A little more and the picture will be ready.
Hello friends!
How to learn to draw with oil? We still have a strong opinion that painting is the simplest and easiest, that any amendments can be made with impunity.
This opinion is extremely erroneous. The pictures look bad and prematurely die more often from inept work than from bad materials.
On the canvas, the board or the paper prepared for the picture, first set the composition of the drawing and draw out the contours of figures, objects, and so on.
Mixing of paints
Lessons in drawing and oil painting, beginning to paint with oil paints, often have to restrain the desire to draw an object monotonously before finding shadows on it, glare and reflexes. He must say that we must write, not draw.
Most tones are obtained by mixing colors. To learn to find a tone, you need to know what colors are possible in nature and what colors are needed to get a ton of shades visible in nature.
Nature gets its color from the sun. The white sunlight, which has passed through the glass prism, decomposes into a series of colors, forms the so-called solar spectrum. In the spectrum there are seven primary colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet.
If you take the colors corresponding to these seven colors of the spectrum, and start mixing them, it's easy to see that some colors of the spectrum are obtained by mixing colors. Only three colors - red, yellow and blue - can not mix with any mixtures and require independent colors, while other colors of the spectrum are obtained by mixing these three primary colors.
Red and yellow colors in the mixture give orange, red with blue - purple. Mixing the three primary colors in different proportions, you can get all sorts of shades of brown, gray and other soft colors: down to black. Knowing this, the artist will not look for every tone of paint, but will think how much in the right tone will take red, yellow or blue.
But the colors, mixed with each other, often lose their brightness. For example, it is difficult to get a mixture of bright orange, green and purple tones. That's why you need to have bright red-orange, green, blue and purple colors. It may be necessary and black paint, if the black, consisting of red, yellow and blue, will not be dark enough.
Since in oil painting the paints are illuminated with an admixture of whiteness towards them, the artist must accustom his view to the changes taking place in the paints from their bleaching. Thus, ultramarine and kraplak fit on a white surface with a transparent layer, very little like the spots of these inks.
Oy combination of colors you can talk too much.
Application of paints in several layers
It is quite another matter when oil painting is performed for a long time, when new layers are applied to the hardened paint layer, the color, and sometimes the picture does not completely coincide with the two volumes and the structure of the previously applied layer. The implementation of such a picture requires great care, knowledge of the properties of oil paints, the known calculation of changes occurring in paints that do not fall to the ground, but to paint.
Basic rules for working with oil paints
Summarizing the above, we list the rules that should be remembered when working with oil paints and from which he should not retreat if he wants to keep his job long: do not use dried oil; Do not write on an old, long oil canvas or on old paintings, without preparing their surface for taking oil paint.
Do not write on a black, dark red, too bright or excessively dark place; when multilayer coloring does not overload the lower layer of paint and does not introduce too slowly drying paints into it; Do not apply a second coat of paint to the layer that is not dry enough; carefully clean up places that need to be overwritten or destroyed; Do not add excess oil to the paint; Do not abuse thinner and dehydrator; It is by no means necessary to introduce untreated kerosene, stony turpentine and unknown preparations from painting; Write only strong and well-known paints and avoid harmful mixtures.
Observing these rules, the artist will protect his work from destruction and ensure its safety for hundreds of years, of course, if the image is stored under normal conditions.
Thanks to Steemit for this wonderful platform. I like that a lot of people gathered here, also from different countries. It is very interesting to see how others live, and share their lives, their paintings.
I'm glad Steemit is thriving!
I'm glad to see you on my blog!
Nice artwork!