My life as a videogame (status update)
Hey everyone! it's been a while. I wat to use this post to explain a little how things are going in my life. So yes this one is more like a blog more than a comic.
For the past couple of months my job has required to change my work schedule. I've been working 7 days straight for 12 hours, followed by 7 days of no work. It does have it's pro and cons. On the pro side of things I get to have some "vacations" every to weeks, where I can just be lazy at home and recover energy, I might even go do errands I haven't had time to do. On the con side, I end up exhausted after a day of work and I just want to come home, take a showear, eat and go to bed. Because of this reason I can't handle my steemit life, and I can't make comics when I'm working 12 hours a day.
I know, I could make more comics on the days I don't have to work. But I also like to rest and try to do more stuff, like riding a bicyle, going out for a walk with my wife or the dogs, cook, etc. I do try to make a few comics in these days, but I can't do too much.
My first day of the 7 days shift is always ok, with some coffee in my system I feel like I can do anything!! But by the the day ends, I feel tired.
If I were to put that in videogame stats I would say that my HP just represents general health.... I might loose a heart or two depending how busy the day is, and the only way to replenish it is by eating something or realxing in bed for a while. My MP represents my mental power, which is for sure drained everyday and can only be restored by having a good ammount of sleep. I try to sleep 8 hours a day, but sometimes I can't and end up sleeping 7 or so. Lastly my CP is my Coffee Power!! very important to get started and continue through out the day haha. I usually have 2 cups a day, one in the morning and one after lunch so I don't fall asleep.
It'd be fun to get more ideas to keep drawing some other examples where I feel like my life is a videogame. If something pops into mind I'll try to note it down so I can draw it later :).

On a side note, there's this project called @dcomix which is a startup that will be a hub for webcomics (creators and viewers). It really sounds promising and I would like to support this movement. You can learn more here and be backer/supporter. You can also check @dcomix account for more updates.

Anyway that's it for now, I don't like making loooong posts because then people might not actually read everything haha.
Remember, I'm running a Discord server and also a Facebook group with @jonathan-greer, in case you want to join and we can talk about webcomics and even collaborate to make ones.
If you also like to make webcomics or comic strips, you can use the tag #steemit-webcomics and help support the community by upvoting and resteeming.
Until next time!

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I remember when I was working it was an 8 hour work and I come home really tired while your's a 12 hour work that's really hard I know that when you go home all you can think of is going back to sleep. You're the real MVP @cobmaximus kudos tonyou and your hardwork 😊
yes, working in general is a very tired activity, but 12 hours is a lot and yes the only thing I can think of is eating and sleeping :P. I can see how my account has lost some value due to me being away for that long, but I hope eventually I can get back to normal pace
I want you to be back to your old pace too 😀