Meet Rat Boy, Armenta, and more - #GottaLove @adncabrera! - @Freewritehouse
source--@adncabrera's illustration for "Father and son. A Terror Story"
is a member of @Freewritehouse but somehow I have overlooked this fantastic artist and writer in our midst.
Maybe, in part, it's because she doesn't always post in English. (I can't read Spanish at all.)
But I make no excuses for myself. I bring you @adncabrera and insist that you must read her and love her too.
I love "Rat Boy talks to Star. Illustrated poem"
and I'm sorry Steemit's 7-day window doesn't allow me to resteem and upvote it, but I'm calling attention to it here and now..
source-#original art by @adncabrera
This was hashtagged #freewritehouse,
and still I somehow overlooked it. Shame on me! I would have nominated this for Friday Freewrite Favorites!
But that's not all I missed. Sad to say, 24 days ago, I missed
Armenta. SCI-FI "RPG-Writing Contest" #1
Dear friends, as you know, I love Science Fiction. And a couple of days ago I discovered a most interesting call: SCI-FI "RPG-Writing Contest" #1. Unfortunately, I discovered it late and I couldn't reestimate it or vote for it (I'll make a post with the references of the project later on?).
I love this woman!!!
And I'm totally going to steal her source for this image
I love her fiction; I love "Armenta"
Hidden in the cargo compartment, Armenta consumed her last supply of water. Anyone who looked at her would have seen a small girl, a crushed face and thin lips. Eyes like burning coals ...
.... Hanging from her small muscular back, she had her fighting stick, dark and hard wood, with three red notches: one for each death in combat.... She wore bare feet, marked with training scars, calloused heels and dirty nails, even with dust from the Earth she had left behind. If anyone saw her at that moment, they would have seen a girl with teeth clenched by the cold, hungry, with eyes lit; but they would also have seen a warrior with a purpose. Armenta had not boarded the Sipu-I to colonize, nor as one more of the slave herd that led to death from toxic syndrome in the sulfur mines of Delta. She came to kill.
There's more, of course! I'm only posting teasers. Snippets.

You can read more at her SteemPress blog:
Did she win the contest?
See @art-universe NextColony SCI-FI Story Contest #1 - WINNERS to find out!
And don't miss out on Rat Boy!
Dear friends, some time ago I wrote a series of poems starring the character Rat Boy or other characters from the universe of Rat Boy. I don't know if these are totally adult poems, or if these are for particular (existing) children. I don't know if I speak in any way there to the girl I was and who hides until today in a vegetable cave in my grandmother's garden and pretends, among plant roots, that she is in a time machine. It is possible that they are all those things at the same time. I guess I'll know when I finish the book. I usually illustrate them. Today I leave the English version of "Rat Boy Talks to Star. I am grateful.
Rat Boy talks to Star
What are dreams made of, Rat Boy?
They are made of down,
Of the summer fire,
Of the ...
What's the afternoon made of, Rat Boy?
Of ...
What are the mountains made of, Rat Boy?
Of very old bells
That they were deaf.
If you hear them resound
It's because a cold
It makes them sneeze.
What's the wind made of, Rat Boy?
Of the soul of little birds.
Of the solitude of the leaves.
Of molasses.
Of a flea that ....
What's the night made of, Rat Boy?
Of ....
YOU HAVE TO READ THE REST at "Rat Boy talks to Star. Illustrated poem"
It's not too late to read Abduction on demand. A Science Fiction Tale
Adios, Amigos!
I am off now to read more of this amazing Freewritehouse writer. Be sure to upvote Freewrite Literary Talent posts and to nominate your favorite Freewrites each week.

Dear @carolkean, you're adorable. I'm really touched by your enthusiasm for my work and I'm proud that a good writer like you has taken so much work with my blog.
I especially appreciate your recommendation to publish Chico Rata. It is a stimulus that adds to a desire that I have a time caressing with my daughter, who is a very young girl designer and a very talented illustrator.
I would also like to write about you, because I like your writing very much. You have that gift of being authentic and linking your stories and reflections as you elevate them to the territory where fictions are made and where our lives border on it. I know it sounds like gibberish, but it's as close as I can get to the feeling your writings give me. In addition, there is that spark of humour, of a smile in the background, a wink...
This is Steemit's magic, finding talented and warm people like you.
We will continue reading our texts and speaking, for sure.
In my country these days are extremely tense and dangerous, but I will find the time to keep in touch.
Thank you again. A big hug!
Chico Rata, illustrated by your daughter - I hope to see it!!! So many Steemians now have connections and experience as Indie Authors. (Wouldn't it be cool if Freewritehouse became one of those Steemit publishers?)
----Ohhh man, if I could Resteem your comment, I would. I need to print it out, frame it, post it where I can see it and REMEMBER that there really are people who "get" me. Ok, you're thousands of miles away, across an ocean, and English is a second language, so of course you'll not notice how awful I really am.... LOL.... some people give names to their inner critic, the whiner, the naysayer, the voice of negativity. Thank the Universe for people like you, @adncabrera, and all the Steemit readers who've encouraged me. @fitinfun I have not forgotten your incredible offer to help me get my stories published at Amazon. It so happened that Amazon flushed all my reviews so I keep wishing kobo or some other site would do what Amazon is doing with romance stories. Why do I keep giving up on myself and selling myself short? THANK YOU all for the encouraging words -- I must commit them to memory, internalize them, and block out the negative feedback (or lack of ANY feedback, which may actually be worse).