Lucky save!

in #gaming6 years ago

If you've never played Pinball FX3, this is gonna seem really strange and foreign to you. But whatever. This week's tables end soon, and I just jumped in on Star Wars: Droids because I actually have that table. Huzzah! So I go into this match, and I'm thinking I can clear his score without too much trouble. It's coming down to the wire, and I'm behind. By a significant margin. I manage to get the escape route mission up and going, and I've literally got one shot at this. There's 10 seconds on the clock, and I have my double points multiplier on. Out of sheer dumb luck, I hit the right ramp. 4 million points, right there, less than 10 seconds to go, and...


I made it! I actually made it! I couldn't believe it either. That was waaaay too close for comfort!