# Dear @TeamHumble // 7th August 2018 // First seven days of AUG COMPLETED!

in #dear-teamhumble6 years ago

@dayleeo Steemit-Covers (2).png

Hello Mouser my old friend, I’ve come to write to you again!..
Because we’re pen-pals on the blockchain…
And I recognize this song is lame…
But it’s been a very long day and I’m sure you can tell…
That it’s gone well….
And now it’s the sound… of typingggggg.

I’m sorry you had to endure that first thing this morning. I can’t explain where it came from, and I’m only partially sorry…. ;)

Good morning Mouse! Hope you got some nice solid hours. I know I’ll probably be waking up a few hours into your hustle or transition into Bella time but I wanted to time-delay greet you into Wednesday. (Damn how is it Wednesday??!).

The 3 Things I’m Grateful for Today are…

  • chilling down nice and early tonight
  • it felt like a super productive day!*
    *outtros for podcast, and foodprep shopping DONE!

Wednesday means its meal prep day and since I don’t have to mess with going to the shops it also means it’s going to be a chill day. With clients going quiet and it being my mod day off, cooking is really the only thing I HAVE to accomplish, but you know me I’ll find a way to keep myself busy all day I’m sure. And if Little Biza wants to put an honest day’s work in at the farm I’m happy to play with her for a little bit as well. <3

Besides that I’ll be working for gigs in Upwork and maybe working in OBS as well. I think the next scene I want to set up is one for water painting. I thought it could be nice to do a daily vlog in that form, where I’m painting and rambling on. Or maybe just with some chill music. Kinda interested in creating meditation spaces for folks to take time out with, maybe 10 minutes. Meant to be in the background kinda thing, like the way we had the fireplace on the TV in winters.

Oh man, cozy van days. Is that living or what! I know all winter we complained about missing the sun and wanting summer all year long. Funny how us humans are that way, but I remember one of the very first conversations we had we bonded over LOVING cozy season. Soups, hoodies, teas and flannel. I MEANNN. Fall is just so bad ass. I hope I can show you some of the pretty stuff near where I grew up in the mountains when you get here, but the way things are going, we may be in for a longer than expected summer.

wanna get BUNDLED AF!

Absolutely insane what’s going on in the world in terms of weather on a wide spread scale but also in concentrated places, volcanos, 27 day burning fires, I mean, how is this not a wakeup call to anyone. We’re some of the most digitally connected people I know and even we see it right outside our doorsteps. I just dont get it my love.

Ok I don’t want to end this on a sad note. Actually as I type about the weather, I’m using my weather senses I think rubbed off on me from you and I can tell you its about to absolutely POUR.

You know when the skies just crack open. Literally any second now… Remember when we were drinking gin&tonics at Steemfest and you called that rain storm on the last night within like 2 minutes. Lol you crazy ground sign you!

I MEANNNNN...... no arguments here ! OH!

I know I haven’t seemed very grounded myself lately, and maybe that’s because I haven’t felt grounded. It’s hard to say what it is, transition, hype, excitement, new energies, more mental space and clarity not having to worry about food. I think I just let it all flow in different directions instead of being present enough to harness it. I’m just off in a direction doing a thing, and as long as I have the energy I just go go go until I’m staring blankly at my screen like a digital working JasonBourne asking what am I doing??

It may be hard to see, but I do feel good. I promise you that. I’m not sure what those pains were yesterday but it seems better today. I’m looking forward to some good sleeps and another solid work day tomorrow. <3

The thunder and first few drops are rumbling in. Time to retreat to my basement dwelling for the evening. I love you to the moon and back hunny. I’ll talk to you tomorrow < 3 GOOD MORNING!

Love, Dayleeo


great post biza! 3/4 written to you but need to nip out. will finish when i get back from the shops :) -- i should be a cool day today! :)