China news roundup / Nachrichten 2018-08-20

in #china7 years ago

English news:

Xi Jinping calls for 'absolute loyalty' from Chinese army

"“The fact that he has to keep having these campaigns means he is encountering certain resistance within the military, that he’s feeling insecure, that he’s paranoid about his position … so he has to keep super-vigilant.”"

--- Problem is, this resistance is perhaps largely from ultra-nationalist factions in the military. So, not really positive news.

The Guardian view on China: unease at home and abroad

"The claim that the world, or at least the west, “got China wrong” is not quite right; more accurately, governments and businesses were often too hungry to do their due diligence, or to act upon the warnings they did receive."

--- Money talks...

China Uncensored on sudden humbleness by the PRC regime:

Deutsche Nachrichten:

Nach Kritik chinesischer Staatsmedien: Apple wirft Zehntausende Apps raus

"Apple hat Anfang des Monats auch international eine groß angelegte Anti-Glücksspiel-Kampagne gestartet"

--- Apple & das VRC-Regime, das passt. Beide sind Kontrollfreaks & beide habe neopuritanische Moralvorstellungen.

China sperrt Rating-Agentur

Die Behörden hatten bislang wiederholt Rügen wegen fehlender Sorgfalt und falscher Rating-Berichte erteilt, von harten Strafen aber bislang abgesehen.

--- Fehlende Sorgfalt? Also bitte! Die haben sehr sorgfältig abgewogen, wieviel Geld sie sich für welche Bewertung zustecken lassen.