what we've got going here and that's inspiring.
It's a good idea to buy, I think, I changed some SBD because yes, it's obviously a good bargain, even if Steem doesn't moon (although I do hope it does! :P)
It does, but we've got to move through it... <3
I hope this is it. It’s really anyone’s call though. 🤞🏻
The cents aren't important. The fact you got an upvote is! Set it to 1% and give a vote to everyone and every post you like! Its about showing appreciation and thought.
Although voted comments under 2c get burned, they can be saved by using @dustsweeper
You take care superstar :-)
I did not know that, thanks!
And while you have a point, I can't see it the same way. I mean, I hate people who upvote at 1%. You're not giving anything at that point and in my opinion, it is being cheap...I mean I can show appreciation, but then I can also show appreciation while also giving someone a few cents. And if I give someone a 5 cent upvote 7 days a week, it's 35 cents and slowly it becomes more and more. People do care about that as well, rightly so :)
Thanks. You too!
I wouldn't beat yourself up too much... just vote what you can.
Once I'm around 80% I tend to get stingy, if I hit low 70s I rest it.
It's voting comments that kills my VP. Esp after SF3!
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I'm the same! 74% right now aargh....The problem with comments is that you just have to stop upvoting at some point and it's like this unwritten thing - when can we stop doing that and just have a proper conversation?
It's sometimes getting in the way because you're stressed out about your VP, when all that should matter is that you're having an intelligent conversation with another human being.
I seem to have hit a nice balance where I comment at length (50 + words) a few times a week with 20 odd people, even daily with some (a lot of them Brits oddly enough) and then drop in with shorter commentz (sometimes longer) less regularly with another... I need to.check... it's somewhere between 50 and 200!\n\nI couldn't do any more! NB as an ex teacher with an average of 80 students a year I'd say it's impossible to maintain meaningful relationships with that number - it's just too many minds for one person! 20 would be much more sustainable.\n\nOn that note I sometimes wonder whether @tarazkp sleeps. He seems a lot more prolific.\n\nPS - feel free to.upvote my comments @1% - I use @dustsweeper. \n\nPosted using Partiko Android
True, you can't get very personal with that many people, it's just...too much. At the same time, even 20 is incredible, don't you think? It's quite a lot of interaction (albeit online), and all found each other through this one platform. Pretty amazing.
I love getting lengthy comments - I mean I appreciate the short, appreciative ones, but I've gotten into some great conversations from lengthy comments (with yourself included) and it seems to that's what this platform should really be about.
How do you use @dustsweeper? Do you just tag them and it works, or...?
I know he claims to, but I don't know what to think. He's, I think, the most active member of Steem. And if it seems exhausting for you and me, I wonder what it's like for him...:O
It's an interesting thing to think about - how many people you can have a meaningful bond with - in terms of local friends - my groups have tended to vary from 4- 10. \n\nIt is nice having longer convos on here now I've got the time for it..\n\n@dustsweeper - you pay an amount of sbds and it upvotes yr below dust comment to payout threshold (0.02 I think). \n\nI imagine itll be working overtime given the price crash!\n\nI'm gonna hold off voting comments for a day or so.\n\nThnks for the conversation compliment and back at ya!
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